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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Roz, Don't you know that I know everything. ;) I actually read a post on another site a long long time ago that you had written. I know CA is the only place that trains hearing dogs, but they did mention that the NE region might train them sometime soon.



Now its raining :mad: Like they say in New England "wait a minute and the weather will be different". I bet the sun comes out before the day is over.


I have no doubt in my mind that you are a very wise woman. Yes, the Hearing Dogs are trained in Santa Rosa, Ca. If you ever want to treat yourself to the very best that CCI has to offer take a trip to the Santa Rosa campus. Unbelieveably beautiful. I wouldn't mind spending my days there, everyday!!!!!

There's a huge statue of Snoopy as you enter the campus. Thank Dog for Charles Shultz and all that he and his wife Jean did for CCI way back in the 70's and even to this day. :)

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My Brenda started her career in Oceanside, Ca. as an Assistant Dog to a woman in a wheel chair. Only to be returned, after several months because she said she couldn't handle Brenny's personality.

CCI decided that Brenda was way to smart to pull from the program and she was becoming depressed [afterall she had bonded with this woman.] Thank goodness for their good insights. She was flown to Santa Rosa to be observed and retrained. This would give Brenda a chance to start over, in a positive setting, hopefully to forget the bad experience. She was 6 months older than her classmates and so wise to the world.

She was the only Hearing Dog that could open doors, drawers, push the elevator button, pick things off the floor and on and on. And, I was the lucky recipient. She can put on quite a show of her talents.

I'm sorry for that woman [she missed out on the most amazing dog] but I'm so glad for me!!!!!

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My Brenda started her career in Oceanside, Ca. as an Assistant Dog to a woman in a wheel chair. Only to be returned, after several months because she said she couldn't handle Brenny's personality.


CCI decided that Brenda was way to smart to pull from the program and she was becoming depressed [afterall she had bonded with this woman.] Thank goodness for their good insights. She was flown to Santa Rosa to be observed and retrained. This would give Brenda a chance to start over, in a positive setting, hopefully to forget the bad experience. She was 6 months older than her classmates and so wise to the world.


She was the only Hearing Dog that could open doors, drawers, push the elevator button, pick things off the floor and on and on. And, I was the lucky recipient. She can put on quite a show of her talents.


I'm sorry for that woman [she missed out on the most amazing dog] but I'm so glad for me!!!!!




Thats funny Roz, cuz someone else was suppose to get Wex, but the guy broke his leg a week before training. Funny how things work out. Unfortunately that guy missed out on the greatest dog. Sorry for him, but so happy for us!!!! :D I hear he finally got his dog, but not the best one!!!;)

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I have no doubt in my mind that you are a very wise woman. Yes, the Hearing Dogs are trained in Santa Rosa, Ca. If you ever want to treat yourself to the very best that CCI has to offer take a trip to the Santa Rosa campus. Unbelieveably beautiful. I wouldn't mind spending my days there, everyday!!!!!


There's a huge statue of Snoopy as you enter the campus. Thank Dog for Charles Shultz and all that he and his wife Jean did for CCI way back in the 70's and even to this day. :)



I'm not sure how wise I am. High school education, but alot of life experience. I think being divorced and being a single parent makes one very wise,tough and guarded. You certainly learn alot about life. I am much more assertive than I used to be, I've learned to take care of myself and of course my son. And I'm very handy and an expert in fixing wheelchairs! :D;)


At the NE campus, I think the driveway is Shultz Drive. I'm sure Den can comfirm that.

Edited by rangeley
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I'm not sure how wise I am. High school education, but alot of life experience. I think being divorced and being a single parent makes one very wise,tough and guarded. You certainly learn alot about life. I am much more assertive than I used to be, I've learned to take care of myself and of course my son. And I'm very handy and an expert in fixing wheelchairs! :D;)


At the NE campus, I think the driveway is Shultz Drive. I'm sure Den can comfirm that.


