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Brilliance cruise and flight from Rome


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We are sailing on the Brilliance of the Seas from 5/15-5/22 and dock in Rome on 5/22 at 8:am. Would a 9:55am flight from Rome (FCO airport) be too early? I ask because the Continental rates from Rome to New Jersey are quite reasonable with a return of 9:55am and it's non-stop.

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It's a 90 minute train ride just to the central station (the ship doesn't dock in Rome but a small town about 75 miles outside of Rome), and another 30 minutes to the airport. A taxi MIGHT get you there in 2.5 hours. Gosh, I would not try that tight a time frame in Miami!!!! Look for another flight...perhaps the next day at 9:55 am....cause there is no way you are going to make that flight on the day of disembarkment. Don't forget you have to go through security and baggage check-in, etc--which will take another hour (at least).

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Maybe I should be flying from another airport?
No, this is the closest international airport to Civitavecchia. It's actually more like 40 miles (or 30 according to Travelocity) - have a look at these Mapquest directions (with interactive map), or at this map image. (Hope these both work for you.)


Don't forget that airlines generally ask you to be at the airport something between two and three hours before a long-haul flight. Even if you got off the ship at 8 am exactly, you'd already be late for check-in.


It's possible that one reason why this early flight is less expensive than the later ones is precisely because of the demand that the airlines know there will be for later flights to the US that day from ship passengers who can't get onto the early flight. As always, if demand goes up, so does price - free market economics at work, rule #1.

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Thanks. I'll see what we can do. We are travelling with my daughter and son-in-law and they have to be back at work on Monday! I will check into flights and see if we can take advantage of the 7 hour difference between Europe and New York. Thanks again.

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You'd have to fly on Sunday to make sure they were back in time for work on Monday, but there should be hundreds of possible connections on a later departure if the non-stops are too expensive for you. It looks like there are many good fares available for departures at all times.

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I spoke with the travel agent and she said anything after 12pm should be okay. We are presently booked on Royal Carribbean's flights for 1000 including transfers. I think we can find something a little better. I'll see.

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