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bringing an inflatable pool on board???


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<standing ovation>


This is one of the most remarkable threads I've ever read here at CC, in terms of respectful discussion and questioning, sharing of information, and realization that in fact perhaps EVEN ( :D) on HAL, this idea isn't as whacky as it might have appeared at first.


These tiny pools (many folks use inflatable infant tubs, actually, intended to fit inside a regular bathtub) allow toddlers to enjoy their trip and water time, while permitting parents to ADHERE to the "no diapers" rules. ANYTHING that encourages that would certainly be a good thing, no?


The water would be dipped from the pool, and returned to the drains alongside the pooldeck, just like the crew's wash water, dripped pool water, etc. If that kind of water washes back into the pool, the ship has a problem, indeed! Wouldn't that mean spilled beer, coke, glass from a broken bottle, etc... washes back into the pool if it's hosed down the drain? :eek:


To the OP, I wouldn't expect this thread to be your last encounter with a few "raised eyebrows," but you've done a great service here and I wish you and your baby a wonderful voyage! I also agree with those who say that HAL's fabulous staff would almost certainly be glad to help you find a corner out of the flow of traffic for your tub/pool.

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<standing ovation>


This is one of the most remarkable threads I've ever read here at CC, in terms of respectful discussion and questioning, sharing of information, and realization that in fact perhaps EVEN ( :D) on HAL, this idea isn't as whacky as it might have appeared at first.



Bravo..Well said!

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Please don't put a small pool out on your veranda - we had the unfortunate experience of a neighbor who did just that, and we always had water on our veranda.


I can GUARANTEE you that the water from the pool on our veranda never went to any other veranda. As long as people are careful to empty the water into the drain it should not be a problem. It is unfortunate that you may have had someone next to you who just let the water flow "wherever", but I think most parents are more respectful of the neighbors. Cherie

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Didn't realize I'd open up a can of worms with my post. I plan to look for that little pool in the pictures (thank you to that post reply), didn't realize they made them that small. And thank you to some of supportive nice replies, I genuinely appreciate your honesty, care and concern.


Just like everyone else, we pay our fair share for the cruise too and we deserve to enjoy ourselves just like anyone else. Much like a few of you early on replied that you couldn't imagine us bringing an inflatable pool, well I can't imagine the way some of you treat waitstaff on board, or how others leave stuff on chairs for hours without being there, or how others are just plain rude to everyone on board (the list goes on). Those all affect me just as much, if not more, then our little pool will bother you. The difference is I actually care that you have a good time as well as me and my family.


Frankly my post was 1/2 out of my wanting my daughter to have fun and 1/2 with other people in mind. Of course we'd never set up in a busy area!Last year there were times on each deck that things weren't so busy that we could find space.


It's sad still though that I found with our cruise last year that the people on it were much friendlier than many of the people sounded in their post replys, which is still the case. It's too bad that people must sound so negative up front, because it initially tainted my view of what the cruise was going to be like. But I'm glad that it turned out for the best.


So I do have one more question that if someone is educated (not opionionated) on the matter I'd like to know - Are the pools on board in general properly chlorinated and filtered? Obvsiouly if not, I'd be concerned myself with going in them. However, if they are - does anyone know what standards they use for chlorine levels?

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I don't know about HAL pools, but RC pools were filtered sea water - no chlorine. They chlorinated the hot tubs - too much in my opinion. That is one of the reasons they were so cautions about fecal matter in the pools - salt water doesn't kill the bacteria.

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Please don't put a small pool out on your veranda - we had the unfortunate experience of a neighbor who did just that, and we always had water on our veranda.


I don't really see how a small pool like the one pictured could possible dump more water on a veranda than we had on ours every day just from the daily hosing of the top decks. We actually had a little moat around our veranda that only dried once on a very hot, windy day at sea. Maybe other cabins though are more covered and don't have this problem.

