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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hope this goes thru..

Two nights wrote and lost in space.


Everything so-so here. Mother was

sick and now very depressed. Of

course as we're about to go away.

Dealing with her taxes and other

stuff. I need to get away! Am I



Sheila and Donna..How are your mothers

doing? How are both of you doing?


Sheila..Glad your feeling better.

Happy you get a cruise in May and a

trip to Scotland in Sept.

Asking a favor..Would you Please

start the weigh-in the next three

Wed. Thank You!


Donna..Good to see you here. You leave

in March for your trip and cruise too.

Bon Voyage.


Jan..Hope your getting enough rest.

Know this is your busy time.


Can't wait for our cruise to begin but not ready

yet. With visiting mother almost everyday,

dealing with her and paper stuff..I'm NOT ready!

Getting hair cut tomorrow. Do some ironing and packing



You all take care..Will try and come in before I leave.

Be Good!

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Hey girls! I've been really busy at work so no time to post.


Donna ~ How's the remodeling? The cold bug seems to be going around here as well. I hope Joe is better soon.


Belle ~ I hope you get everything sorted before your cruise. You're going to have to much fun! I'll expect a full report when you get back. I'll start the weigh-in threads. When are you leaving?


My Mom is doing better. She still can't get out of the bed for more than 30 minutes. She'll be able to put weight on her leg in 2 more weeks and she's counting down the days.....I think my Dad is also. It has been rough on both of them.


Take care of yourselves and try to stay out of trouble. ;)

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Hard to believe how fast time is moving! This will be our last day in Orlando in two weeks! We will be driving down and boarding Noordam two weeks from tomorrow. I am so not ready that it is an absolute joke!


Belle, Hope her spirits pick up and I know you'll have a wonderful time on your cruise!


Sheila, Wonder who will be happier when your Mom can finally move around on her own again? Glad your starting to feel better and hope things quiet down at work for you.


Jan, How are you doing?


Well, Mom is a problem but we will address that when we get back. There is nothing that they will do and she isn't in pain (from that) so Cheryl set up the appointment for when they return from Orlando. Didn't want to dump it on her and then everybody leave on her.


Wii Fit is hooked up and Joe has actually tried it (I hooked it up). Grabbed it when we found it but I knew I wasn't going to get to it before we got back. As it is, the grumbling out of him was quite loud and comical. Hasn't dared get back on after the first time.


The lower level is coming along slowly. I did get the curtains made last weekend and he is working on the new window frames. Once all that is done then it is time to paint.


The big news is that our TA called with an upsell from HAL. Long story short since I"m running out of time, we traded our unobstructed ocean view for a top category aft balcony for $149.00 each. Joe is the one bouncing off the walls now. They didn't offer the aft originally but I found it and called her back requesting it and it was a done deal 15 minutes later.


OK, run time!


Have a great weekend!

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Happy TGIF to y'all also!


Donna ~ I didn't know you had the Wii Fit. I just love mine. I've got a "game" for the Wii called "My Fitness Coach" and it is a wonderful workout. You might want to check into it if you want a push. Why is Joe grumbling about the Wii Fit? I need a vacation to so bad. Can I stow away on your newly upgraded balcony? I promise that I'll only shower when you and Joe are at dinner. LOL I'd love to see the curtains you made. I need new ones and the ready-mades are so expensive. However, my sewing machine is mad at me. :rolleyes: I hope that your DM does OK while you're away....I'm sure your DD can handle it.


Belle ~ When are you leaving?


Jan ~ How are you? Work still hectic?


Work has settled down for me right now. It could jump back up at any minute though. So, I've brought some books in on Virtual Assistants as a career and I'll study those. I'm hoping to start my own business next year when this business closes. I'm getting excited about it, but I have so much to learn.


Have a great weekend, girls!




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Sorry haven't written much.

Busy with Mom and packing

and ect.


Flying out Tuesday morning

(Monday night now) spending

the night and cruising WED.


Donna you leave while I'm gone. Bon Voyage!


Sheila you hold down the fort.

Now it's less time for your mother to

wait. She'll be happy..your father too!


Jan just "keep on truckin" Where did that

expression come from? LOL


See you all in a couple of weeks.


Take care everyone!

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Tomorrow morning - early due to road construction.


Sheila, It took half a spool of thread to finally make mine work! It just made more sense to make them since they are only 40" long and they have to be washable. Cats love to get behind them and watch the critters outside so they get washed often. We got the Wii fit the day before I posted. BB finally got them in. I haven't even played with it. Joe is just mad that it told the truth but it corked it when it said he was "out of balance" . I've being saying something similar for years!


Jan, How are you doing?


Carolyn, Where are you and how was the trip?


Belle, I missed you but I know your having a wonderful time! Just relax and enjoy!


OK, almost packed but I haven't weighed the cases yet so fingers crossed. I finally buckled and made a spread sheet for Joe to keep him under control. He loves to toss his closet at me and then say he needs it all. Then he complains when unworn clothes has to go to the cleaners when we return. Of course, made the spreadsheet then he changed one of the pants and two of the shirts so it was back to the drawing board. He seems to be straight now and he has tried everything on.


