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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Because a lot of what I do, on my job, requires that I be out and about in the evening; going in and out of my car in parking garages, hotels, unfamiliar environments, etc., etc. I like asking Brenny to bark when I see someone approaching and I want them to know that I have a "big dog" with me. I really don't know what she'd do if I was attacked [she wasn't trained to be an attack dog] but, as CCI says; you never know what these dogs would do if they or their handlers were in a bad situation.


Forgive me for butting in here. I'm a long-time lurker on this thread. I love to read about all of you and how your dogs are helping. My brother used to live just down the road from Homai College for the Blind, in Auckland (NZ), and we would watch the dogs and their new owners as they navigated the streets.


Jess, my golden retriever, would kill anyone with affection during the day time. She loved everyone ;). But let someone she didn't know approach me when I was walking her at night and she would turn into a full-on protective dog. She would stand between me and the stranger and her stance gave an unmistakeable message - "You have to get through me to get to my human!" I always felt completely safe with her. I understand how you feel about Brenny being visible andaudible at night.


Jess is gone now, and she left a big hole in our lives!

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Forgive me for butting in here. I'm a long-time lurker on this thread. I love to read about all of you and how your dogs are helping. My brother used to live just down the road from Homai College for the Blind, in Auckland (NZ), and we would watch the dogs and their new owners as they navigated the streets.


Jess, my golden retriever, would kill anyone with affection during the day time. She loved everyone ;). But let someone she didn't know approach me when I was walking her at night and she would turn into a full-on protective dog. She would stand between me and the stranger and her stance gave an unmistakeable message - "You have to get through me to get to my human!" I always felt completely safe with her. I understand how you feel about Brenny being visible andaudible at night.


Jess is gone now, and she left a big hole in our lives!


celle: Thank you for your lovely words......WE who walk with a Service Dog are a unique breed of human. And, the amazing "Miracle Workers" who stand and work by our sides are the true heros in any of our tales.

Jess must have been a great comfort to you. She's your guardian angel now!

I don't want to test Brenny's skills as a protector but who know's what she'd do, if pushed!

She was such an "Alpha" dog during training and I did get to see her fight with another dog......very scary!!!!!

I've had her for over 7 years and our lives together have been filled with nothing but joy and happiness. I will take as many years filled with the same that I can get! ;)

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celle: Thank you for your lovely words......WE who walk with a Service Dog are a unique breed of human. And, the amazing "Miracle Workers" who stand and work by our sides are the true heros in any of our tales.


Jess must have been a great comfort to you. She's your guardian angel now!


I don't want to test Brenny's skills as a protector but who know's what she'd do, if pushed!


She was such an "Alpha" dog during training and I did get to see her fight with another dog......very scary!!!!!


I've had her for over 7 years and our lives together have been filled with nothing but joy and happiness. I will take as many years filled with the same that I can get! ;)


Thank you Roz, for your kind words.


We had Jess for 13 wonderful years. I hope you have Brenny for as long.

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WoooooooooHooooooooooo got our Turk permit today!!!!!!! Just to let anyone going there know (quam) we did not have the USDA stamp. No one even mentioned it. And the 50.00 fee is NOT waived for service dogs, we will have to pay it to the customs guy at the dock. Otherwise things are coming together. Tomorrow I am going home to CT to bring Bailee home :( I will be back on Thursday. Leaving her just kills me. Of course Friday we are expecting a storm :mad: I am not happy about that. I just hope that it ends up being all rain and no snow. I'll talk to you all when I get back.


Thanks for all your well wishes!!


The Turk guy told me the fee would be waived, I guess I will have to bring print-outs of his e-mails with me on the cruise just in case. He did say I needed to get the USDA endorsement, so I will (since that's in those e-mails), but I'm glad they gave you the permit without it. Have a blast on your cruise! I'm looking forward to mine, although I think one of the excursions I want to do will be cancelled (for my group) due to not enough ppl signing up for it, which stinks. :(


I hope the storm doesn't keep you from your cruise! I don't know what day you're leaving for it.

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When you get back tell us all about it! And, yes we leave on January 10th to the Mexican Riviera onboard the Carnival Splendor for a week. It's going to be fun, Carnival knows how to kick-it-up a notch. We're more used to Princess and it's suptle hues and low-key fun! I'm looking forward to a change of pace!


Did you know there is a Paws With a Cause service dog cruise to the Mexican Riviera on the 17th? It is on Royal Caribbean. About fifteen service dogs onboard. I know someone who is going on it.