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I am not sure about the chlorine, but I do want to let you know that everyone was so friendly to us with our two girls. Only one person got a little irritated because my daughter was going a little fast down the hall and I think he was afraid she was going to plow him over. I understand that situation for someone with mobility issues can be scary, so I grabbed onto her and we stopped and let him pass. He seemed to be happy that we showed some respect which I think is what some people forget to do.


The cutest thing was when an older gentleman caught my 4 year old daughter's eye while we were having lunch in the Lido....She was kind of staring, not sure why, but I just wanted to let it play out and see what was going to happen. Right as he passed by he gave her a little wink and a smile and it just made her day. I hope you and your family have great experiences with other passengers on HAL as we did on our cruise.

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To the OP: First I applaud you for being so respectful of other cruisers by knowing that a diapered baby does not belong in the regular swimming pool. How refreshing you are. Secondly a pool the size of the one pictured can be placed pretty much anywhere HAL ok's with ease so if HAL sets one up now and then, HAL also probably does not mind. Call ships services to be sure or do as suggested and ask on board and purchase one at the first stop. This is a wonderful way to cool off and entertain babies and contrary to what many may think, it will draw more smiles than frowns. Nothing cuter than a baby in a little baby pool. As a cruiser and a parent I appreciate how considerate you appear to be. I am certain HAL will give you good suggestions.

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KansasKid: I believe you have been more than respectful of others by reserving a cabanna and thinking of bringing a small pool for your child ans family to enjoy their experience (which you payed for) to the Max! This is a me first crowd (as most the U.S. has become) wheather it is smoking, children and now "The Pool". Most think only of what they have payed for and do not consider what other's have. The good thing is if you were to meet them on your cruise they would not be so outspoken. When we are anonimous people loose there civility. You hit the nail on the head when you identified most as opioninated not educated. I have watched and read this board just shy of ten years and yes it used to be the other way!

Have fun on your cruise Kevin

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Because its tacky and disrespectful to fellow pax who want to enjoy their cruise in a non trailer park environment. I have young children and would never consider such a thing.


I can't agree with you more. Cruising used to be a very elegant vacation; it has taken a downward turn with jeans, capris, and now portable swimming pools.

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I plan to look for that little pool in the pictures (thank you to that post reply), didn't realize they made them that small.


I knew they made them this small but have had a hard time finding one. After the post with the photo I googled and found that exact pool for sale on a website. I will be buying this exact pool for our 10 month old boy on our cruise. Here is the website: http://www.calsplash.com/hg-000238.html

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I knew they made them this small but have had a hard time finding one. After the post with the photo I googled and found that exact pool for sale on a website. I will be buying this exact pool for our 10 month old boy on our cruise. Here is the website: http://www.calsplash.com/hg-000238.html


That is so perfect and the price is right. This can even be used on the beach easily for moms and dads who want to cool off and entertain babies on shore. It looks very easy to carry around.

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I guess I'm really lucky that my 16 month old is potty trained in her bathing suit. Maybe its because of where we live where she's at the beach, pool, or water park 2-3 times a week. I don't know. But she has never gone #2 in her bathing suit ever.


IF, however, she weren't trained. I think DH and I would just find other things for her to do on the ship. I'm not sure the hassle of packing, blowing up, filling, draining, deflating, and re-packing would be worth it. My daughter is VERY mobile and would get tired of such a small pool very quickly (again, maybe because she's already swimming almost daily?)