Pick up rental after work today, dinner out then last minute packing stuff and clean up the house before our early start tomorrow. Seems the interstate which leads to the airport is torn up yet again so we get to start out early for a flight that is after noon.


Everybody behave while I'm gone! I will attempt to moderate my misbehavior with lots of turns around the promenade deck!


Will check in on the 25th when we get back!

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I'm reporting in also.


Dang! I missed Donna! Have a great time! :D


Jan ~ I guess it is just me and you now. ;)


I had a good weekend because the weather was so pretty. We had a BBQ and I ate too much and made me sick. I'm much better today, but I have to learn to stop eating junk. My body rebels big time!


I hope you're all doing well.




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Wow - Just realized that I haven't really posted in a month.


I ate some chips last week (40% reduced fat - cape cod kettle chips) .... I managed to break off part of my tooth and the filling came out .... my 12 year molar. Thank goodness the dentist could rebuild the tooth. Also taught me not to cheat with chips!!!


I've been to the gym Sat/Sunday - did the wii-fit yesterday and am off to the gym tonight. I keep waiting for the motivation to kick in .... in the mean time I'll keep plugging away.


I hope that Donna & Belle are having a great time..... love to go with them!!


Its been beautiful weather here today (in the low 40's) ... but no new snow and bright blue sky. Gotta run .... Jan

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Had a good time!

Did whale watching..loved it!

Tired now..vacation over..back

to the real world!!. Mother having

medical and "mind" problems.

Tests and more tests, Doc visits ect.

to come.


Just wanted to say Hello. Will talk

more later.


love from me

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Hey girls! Two pounds day this week and I'm so happy! :D


Belle ~ I said this on the weigh-in thread, but I'm so glad you're back. You might not realize this, but you have an impact on how many people post on the weigh-in thread. I think they all look forward to your great poems.


I'm so glad you had a great time! I bet the whale watching was so neat. I've never seen a whale out in the open ocean and would love to.


I hope things get better for your DM. I'm sure she missed you.


Donna is on her trip still, right?


Jan ~ How are you doing?


It seems we might have lost Baby and Carolyn for good. I have not seen them post on any CC threads. Have any of you?


Lots of hugs,


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Sheila, I've been lurking around...

just been stuck in a bad "place" emotionally since we returned back in January.

weight had gone up and kept creeping... got fed up with hearing about "age" etc. and when I tried to get on track things didn't "work" -- with what had worked last year. I'm just getting very frustrated. Seems like if I go "off" it doesn't really matter, and when I try nothing seems to work...

and "life" stuff (Aunt, sister, kids) are the same, where I feel kind of trapped. Luckily Aunt hasn't been to the hospital this year and aide has lasted 7 months... just frustrated that when I got to go to city to visit over Thanksgiving she ended up in hospital... she claimed it was TIA (ministroke) but actually it was UTI (which I called prior) I hate playing doctor. She almost went to hospital last Friday since she thought she was having angina but I told her to "watch" things and rest since if she went to hospital and things passed she would be stuck there until Monday. It probably was indigestion... she took some nitro and things passed.

DS came in to visit and was somewhat of a pain. I got sick physically)taking her to cemetary and then to NYC but she got what she wanted and I was the chauffer. Was glad to get her on plane back to chicago. Then Libby was off from school but since Mike had to go to Boston for 2 days in the middle of her break we couldn't go anywhere since I had to take Alex to school. Mike's been "grounded" with work travel but at least he still has his job (there's been layoffs "again"). Maybe I'll try to Wii Fit don't really care to but Mike loves it.

Hope everyone's well and I'll try to post again.

Take care.


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Carolyn - I can so relate to what you are saying. I think I am at the same place that you are, and it is no fun.


Do you think it would help to just keep posting and to get out some of your thoughts and frustrations? I'm going to keep plugging away ... hopefully with spring just around the corner everything will start looking up.


All the best - Jan

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Good morning, girlfriends! :D


Carolyn ~ Well, I'm glad I mentioned that you'd left us if it got you to post. LOL You know what? I find that when I don't visit this site, I do worse on my WOE, etc. I feel that this site is essential to keeping myself on track. Have you ever thought of trying Weight Watchers? You can do it online and it is reasonably priced. After getting stuck and not losing while on the South Beach Diet, I switched to WW and the weight came off and I reached goal. It is worth checking into. My DH's company is laying off also. Thank goodness my DH has enough seniority that he will not be affected. However, it has caused him to have some "down" moments as he feels horrible that his friends/co-workers have been laid off. So sad!


Jan ~ You do need to keep plugging away. You've done it in the past and you can do it now. Are you still logging in at sparkpeople? It really does help to keep track of everything. Hang in there!


Belle & Donna ~ Hello! I hope you're both doing well and that your families are all in good health.