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I enjoy dog behavior and training, it's so interesting and so rewarding although it can be very frustrating, at times! Although, no more so than training kids! And, dogs don't give "dirty looks!" :rolleyes:


I think dogs do give "dirty looks" and "throw tantrums" and such in their own ways. It just is nicer than when kids do it, especially the kids who tend to "use their outdoor voices" indoors! ;) And, of course, our pups definitely can be funny at times! :D

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Cindy: Bon Voyage! Please come back and tell us all about it. We leave on January 10th.


Yes, the terriorsts have made our lives so much more complicated, when it comes to flying. Being at the airport 4 hours earlier is ridiculous. Especially when having to locate a potty area. Make sure to scope that out before you enter. And, then you will have to get special permission to leave and re-enter!


Don't forget to pack some extra tennis balls. We always lose at least 2 on each cruise. Once, Brenny had a ball in her mouth as we were walking on deck, she walked over to the side, put her face through the rail and dropped the ball right into the water. I have learned not to scream when she does this.....draws much less attention, that way!


I pack Brenny's kibble in individual baggies, for each meal. I put her Glucosamine and Benadryl inside each kibble serving. It just makes it so much easier. I bring lots of CET Chews; her favorite squeaky toy; bandanas and neckware!


I can never believe people who can raise a dog in their home and then lose interest in it because it becomes too big or they're tired of it. Hopefully, Nancy will take the Lab and give it a lovely home, like he deserves.


Puppyraisers are my most favorite people in the whole world. We didn't get too lucky with ours [although, they did give us Brenny], they didn't take many pictures of her, as she was growing-up and they're not very friendly [CCI had to write to them asking them to find any pictures they could of Brenny, as a puppy and while she was living with them]. I don't have many but I cherish the one's I have. We write to them and send them pictures of her and let them know that she's doing well and is very loved. She's the only dog they had any success with and are no longer in the program.


You got very, very lucky with your Puppyraiser's and the fact that they documented so much of Wexy's life. I love that!!!!!


Please come back and tell us all about your cruise!


Hi Roz,


We have missed you on the roll call, please come and visit with us.



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Well Wex is packed! We needed an extra carryon for all his stuff. I felt so bad leaving Bailee this morning. She wouldn't even give me a kiss. :( The weather doesn't seem to be a concern. It is snowing now, we are suppose to get a few inches. Our flight tomorrow is around 5:00 and the forcast is for flurries or a rain shower. So we should make it out of here. Wex watched as I bagged his food and put it in the suitcase. He was just looking like "Why are you doing that?" So I gave him a few kibble when I was done. He's so funny. I'll be back later or tomorrow to say goodbye!



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The flu strikes my house, or actually me. I keep hoping it is going to be some 24 hour bug, but that doesn't seem to be the case. My Sandy is glued to my side, which when I have the chills is nice, but when I get hot, not so much. Poor Crackers has to stay up at the farm. I'm sure he would have been happy to lie by my other side.

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Did you know there is a Paws With a Cause service dog cruise to the Mexican Riviera on the 17th? It is on Royal Caribbean. About fifteen service dogs onboard. I know someone who is going on it.


Wow! On all of Brenda's cruising we've only had one time when there were two seeing eye dogs onboard with us. And, she was so excited.......her tail was going a mile-a-minute!!!!!

Unfortunately, they stayed close to their cabin and only once ventured out to the theatre and layed around a pool on the very top deck, away from the public mostly!

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Well Wex is packed! We needed an extra carryon for all his stuff. I felt so bad leaving Bailee this morning. She wouldn't even give me a kiss. :( The weather doesn't seem to be a concern. It is snowing now, we are suppose to get a few inches. Our flight tomorrow is around 5:00 and the forcast is for flurries or a rain shower. So we should make it out of here. Wex watched as I bagged his food and put it in the suitcase. He was just looking like "Why are you doing that?" So I gave him a few kibble when I was done. He's so funny. I'll be back later or tomorrow to say goodbye!




I love Bailee......I hope you told so!

Brenda also sits and stares when I'm packing her stuff....and, I give a kibble or two for the company and her great assistance!

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I think dogs do give "dirty looks" and "throw tantrums" and such in their own ways. It just is nicer than when kids do it, especially the kids who tend to "use their outdoor voices" indoors! ;) And, of course, our pups definitely can be funny at times! :D


Dogs are so pure of heart, they're looks make me laugh and don't come from any place other than PURE LOVE!

Except for the occasional "snarly" faced guard dogs......who truly look like they could eat you whole!!!!

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The flu strikes my house, or actually me. I keep hoping it is going to be some 24 hour bug, but that doesn't seem to be the case. My Sandy is glued to my side, which when I have the chills is nice, but when I get hot, not so much. Poor Crackers has to stay up at the farm. I'm sure he would have been happy to lie by my other side.


Oh! No! Poor you! Feel better and I hope you have a much healthier and very Happy New Year!