Geezzz Cindy...talk about putting me on the spot. :eek: But yes, I think you are right.

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Thats funny Roz, cuz someone else was suppose to get Wex, but the guy broke his leg a week before training. Funny how things work out. Unfortunately that guy missed out on the greatest dog. Sorry for him, but so happy for us!!!! :D I hear he finally got his dog, but not the best one!!!;)



You see, this is what I'm talking about......It's the "fate" thing. Wexy was "meant" to be yours!!!


Oh! No! This is what's also scaring me about Team Training and "fate!" The next Team Training is during the week that we'll be on our cruise. What if that's the class that they have a dog for me? And, I'll be missing my dog, meant just for me....... I don't dare cancel the cruise.....actually, I can't, there are other friends and family who have planned to be on it and it would definitely be wrong of me to cancel.

Cindy, you know everything. When's the next Hearing Team Training after September? I may have to wait until next year. Will I be missing the very dog that was meant just for me and who will love Brenny too?????? Stop!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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OK, on a doggy note. I am so pleased with Cooler. Last week she went to work with me, and for along time no one even knew she was there as she was so quiet under the desk...then I have joined several different groups for lunch. OK, imagine meeting a dog or two you don't know, and then they ASK you to ignore all those wonderful smells, but to lie quietly under the table, and they bring you a PIZZA~ Seriously, these dogs are wonderful......

When you guys talk about the special place the dogs make and the variables that were in place before you received these dogs....magic... I know Wex was meant for John and that Brenda was Roz's dog long before she met here. Of course I hope the same is in place for my "Crackers' who I have not seen or heard from for 9 months...., but cooler makes up for it.

Thank goodness we have these fabulous furry friends.

Edited by sunshine426
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OK, on a doggy note. I am so pleased with Cooler. Last week she went to work with me, and for along time no one even knew she was there as she was so quiet under the desk...then I have joined several different groups for lunch. OK, imagine meeting a dog or two you don't know, and then they ASK you to ignore all those wonderful smells, but to lie quietly under the table, and they bring you a PIZZA~ Seriously, these dogs are wonderful......


When you guys talk about the special place the dogs make and the variables that were in place before you received these dogs....magic... I know Wex was meant for John and that Brenda was Roz's dog long before she met here. Of course I hope the same is in place for my "Crackers' who I have not seen or heard from for 9 months...., but cooler makes up for it.


Thank goodness we have these fabulous furry friends.


Awwww! Nine months is a long time. That's got to be the hardest part of what you do. You put all your efforts and love into these amazing dogs only to posssibly never hear or see of them again. And, you continue to do it over and over again. You are such a miracle to me. Your efforts on behalf of strangers is beyond imagination. In the story of the Working/Service Dog YOU folks, the Puppyraisers and trainers are the true hero's behind the hero's.


Now, back to the dogs......the fact that the pups can sit under a table where the smell of pizza is wafting in the air and not spin in circles in the effort to get to it is a show of remarkable control and respect for their handler.

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You see, this is what I'm talking about......It's the "fate" thing. Wexy was "meant" to be yours!!!


Oh! No! This is what's also scaring me about Team Training and "fate!" The next Team Training is during the week that we'll be on our cruise. What if that's the class that they have a dog for me? And, I'll be missing my dog, meant just for me....... I don't dare cancel the cruise.....actually, I can't, there are other friends and family who have planned to be on it and it would definitely be wrong of me to cancel.


Cindy, you know everything. When's the next Hearing Team Training after September? I may have to wait until next year. Will I be missing the very dog that was meant just for me and who will love Brenny too?????? Stop!!!!



I would say the next hearing dog grad after Sept is going to be January 2012. If they have a dog and you can't make it, that just means someone else was meant for that dog and you are waiting for your special baby next time around. Did you tell them you cannot make it in Sept??