Take care,


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My life is so upside down right now that I actually thought today was Thursday and was quite disappointed that there was no weigh in thread (although I know I'm up this week).


I'm having a difficult time staying away from the chocolate ... work is very stressful ... I'm really glad for my home life right now) Jan

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Jan, I kept thinking it was Thursday all day yesterday also. What's up with that?! Sorry you're having such a tough time right now. I know I always reach for the chocolate when I'm stressed. Hang in there!


Belle ~ Where are you? I started the weigh-in thread but you need to go on there and add your poem. I know everyone looks forward to them and when I start weigh-in, it just isn't the same.


Donna ~ How are you, Joe, and your DM doing?


Carolyn ~ Are you lurking again? ;)


Take care, girls!



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I just wrote a long post and lost it.

I don't have the energy to write it

again. I'm tired.


To make it short. All week took my mother to

doctors and tests. Wed. night at 10pm she had a

pacemaker put in. Will help her some. She still

has a bad heart. Been with her day/night.


Hope you all have a good weekend. Will write later.

Have missed you all.

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Belle, lots of prayers and hugs coming your way! How is she doing? Can your children cover and give you a bit of a break? It does sound like it was a good thing that you managed to cruise when you did.


Sheila, Sounds like all is well! Looking forward to your Scottish friends? Wii Fit is sitting and waiting for us. Need to finish the door into the exercise room this weekend then I'm out of excuses!


Jan, Hang in there! So much is out of our control that it seems we just have to refocus on what we can control. I'm in the same shape right now but determined to break through the lethargy and actually start back on taking better care of myself and forcing Joe to (like it or not).


Carolyn, we know better! Glad Mike made it through the cuts and sorry that he still isn't there when you need him the most but doesn't sound like they are giving him much of a choice! Hopefully, Diane will now stay away for a very long time! Glad your aunt is lasting with this caregiver. One less worry!


Well, fabulous vacation abruptly ended a day early (mentally) for us when I opened email and found out that Mom was having a radical mastectomy as we were flying home. This wonderful healthcare system that we have won the battle and we are now fully paying for assisted living without any medicare but she is doing well and we hope that she will only need a couple of weeks before she can go back to her apartment. She sees the doctor on 4/7 and we will know more then. Basically, she has decided (with our agreement) that radiation and chemo are not an option. Meantime, Cheryl's knee surgery appears to have gone well and she is doing way too much while hobblig along on crutches. We decided that it was chaotic enough right now so we will wait until next weekend to go and check up on both of them.


Up until that point, fabulous vacation! Managed to read 4 books and almost finished a 5th. Definitely lazy and just what we needed. HAL was a huge hit with both of us and is definitely at the top of the mix as we look again. However, we are committed to not making long range plans at this time so will be awhile before I even look. Aft balcony was a mixed blessing. Size was wonderful and there is nothing like looking out at the wake but the Caribbean sun kept us up on deck during primo balcony time because it was just too hot. Depending on price and cruise, would do it again but (fortunately) did not become a necessity, especially since aft balcony and last minute booking aren't an easy combination.


Better get moving!


Hope you all have a great weekend!

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Hello girls! I've been on vacation at home doing yard work. Talk about sore!


Belle ~ So sorry to hear that your Mom has been doing so poorly. I hope you can find some time for yourself. {{HUGS}}


Donna ~ My goodness! I'm glad to hear you had a great cruise, but sad about your DM's health issue. I'm so sorry. Your DM has my prayers.


I've been doing well, but not enough exercise and a few too many calories while I was off. I stayed the same in weight this week and I'm fine with that.


Have a good day!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Girls..I'm still here.

Wed. wrote you a long post..

lost in space again. Hope this

one makes it. Will keep it shorter.


Mother is doing better. Not a cure

but feeling better. She's in a

a better mood. She did block the surgery,

in fact can't remember Wed, Thurs. or Fri.

of when she had it done.


Hope you all are doing good. Please enjoy

your weekend whatever your doing.

I'm visiting my mother of course and then

out to dinner with "kids". Mother never

comes with us she doesn't want to leave

the place. Think it's it's her safe cocoon.

Long as she's happy and that's what she

wants. We always ask her but even if she

says yes, she never goes when the day comes.


Take care all! Love ya!

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Sheila..Seems like it's mostly you and I..

(When we have time to post.)

When is your cruise in May. Your friends

from Scotland going too? Also aren't

some from this board going too?


When are you going to Scotland?

Ten days, how nice.


My mother doing alright. Feeling better

but more memory loss I think. I'm doing

alright, just tired with dealing with everything.

Now her meds have to come by mail and trying

to get that done right. Everytime talk to

someone.. different answer then before. Some people

are...just plain stupid! Sorry shouldn't say that

but they are! They can't make anything easy..

just make it more work than it should be. Grrrr!


Jan..Taxes over..Breathe! Hope can relax a little.


Donna..How is your mother? Feeling better..I hope.

Glad Cherly's knee is better.


Carolyn..How is your stress. Hope you feel better to.

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