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CruisingCatherine....... Please forgive me but I have read your signature list of cruises:




Enchantment of the Seas 07/21/2008---Key West, Cozumel, Belize

Navigator of the Seas 03/06/2008---Cozumel

Caribbean Princess 12/09/2007---Princess Cays, St Thomas, Grand Turk

Adventure of the Seas 09/23/2007---Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, St. Marteen, St. Thomas

Carnival Inspiration 08/27/2007---Grand Cayman, Cozumel

Mariner of the Seas 05/06/07---Labadee, Jamaica, Caymans, Cozumel

Carnival Fantasy 02/14/07---Cruise to Cozumel

Navigator of the Seas 11/11/06---Labadee, Jamaica, Caymans, Cozumel

Enchantment of the Seas 2/13/06--Key West, Belize, Cozumel

Splendour of the Seas 10/8/05---European Cruise

Mariner of the Seas 9/26/04---Nassau and Cozumel (Hurricane Jeane )

It interests me out of your list or cruises, you have returned to Cozumel so many times. What is it about it that attracts you?



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It interests me out of your list or cruises, you have returned to Cozumel so many times. What is it about it that attracts you?


It is kind of funny how I keep ending up there.


The very first cruise I took was supposed to be the traditional Western (Private Island, Jamaica, Caymans, Cozumel) and it was messed up by a hurricane.


My second time, I suprised my husband by buying him a cruise for Christmas. I couldn't be obvious with my spending to keep the suprise and our kids were not going with us as it was a trip on our anniversary. So a cruise on Enchantment was all I could do with my budget and time constraints.


My third time, was a re-do of our first cruise that was such a mess.


The fourth time, my husband and I were completely stressed out and needed to get away. Since we own our own business, we didn't want to go for more than a few days. Living in Nashville, the port in New Orleans is an easy drive. This was the only cruise offered.


The fifth time, was the first 7 night cruise I was taking my children and husband on. (My previous 7 nighters had been girls cruises) My H had heard me talk so much about the private island, the caymans, and my favorite ship (Mariner) that he wanted to take the kids on this one.


The sixth time, was another stressed out get away that my H and I did. This cruise went over a long weekend so we didn't miss work.


The seventh time, my girlfriend wanted to do. She had been on our girls cruise and wanted to hook her husband on cruising. She had a VERY limited budget and wanted to suprise her H with a cruise for Christmas. This was a four night cruise and all she could afford.


The eighth time, we were invited on this cruise by my H's Aunt. It was more of a working cruise than a leisure cruise. His Aunt's company chose the cruise.


That being said...I LOVE COZUMEL!! We were there right before Wilma hit and then several times right after. I was amazed at the dedication and hard work. The people are so friendly, the beaches beautiful, and the culture is fabulous.


The funniest thing is my 10 month old was a suprise souvenir from our trip to Cozumel last March. His middle name is Lorenzo as a tribute to the trip.:D

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I can't agree with you more. Cruising used to be a very elegant vacation; it has taken a downward turn with jeans, capris, and now portable swimming pools.
Cruising also used to be a child-free experience, but that has also changed. So, you might as well get used to it.


I don't blame parents one iota for bringing such a thing for their wee ones. And, while their own balcony may be the best place for it, what are they supposed to do with the child when everyone is at the pool and the child starts crying because she is hot and uncomfortable too? Would you prefer mom scoop up the child, diaper and all, and dip her into the pool? Or maybe just go ahead and take her in?


As long as cruise ships have become family spots, and as long as the cruise line themselves don't provide a venue for diapered children to enjoy the water, then you will have people doing this, and frankly, I don't blame them. I will admit, I don't care for the idea either, but I certainly can understand a parent doing it.


By the way, I think this problem is eventually gonna become a non-issue on HAL. When they put in that new Retreat area that many of the ships are getting on the aft deck, the problem will go away. I am sure there will be a separate area of one of those shallow pools that will be set aside for diapered children. There will be fountains too, I believe, and mom can always take the child to cool off in them. In fact, I think that whole Retreat area will be great for families with very young children, and that's probably why HAL is putting it in.


Blue skies ...



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It is kind of funny how I keep ending up there.


The very first cruise I took was supposed to be the traditional Western (Private Island, Jamaica, Caymans, Cozumel) and it was messed up by a hurricane.