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OK, on a doggy note. I am so pleased with Cooler. Last week she went to work with me, and for along time no one even knew she was there as she was so quiet under the desk...then I have joined several different groups for lunch. OK, imagine meeting a dog or two you don't know, and then they ASK you to ignore all those wonderful smells, but to lie quietly under the table, and they bring you a PIZZA~ Seriously, these dogs are wonderful......


When you guys talk about the special place the dogs make and the variables that were in place before you received these dogs....magic... I know Wex was meant for John and that Brenda was Roz's dog long before she met here. Of course I hope the same is in place for my "Crackers' who I have not seen or heard from for 9 months...., but cooler makes up for it.


Thank goodness we have these fabulous furry friends.


I don't know how these dogs can smell food and not react at all. One thing I have noticed with Wex and Rangeley, if there is a piece of food under the table where they are laying, they eat it!! How can they not? We know they aren't suppose to touch it, but could you lay there for an hour or two with a fry next to your nose and not eat it? I think that is alot to ask from a dog. There whole life is food. We don't yell if Wex does that, he can't help it. But we don't like it either.


I can't even imagine being a puppy raiser or a volunteer, and having to let one of these dogs go out of my life forever. I know Crackers was special to you and how hard it must be not to have him there anymore. All of our puppy raisers put on a good front, but I'm sure inside they are so sad. I think they invited us to their class because they want to see the outcome and how happy their dogs are making someone. It must make them feel good inside to see their hard work in action. And maybe it eases their pain. You know we have one girl that has raised 17 puppies? 17, can you believe it? She's incredible!! Ok made myself cry, thats enough.

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Mornin' all:


Okay, first of all Ms. Roz, if it was meant to be then you would be at that September class and get "a dog". Since it is not meant to be for you to be there, then the next class is going to have an even better suited dog for you! And, you will never know the difference of the "other" dog! My personal feeling, their are not any graduating Labrodoodles in the September class, but alas, there will be one in the next class with Roz, Maury and Ms. Brenny's name all over it! :D

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I would say the next hearing dog grad after Sept is going to be January 2012. If they have a dog and you can't make it, that just means someone else was meant for that dog and you are waiting for your special baby next time around. Did you tell them you cannot make it in Sept??


You have such a wonderful way of putting it and, here comes a tear.......I didn't tell CCI about my upcoming plans [which have been in the works for over a year] when I had my phone interview [that would have been the perfect time to let them know], I wasn't thinking about Team Training dates then.


My "in person" interview is on June 24th, I'll tell them that I can't do the September training [i suppose this is where the "fate" thing steps in], and, I'll have to wait until the next one. It gives me more time with Brenny.

I have a dilemma [a good on, I must say] which will delay my bringing a new dog into my life as soon as I'd like - that said, my family & friends are also a very important part of who I am and this scheduled time with them is a must for me.

We who have a Working/Service Dog know how important our dogs are to us and we're used to challenges.......for me, this is a challenge I'm up to.

And, this will give me extra months to spend with Brenny, alone.

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Quam: Now the dogs following the stick figure commands gave me the chills! I know growing up we had to spell certain words, when we were riding in the car with our dog, cause he would go ballistic. Two I remember were squirrel and cow! I just thought about that. I just see Jezzy Lou reading a book, along with me! LOL. They are amazing furbabies and I really think their learning ability is beyond what I know I thought possible.


I know what you mean! I have to spell words sometimes, too. Usually food-related words. ;) And I call fireworks "FWs" 'cause my dog hates fireworks but knows the name of them. A friend of mine can't say "squirrel" around her (pet) dogs 'cause they know what that means, so she calls them "SQs".


That's a funny image - a dog reading a book along with you! :)

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Oh and Quam, I have missed you! I kept checking this thread yesterday, and nothing. No one else around. Then bam, Quam showed up! I love reading your knowledgeable posts, even though I don't have a service dog, I am an advocate for you guys. It gives me lots of information and if I were to ever see an incident like Roz was involved in, I would definitely stand up and give them a piece of my mind. Ignorance is no excuse and rudeness is definitely not going to get anyone anywhere with me. People should really memorize and follow, "Treat people the way you want to be treated!" Period.