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Afternoon all:

I have Leann Emily sitting on my shoulder, picking thru my hair like a monkey! :eek: Every once in awhile I get a claw in the head. Ouch. I guess she is mad cause we were sitting in the recliner and I got up. I gentlely put her back in the chair, I guess that wasn't good enough!

Cindy: Have a great save trip. Bailee will be fine, she just had to make you feel bad. She couldn't wait for you to leave so she could get one on one loves and hugs!

Roz: OMG:eek:, I would seriously tell the co-workers to stay away from me! Thats all you need. I would wash up, put on make-up (which I don't do, haven't for years, maybe should be a resolution) and put on my best face even if I was sick at embarkation time. Don't get in my way! I have fingers and toes crossed that you don't get sick.

Sunshine: Sorry you are sick. Poor Cracker, you are gonna get the what for when he finally gets to come stay with you! I am one of those that always falls hard when I finally do get sick. I dread getting sick, but know it is invetable (sp) working with all those kids.

Celle: Don't feel like you are butting in. That's how I got here! just a bunch of animal lovers. There is also a thread on the Floataway lounge "Are there any animal lovers out there". Another great group of people with a quirky furbabies hanging out. Drop by. That goes for anyone else who wants to join in.

Everyone have a safe, uneventful New Years Eve.


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Afternoon all:



Roz: OMG:eek:, I would seriously tell the co-workers to stay away from me! Thats all you need. I would wash up, put on make-up (which I don't do, haven't for years, maybe should be a resolution) and put on my best face even if I was sick at embarkation time. Don't get in my way! I have fingers and toes crossed that you don't get sick.



Everyone have a safe, uneventful New Years Eve.





I'm "Purelling" as I write this.......You and I would be very interesting bookends........I'm the Polar opposite of you.....I wear "big" hair; eyelashes and lipliner....I do it if I'm going to the drug store, movies, work or to the post office. I've been like this since I was a teenager. I married a man who has absolutely no ego......he can walk to the mailbox in his underwear [and has even done it in a tank-top and nothing on the bottom :eek:]

He is ready-to-go in seconds [no primping] and waits patiently for me whilest I spray and polish myself to go out!

Happy, Happy to you. I look forward to hearing more about your furbabies and family in 2010.


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he can walk to the mailbox in his underwear [and has even done it in a tank-top and nothing on the bottom :eek:]

Now thats funny! My DH will be in underwear (boxer style) and a T-shirt, I back the car up to the garage and he wants to know if its okay if he comes out to the garage to help carry in groceries! I think its a plot so I say "No, I don't need help." Now Travis ran around in his little boxer style briefs all summer. One of the neighbor boys asked if I knew Travis was outside in his underwear. I had to laugh and say "Why no, no I didn't". Hadn't paid attention. He has been in his pajamas all day today. New flannel jammies and he loves them. Hey we weren't going anywhere, why get dressed and dirty more clothes?


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Happy New Year to all my friends!!!!!


Sunshine, So sorry you have the flu :( Hope you feel better soon and I hope hubby doesn't get it so he can take care of you!!


Roz, John spends more time in the bathroom than any woman! I realize he does everything slow cuz he's a quad, but he spends more time looking beautiful than anyone I know. I am like your hubby, a few minutes and I'm ready. I hope you stay away from all those sick people!! My nose has been running but I have allergies and the weather changing every minute kills me. I don't feel like I have a cold.


I am all packed except for Johns backpack that he will carryon the plane. Wex had a nice bath last night so he's smelling sweet and ready to go! It will be interesting to see how Wex is going to share the bed. I usually sleep on the couch cuz John is always cold and I hot. The livingroom has a ceiling fan for me. Since Wex came along, he sleeps with John. Now he's going to have to share the bed, or he's going to be kicked out! It's going to be interesting. The weather has cleared up just so we can fly out. We had a few inches of snow yesterday and tonight its going to start again for the rest of the weekend. We are getting out of here just in time. The expected snowfall is 4 to 12 inches. The only thing today I am worried about is Wex and his potty. He pees like every 2 -3 hours. We won't be able to go through security til last minute. He ate this morning and had some water and I have shut him off. He can only have some if we monitor him. I will be bringing a piddle pad on the plane just incase he doesn't make it the 3 hour flight. John is alittle nervous about him and this trip since we have only had this dog for a few months. But I think he will be fine.


Have an awsome cruise Roz and I know we will too! I will have all the info and pictures when we get back. Everyone have a great week.



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Kathy: You will recognize them right off. Two dazzling, beautiful Ladies, one with jet black fur the other with "Big"(her words) Blonde hair, and one gentleman, with pants on we hope! :D Just funnin' with you guys. I sure wish we were on this cruise. Another time. Have a blast, I know you all will.


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