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30 lbs to New Years!!


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I really need to catch up but I needed to get in here to say that I ate very disgusting meals this weekend down in D.C. and it serves me right because I got bad indegestion and out of control gas (thankfully they didn't smell - sorry for the overshere). I will run down to you all what I ate and why I'm ashamed...I had no way of weighing myself between Saturday and today because I just got back but I know I've put that 2lbs I lost last week back on in this weekend. I also have updated pics in my gallery. I'll post the link to those and some from my trip to D.C. I HAD A BLAST!!! Election day is tomorrow so I don't know what time I'll be able to get back in here.


Anyway, I will read what I missed because I want to know how you ladies are doing so far. I did catch a little bit from your post Marlene...I'm sure you're back on the wagon now!



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This turtle is finally going somwhere!!!!!! I'm in the next decade - HOORAY! I weighed in at 169.6 this morning! I should be getting ready for work and to go vote but I had to stop in here - (the only ones here to share this with are my dogs and they just did didn't seem to give a darn!)


Yeah!!!! The fans go wild!

Hope your day starts as nice as mine! Gotta run but have a GOOD one!


Happy Mango:D:D:D

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SW 241.5

Last Week 231.5

CW 227.4 (Week 3)

GW by 1/17 - 210

GW by 10/31 -170



Ok now for my halloween confessions:


I started out weighting with light weight close and no shoes at the doctors office each weak. Finally broke down and bought my own digital scales so although it looks like I dropped 4 pounds this week, 2 pounds is probably more a more accurate weight loss but I will be weighing in the nude from now on. I weighted the first day I got the scales and then this morning and saw a 2.3 lb difference.


Now, my big "cheating" confession. Coldstone Ice Cream is my weakness, fortunatly there are none within an hours drive of my house. This weekend we were staying in Burlington NC with my daughters softball team and across from the hotel was a cold stone creamery. My daughter and her friends begged me to take them but I refused! Then after they got occupied my dh and myself sneaked away and he took me to coldstone and said it was my reward for doing so good on the diet. I think knowing we were doing it without the teenagers knowledge made it twice as deliteful. Fortunatly, it didn't kill the diet this week.


I'm going to try hard to drop to 225 this week.



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I want to blame the weather (cool, drizzly, breezy) for my appetite, but I guess I really have nothing to blame but myself. Yesterday, I was really hungry all day. I ate decently....until I got home and although I didn't eat anything that isn't on my diet, I ate too many of those "legal" things. This morning, after standing in line waiting to vote for 1.75 hours, then getting stuck in traffic, I stopped at Bojangles and got a ham & egg biscuit and coffee. I didn't eat the top of the biscuit, but I ate the rest and enjoyed every bite. You'd think that would curb my appetite, but no, I just got back from lunch at which I ate FRIED fish with TARTAR SAUCE!!!


AND, to top it off, I was down (if I can trust my scales) 1/2 pound this morning. Bet I'm up 1/2 pound now! :mad:


With nothing but election crap (sorry to those of you who are truly politically minded -- I'm not) on television tonight, I HOPE to do DOUBLE Wii'ing tonight. Maybe that'll help. Can't walk; weather is not walking weather.


Hope the weather gets better soon; I'll have to find something else to blame then.


I hope you all have a GREAT day.


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Nana #2,


This dreary weather certainly does nothing for curbing the appetite. You and I must have been eating lunch together. I also had two pieces of fried fish ... no tarter and cole slaw which probably had sugar in it.


I think tomorrow the weather should be better. I was off work last night, normally I work 3rd shift. The days where my sleep pattern changes ... my appetite changes too.

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I had an absolutely amazing time in New York. We flew on the plane in costume and everyone seemed delighted with our efforts. Of course we ate and drank too much all weekend long, but it was a memory to savor forever.


Saturday I got up early and went to the gym in New York, but then blew it by going with my family to The Stage Deli for a pastrami Reuben--my favorite of all time--followed by a long walk around the city. That night we went to see "Chicago" with the kids, stopping off for Pizza on the way.


Sunday morning we got up early again and went to Mass at St. Patricks Cathedral, stopped to eat (I had a big salad) and then took the subway down to Battery Park where we caught the ferry to Ellis Island. We actually found the entry logs for my husband's dad back in 1906, as well as the entries for his two older brothers. Sunday night we went out to La Bonne Soup, where we all ordered the pre fixe menu--salad, soup, bread, wine and dessert. I gave away my bread and dessert. :)


My worst choice was on Monday when we went to lunch at Mesa Verde in the Denver airport. I had cheese/vegetable quesadillas. That was my first really big indulgence where I actually even ate the tortillas. :eek:


I haven't gotten on the scale because I am feeling fat, but I don't care, it was worth it.