I know I can speak for the others here when I say it is great what you do and how you continue to learn about service dogs! :cool: Thanks for saying you'd stand up for somebody in an access crisis, too! That would definitely be helpful. I hope the "What Would You Do?" TV show has opened others' eyes to service dog access and hopefully they, too, would stand up for others in such a situation.

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I just returned from a cruise to the Mexican Riviera on Holland America. We were able to go ashore with my dog using a letter from my vet documenting all of the information noted above. There was no request for an international health certificate (one issued by the US Government through the USAD APHIS office that requires presenting in person or sending off information to them.). I did take a health certificate issued by my local, licensed vet with the letter. I was praised for the efficiency of my paperwork and my dog was cleared with the entire passenger load. I had expected to have her individually inspected but she was not. When I requested additional information since I did not want to get off if there were problems, I was told that she cleared with flying colors but that the week before they had an SD that did not clear due to lack of detail regarding worming and probably lack of clarity of the info on the rabies vaccinations. While I was sorry to hear about the other SD not being allowed off the ship, I was reassured that someone actually did review the information. On shore we had no difficulties but I did stay on an excursion and did not go out on my own.


But did you have fun?! ;)


Just to clarify what you said, an int'l health certificate does NOT always require the USDA endorsement nor is it issued by the gov't. Your vet fills it out just like he did for your Mexico trip. The endorsement is only required if the certain country it is for requires such a thing. Mexico is not one such country, but some Caribbean countries like Turks & Caicos and either or both St. Lucia and St. Kitts (I went to both those on the same cruise and can't recall which required it or if they both did) do require the endorsement. All an endorsement is is a USDA employee (who is a vet) checks to make sure the paperwork is done completely and correctly. They do not see the dog at all. It just takes them a few minutes to look over the paperwork and endorse the health certificate if it is all in order. I guess the purpose must be so countries don't have to send back, quarantine, or kill ppl's animals when they don't comply with the requirements. (The endorsement is free for service dogs if you bring proof of your dog being a service dog/of the dog's training.)


As you said, you did have the health certificate. This is the same as the one the USDA endorses, it just is that you didn't need it endorsed for Mexico.


I hope the person who couldn't get off in Mexico didn't have a problem getting back into the States!

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Welcome back, Quam,


Retiring our dogs takes a lot of thinking about. Brenda will be 11 in a few months and it's time, it's just not as easy to do as some would think.


Your trainers will certainly give you all the good advice when you go for re-certification.


We're all here to support you.


I was thinking the other day, be sure to tell CCI that your dog will need to know how to potty in a small box filled with a variety of substrates and also should know how to potty on a potty pad (i.e. for airport bathrooms if you decide to attempt flying with or without that husband of yours). :)


Your dog also needs to know how to battle the chair hogs!!! :p

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In the office Brenda used to "alert" me when someone called my name, which was very often and poor thing, I didn't realize how many times folks were calling me. After the first couple of weeks I realized that this was grossly unfair.

[snipped for brevity...]



That is really cool, especially how she learned to adapt at the office and all! :D I love how you communicate in ASL with her, too.

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The people who's offices face this area are always in awe of what Brenda can do and how responsive she is to me. They, sometimes, will give me"requests" of what they want Brenda to do. It's fun and it keeps her "sharp!"

Haha, that sounds like my brother for the first year or so I had my dog. Whenever I'd see him, he'd always ask me to have her do something. :p And one time we had a birthday party for him and I had my dog deliver a card from me (or was it one "from" her? I can't remember) to him via her take it/give it commands (part of retrieval work) - one of his friends was floored and made me have her do it again, LOL! Some ppl are amused by the simplest of things!


Dogs love having a job to do and Brenda has a very strong work ethic. She will go out on the grass, preparing for play and sniffing but will first look at me to see if there are any directions or work for her to do......I say "release" and she becomes the most playful, romping, fun-loving and spirited Labrador in the world! :D


Yup, they do, which is why it saddens me when ppl feel sorry for our dogs for working. Our dogs LOVE to work! Just look at their happy tails!

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I just wanted to pop on for a minute to thank everyone who provided me with information for my service dog presentation. It was yesterday and went very well but I'm also dealing with a seriously ill parent right now so I've not been able to respond and thank everyone properly for their help. Believe me, I appreciate all your posts and information.




I hope your parent will be okay!! That definitely comes first!


(Glad your presentation went well, too.)

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Thank you for posting these links. I feel like I'm getting the run around and no one knows EXACTLY what I need. We are traveling to Mexico via air for a wedding on the 8th and returning on the 10th. I've been told so many different things from different people (Call the USDA, USDA tells me to call the state vet, they told me to call my local vet, vet tells me to pull papers from the embassy). According to the Mexican Embassy, I need a rabies and distemper certificate and not an international one. We are getting the international one from the vet anyway. I don't need problems, especially since I've been told I do need one from other sources.


From what I've been told I need the health cert within 10 days of travel. The embassy said 5. I rescheduled the appt for within 2 days of travel. I'm so stressed out by this upcoming trip that I don't even feel like I want to go.


When I went to Mexico, it was in '08 (so things may have changed since then) and on a cruise (so things may have been more lenient), but all that was needed was the health certificate (also bring the rabies certificate just in case the health certificate isn't filled out completely by accident) and it needed to be done within 48 hours of travel. (Since I was on a cruise, I did it 48 hours before I left for my one-day pre-cruise hotel stay.)


IMO, I don't think Mexico is too picky....

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I'm definately getting the international permit despite the embassy employee telling me I don't need it and will make sure the distemper and rabies is up to date. Unfortunately he has an 3 year rabies shot now so I think he'll need a booster. I plan on carrying all the paper work with us on all his vaccines and will bring extra copies as someone else suggested.


I'm feeling better about the dog and the travel. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to wear and dig my summer clothes out of the attic :)

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Mornin' all:


CJ: Sounds like you are on a roll! It still alittle chilly here to think about summer clothes! But the warm weather sounds great!


I have a middle ear infection that is seriously hurting. I try not to be a baby, but in the middle of night it hurt so bad it almost made me cry. I have a rice pack, (Rice sewed up in cloth and then put in a sock) that you heat in the microwave. I have to say the weight and warmth felt really good. I also have a sinus infection but the antibotics are taking care of that quickly, ear not so much.


Hope everyone has a nice week.



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I'm definately getting the international permit despite the embassy employee telling me I don't need it and will make sure the distemper and rabies is up to date. Unfortunately he has an 3 year rabies shot now so I think he'll need a booster. I plan on carrying all the paper work with us on all his vaccines and will bring extra copies as someone else suggested.


I'm feeling better about the dog and the travel. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to wear and dig my summer clothes out of the attic :)



You have a wonderful time! I'm glad you're feeling better about traveling with your dog.

I used to "stress" the travel with Brenda, I no longer do.

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Mornin' all:


CJ: Sounds like you are on a roll! It still alittle chilly here to think about summer clothes! But the warm weather sounds great!


I have a middle ear infection that is seriously hurting. I try not to be a baby, but in the middle of night it hurt so bad it almost made me cry. I have a rice pack, (Rice sewed up in cloth and then put in a sock) that you heat in the microwave. I have to say the weight and warmth felt really good. I also have a sinus infection but the antibotics are taking care of that quickly, ear not so much.


Hope everyone has a nice week.





Nancy, that's awful for you. :( I hope you're on the mend and not having as much pain as you were. Take care of you.

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