Sometimes a girl just has to let go and enjoy herself! :p

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First of all, congratulations to all of the Obama supporters out there. Personally, I'm so glad elections are over with. So tired of the ads and the phone calls.


Seems several of us went off our diet "just a little" over the last few days. Robin & Nana #2 - I'm sure you are back on track now. You've gotten the "fried fish" out of your system and ready to move forward. I keep remembering someone said that the trainer on the "Biggest Loser" said that after their weigh in they are rewarded by letting them eat what they want. This is suppose to boost the metabolism - as the body may have been storing anything you ate because it thought you were going to "starve it"??


I get really disgusted with my body that when I "go off the diet for a few days" (just as this weekend camping trip), my weight will soar. I went on the trip from Thursday to Sunday and my weight on Sunday was up 3.8 lbs!!! Now I was bad, but I didn't eat an extra 14,000 calories to justify 4 lbs of weigh. I'm back on track now - lost 3 lbs in 3 days. I just have to remember my body will do this everytime! Gosh - I wonder how much I'll jump up when I go on my 7 day cruise!!!!! Actually my goal last week was to maintain the weight of the previous weigh in. As of this morning, I'm at that goal. So I'm ready to move forward. I'm trying to get to 25 lb loss before Thanksgiving. Currently I'm at 21 lbs.


Congratulations Mango on the next decade!!


Litewait - you're doing great. Keep up the good work!


PunkiC - so glad you had fun in New York. I've never been there but that's on my list of "want to see" places. With all of your exercising and dancing, you'll take off any extra weight gained in no time. Heck, you even worked out while you were there and did all that walking - you may not have gained anything!


And remember..................which apparently I didn't this weekend:



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Good morning to all! I vote with you Marlene - I too am glad the election is over - along with all of those endless phone calls, election ads & election mail.


Punki - glad to hear your trip to the Big Apple went so well. Sounds like you did and saw lots.


Nana2 & Angel Kisses -- Why wasn't I invited for lunch? You two had me drooling for fish & chips - LOL :D


Read back over some of this thread today. Interesting that we've already had several people appear and disappear from the thread. For me the camaradarie (spelling:confused:) and support from you guys has helped hugely in keeping at this. I always was the one to throw the dieting to the wind shortly. So thanks for keeping me on track! Maybe this time next year we will all be the sexy little twigs of our dreams - THIN AT LAST!


Have a great post election day!


Mango (Twig in Training)

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I am happy that the elections are now over. And I hope our country can get back on the right track. I think the elction of our next President is hopefully an inspiration to everyone.

We are still waiting on a few local decisions.


I will not miss the ads and calls:rolleyes:, none of which swayed my decisions.


Yes, this has been a weird week. Maybe the pressure of the elections, the holiday, was there a full moon?? all led to some straying.

It's now time to get back on track!!


I to feel this group has been a huge help in keeping on track. I don't want to have to come an report a gain:( I am also one of those that likes to lose quickly and when I don't I quit. Not this time. Slow and steady for the most part. I even held on through a 3 week plateau. :D I've never done that!

I am proud of losing 17 lbs in 9 weeks and I know I CAN DO IT!




I sound like a candidate.. way to many commercials! LOL!!


Hope everyone is doing well. I am hoping for a "stay the same week" considereing the "straying".


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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I agree that you hate to get on the board and say, I gained 4 lbs this weekend......I ate ice cream (or fried fish) today..... We have a great group and need to stick this out for the long haul. We have the benefit of weight watchers (weekly weigh ins) without the cost! And this year when it comes to the holidays - Thanksgiving and Christmas - I'll have my sister (Angel Kisses) to help me stay focused or we'll have to make a pact not to tell all on the board. LOL We have a strong board here I think. Other groups fizzle out and we're going strong. Yes, we have a couple people who stopped checking in but for the most part, we're doing good. Maybe there's someone else out there who would like to join us. Even though we say 30 lbs to New Years, we can change that to 30 MORE lbs by New Years 2010. One problem I have is losing weight until a special event and then not get back on track afterwards. Yo Yo Queen - that's me! This time I know you will all be here waiting for me. THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME STAY FOCUSED MY FRIENDS!


This is not a full moon week - just the week following Halloween where we were all tempted just to "taste" that sweet candy. WARNING: Full Moon is November 13 this month. I think some of us decided the last time there was a full moon, we would just have to be happy to "maintain" for that week. Apparently full moon and weight lose don't go together. Let's try really hard to break that myth this time! Let's beat "the man in the moon"!


Have a great evening everyone!



(Another Twig in Training)

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Mango, I like the Twig in Training title. Our new group name: Twigs in Training. Funny.


Yes, everyone, apparently I got it out of my system yesterday and have been a good medium-sized girl since the fried fish episode yesterday. My husband thinks I'm crazy for feeling so guilty for eating fried fish, but I know what I'm not supposed to eat and when I eat it, I do feel guilty. Thank you to all of you for not fussing at me for my downfall. The weather may not have been the only culprit -- remember, eating carbs in the morning tend to make you hungrier....and I had 1/2 of a biscuit (with ham & egg) yesterday morning. That 1/2 biscuit may have been the culprit. I know, excuses, excuses....


Took the dog to the vet today and, while I was there, I weighed on their scales. With clothes, I weighed 172 pounds, which is 4.4 pounds less than I weighed at the clinic on 10/21. I have until 11/18 to make that a bigger number.


BTW, our 14-year-old Pomeranian may have Cushings disease. The vet is running tests on his blood overnight for diabetes and kidney failure. If both of those come back normal, we have to decide if we want to pay about $250 to have him tested for Cushings. He is already on three meds twice a day (all my responsibility, of course) so I do not look forward to having to treat anything else, BUT he seems to still have a good quality of life, he's happy, and I'm not ready to make "the decision" about him...yet. If anyone out there knows anything about Cushings in dogs and whether treatment is effective or not, fill me in, please.


Amen to the election being over. I got calls from all kinds of "celebrities" that wanted me to vote their way. I don't know what "their way" was, though, because as soon as I heard "this is Hank Williams, Jr.", I hung up. How annoying. We get 1-2 calls a week typically. We were getting 5-6 a day there at the end!


I REALLY want to find some before & after pictures and post them. Will try to do that soon.


Take care. Sleep tight.



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Okay, this is really brave of me, but I'm going to post a before picture from the OBX in October, 2007 and an after picture from the OBX less than a month ago. (I hope this works; I don't really know what I'm doing.)


Now, keep in mind that I am wearing my 2007 clothes to fish in in 2008, so I don't know how much you can tell from the pictures.


Now you've had your good laugh for the day!!!



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Nana#2 - we also have dearly loved dog - our springer spaniel Maggy - who we call "High Maintenance Girlfriend" (Should explain she's our chocolate lab Hersheys "girlfriend") Anyway, Maggy has medical issues also and is always on low dose antibiotics. She has seizures if she's taken out of her element so I groom her at home as best I can. Trips to the vets can be a disaster if she gets excited. Being a springer she has frequent ear infections which we try to watch like a hawk. Anyway I sympathize with your situation but know I would not be able to put down my dog if it were doing well yet either.


What's normal life expectancy for a pom? I know smaller dogs have longer life span than the labs, springers etc. When our previous chocolate lab was old and barely getting around and obviously starting to slip away, we asked our vet how to decide how do you make "the decision". He told us to mark the calendar each day as a good day for Casey or a bad day for Casey. When the bad days outweigh the good its time. We did exactly that and yes, we knew when it was time. I sit here typing with tears in my eyes but know we did what was the right thing for our Casey.


I don't know anything about Cushings in dogs but hopefully you won't need to either.


On a lighter note - Best to all you fellow twigs!


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Wow - great before and after pictures. Look how baggy your clothes are now and where did your stomach go?? You are doing great Nana #2. So sorry about your dog. Hopefully the tests will be negative.


As for the political phone calls - I have my regular home line and then as I work from my home and have my office phone. I have the Ringer Master for my office so I can have a separate number for my fax and actually have a 3rd number that I don't use. That's a total of 4 phone numbers ringing into my house and they were all ringing the last couple weeks. When I get a voice mail on my office phone, it rings my cell phone. So when I was camping this past weekend, my cell phone kept ringing with voice mails from the politicians & celebrities. UGH! It was so much quieter today. LOL


Gotta run - Criminal Minds just coming on and that's one of my favorite shows.



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Great minds think alike - we were sending emails at the same time. Thanks for the pics - that is a AWESOME sunset over the ocean and your fishing picture rocks! We would love to do some ocean fishing - do you have to use special saltwater gear? I mean does the salt eat up regular poles etc. I guess you could just rinse after use too - (probably sounds basic to you but we've only fished in fresh water.) By the way that's a pretty healthy size fish to just catch in the surf - Way to Go! Looks like you are having a great time. Thanks for sharing those pics. :D


From Twigs in Training Headquarters,



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Looked back and now there's shots that weren't there a few minutes ago - but on the same posts:confused:. Where there was just a fishing shot there's now two - you my dear are really showing your weight loss! Congrats! What a noticeable difference. ;)Very good posting, you tricky Twig you! And what a beautiful area - love the ocean. I can see why you vacation there - lucky to live so near to such a beautiful place.



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Well, hubba hubba, Nana, just look at you! You are doing fabulously.


What kind of fish do you catch? They are all good for your diet. :D


It is sooooooo hard when our pets are ill. We all still grieve our 18 year-old kitty who died a few years ago. We also (well actually our son and GF) have a beautiful husky who comes to work at our office every day. We call him the grand dog and take care of him whenever they travel and we are at home. It will break all of our hearts when he leaves us. The kids are even talking about having him cloned because he is such a loveable, well-behaved dog.


Hubby loves to walk him around our neighborhood, claiming that he is a great "babe magnet". :rolleyes: He even goes to Curves with me sometimes when we are dog sitting and the gal who works there has asked me several times if she can keep him when we travel. One of the bennies of having a realy good dog is that there are lots of folks who volunteer to watch him when we are all on the road.


Speaking of Curves, I just got my "500" workouts T-shirt this morning. Makes me wonder how bad I would look had I not indulged in those 500 workouts. :D :D


Tomorrow, or I guess it is today, we will fly to Palm Beach for my winter high school's 100th reunion. There is an informal party Friday night and a dinner dance Saturday night. It should be fun to see some old friends and, of course, any opportunity to dance is a wonderful thing.


Did I tell you that we have started Samba lessons on Monday nights? I have no idea how we got this old without learning to dance the Samba, but we did. It is actually a very simple and basic dance (step rock-step, step rock-step, step rock-step, forever) and one we are glad to add to our repertoire. Our plan is to be comfortable dancing Samba before our cruise at the end of December. If we live long enough, we would like to learn all of the classic dances suitable for those over 60. My sister's in-laws were still dancing at 95 and 96, respectively. They, along with Frankie Manning and Jack Lalanne are my heros. :D We should all be so lucky as to be that fit and active in our mid 90s.

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Well, I'm back in business with my weight! I have now dropped to .4 lb lower than when we went on our camping trip last Thursday. I was 175.8 last Thursday and 175.4 this morning! I had jumped to 179.6 when I returned from my trip on Sunday (4 days ago). So glad it wasn't really fat, just fluid I guess.


The way I got it figured, it took 4 days to get it back off. So if I over indulge (just a little) at Thanksgiving, I'll have it back off by weigh in on Monday! Isn't it funny how we sit an analyze and try to rationalize everything!



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to add a picture, don't know if it will work.. If it does you can see the weight in my stomach, legs and face. This was at the airport on the way to a cruise.. I hate the picture.. I don't have any recent, I'll have to get the kids to take one I can add. ( That is a really scary picture now that I look at it.. I am FAT!!)


Everyone is doing great! I am same ole same ole so far this week,. I have a reunion meeting tonight, a tasting thing. So we will see how that goes. Still 154.


Nana~ Way to go!! You can really see the difference!!:D Keep it up and you will get to your goal in no time!


Pets..We have an 11 year old cat, that will kill us all when she leaves us. Hopefully we have many more years. My mom & dad lost a cat they had for about 12 years when we had that cat food poisoning thing a couple years ago. They won't get another one. They said it was like losing a child for them.

My heart goes out to you. I know how they grieved for their "Buddy Boy".


I've been keeping up with my walking so hopefully we will see a little downward momentum soon!:rolleyes:


Everyone have a great day!

Happy Cruising & Losing,



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Mango, according to the internet, the life expectancy of a Pom is between 12 and 20 years!!! I thought we were "nearing the end" until I witnessed the condition two other 14-year-old dogs were in while we were at the beach. Looks like Punkin may be leaning toward the 20-year span, unless something (else) gets him before that. Your Casey story put tears in my eyes, too (we've never had to make "the decision" before -- all pets before this were usually hit by a car!). Good luck with Maggy.


You'd have to wash your freshwather gear off REAL well to keep it from being eaten up by the saltwater. You'd also need some high test line on your reel, just in case you catch "the big one" (our friend caught a 30-40 pound channel bass last year). I think it's best to bite the bullet and buy saltwater equipment (which you still have to rinse off after each use) than to ruin your freshwater stuff.


Nana #1 -- my stomach is (for the most part) still there. It's hidden under baggy clothes. That's the part of me that I most want to get rid of. I've had a wide butt since the day I was born, but the stomach I still have trouble accepting (although it's been around for quite a while now).


Congrats on the scales moving in the right direction again.


PunkiC -- we caught all kinds of fish, including (but not limited to): croakers, drum, sea trout, and pampanos. They are good for your diet as long as they're not FRIED. We actually bought a few pieces of grouper so that I'd have something to grill while we were there.


Asahi is a beautiful dog. Have fun in Palm Beach (W. Palm Beach is one of our favorite places to go -- Singer Island, too). Congrats on the 500 t-shirt. I don't think I ever made it to 50 visits to Curves before I gave up -- two of the machines KILLED my knees. And, enjoy your Samba lessons.


I weighed this morning on my scales, no clothes. It said 166.5. I was so surprised that I got back on and, of course, it said 167.5. I decided not to try it a third time. And, believe me, I didn't have on five pounds of clothes yesterday -- that's just how "off" my scales are. I really need to invest in a new set.


I started thinking about that twig thing this morning and decided that I'm probably going to stop at "branch" rather than "twig". At least I won't be a TRUNK (of a very large tree) anymore!


Take care and have a wonderful Thursday.

Bonnie, Future Branch

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Bonnie - just think if we stick this out together for 12 more months! We could all be twigs...............well maybe if we keep it up for 24 months. LOL I can't remember when I was last a twig, can you?


Litewait - I'm dreaming of the way I can say I'm "154".


Nana #2 - you're at my goal weight for YE so hopefully I'm right behind you.


Punki - you are doing so good with the exercise and dancing! You should never have a weight problem. I haven't been exercising as I've been getting up early, starting to work and then still working until way after dark. Hopefully I'll get caught up soon and get inspired to start walking again.


Mango - My husband thought he could use a regular rod and reel back in September when we were fishing off the pier at the beach. He found that the rod itself is just not heavy enough - really bends. Remember you have large weights due to the waves and current plus the weight of your fish. You normally have a rig that allows you to catch two fish at a time, which happens when they start "running through that area". Even with a regular salt water rod and reel, a large shark (was chasing my smaller fish as I brought them in) broke my line twice! I love ocean fishing as you never know what you will catch.



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Oh, Bonnie, you are really funny. Thanks for the morning laugh. :D


You would think, Marlene, that anyone who is as active as I am would not have to worry about weight, but I certainly do. :( I suspect that if I didn't work out and dance so much I would weigh 300 pounds. :rolleyes: I got a double dose of the fat genes. That is actually one of the reasons that I specifically picked a tall, slim husband. I didn't want my poor children to suffer, struggling with weight their entire lives as I have done. Well, I will admit I also picked him because he was so cute. ;)


He would not, however, pack my hula hoop in his suitcase for this trip, and I really miss it. I am for sure taking it on our cruise. Not only does it slim down the waist and reduce that awful back fat, but it also strenghtens the core muscles. I can already feel a hugh difference and it has only been about a month since I started using it.


We got into West Palm at about 11:30 last night. They had a great jazz band in the bar so we decided to go down and have a drink and dance a bit. It was fun, but the floor was kind of sticky.


Now I am going to go catch a few more winks before we get up, eat breakfast, get a rental car and move to the official reunion hotel downtown. Then I will find a Curves and work out for an hour. It makes me sort of sad to work out at strange Curves. I always miss the hula hoop and Sudoku board that we have at my home Curves. Those, and of course my friens, are the things that make going to the gym every morning so much fun.


Catch you all later.

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Nana #2 - WOW!!! You really can see a difference in your before and after pictures.


Just curious ... how much weight in pounds have all of you lost since joining this weight loss thread. Let's see what our total weight loss has been so far. I'll start it:


Robin (angelkisses) - 14lbs :D

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