My second time, I suprised my husband by buying him a cruise for Christmas. I couldn't be obvious with my spending to keep the suprise and our kids were not going with us as it was a trip on our anniversary. So a cruise on Enchantment was all I could do with my budget and time constraints.


My third time, was a re-do of our first cruise that was such a mess.


The fourth time, my husband and I were completely stressed out and needed to get away. Since we own our own business, we didn't want to go for more than a few days. Living in Nashville, the port in New Orleans is an easy drive. This was the only cruise offered.


The fifth time, was the first 7 night cruise I was taking my children and husband on. (My previous 7 nighters had been girls cruises) My H had heard me talk so much about the private island, the caymans, and my favorite ship (Mariner) that he wanted to take the kids on this one.


The sixth time, was another stressed out get away that my H and I did. This cruise went over a long weekend so we didn't miss work.


The seventh time, my girlfriend wanted to do. She had been on our girls cruise and wanted to hook her husband on cruising. She had a VERY limited budget and wanted to suprise her H with a cruise for Christmas. This was a four night cruise and all she could afford.


The eighth time, we were invited on this cruise by my H's Aunt. It was more of a working cruise than a leisure cruise. His Aunt's company chose the cruise.


That being said...I LOVE COZUMEL!! We were there right before Wilma hit and then several times right after. I was amazed at the dedication and hard work. The people are so friendly, the beaches beautiful, and the culture is fabulous.


The funniest thing is my 10 month old was a suprise souvenir from our trip to Cozumel last March. His middle name is Lorenzo as a tribute to the trip.:D



Thanks, Catherine. Appreciate your answer and Congratulations on Lorenzo. :D Very sweet!@!#@!


What are your favorite things to do in Coz? (Well - :o not asking EVERYTHING you like to do there. :D ) Do you snorkle? Beach sit? Do Margaritas? Our first visit or two, we weren't crazy about Coz but funny how it grew on us and we like it very much now.



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I am sure there will be a separate area of one of those shallow pools that will be set aside for diapered children. There will be fountains too, I believe, and mom can always take the child to cool off in them. In fact, I think that whole Retreat area will be great for families with very young children, and that's probably why HAL is putting it in.


The issue with diapered babies in the pool will surely also be an issue in a baby pool. Does anyone really want to dip their baby in water where another baby may have had an 'occurence'?

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Thanks, Catherine. Appreciate your answer and Congratulations on Lorenzo. :D Very sweet!@!#@!


What are your favorite things to do in Coz? (Well - :o not asking EVERYTHING you like to do there. :D ) Do you snorkle? Beach sit? Do Margaritas? Our first visit or two, we weren't crazy about Coz but funny how it grew on us and we like it very much now.




I really enjoyed the snorkeling before Wilma. It is still in the process of recovery. My favorite is Paradise Beach!!! They have the best nachos, margaritas, staff, and beach massages on the island. We also love to shop in the downtown markets and have lunch at some of the places there.

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The issue with diapered babies in the pool will surely also be an issue in a baby pool. Does anyone really want to dip their baby in water where another baby may have had an 'occurence'?


I hope that when they do make some kind of place for diapered infants that it is more along the lines of a water park. Fountains, running water, buckets that fill and pour out, ect... I would never put my baby in a community baby pool. Too many children have died of e-coli this way. If it is a private pool I can monitor if an accident occurs and I always make sure baby has been scrubbed before the pool time.

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I hope that when they do make some kind of place for diapered infants that it is more along the lines of a water park. Fountains, running water, buckets that fill and pour out, ect... I would never put my baby in a community baby pool. Too many children have died of e-coli this way. If it is a private pool I can monitor if an accident occurs and I always make sure baby has been scrubbed before the pool time.


The actual number of instances of e-coli in baby pools and water parks is very low. When it is identified however, the parks are closed and the media gives it tremendous attention.


But as we all know, where there is feces, there is trouble. Absolute last thing I would consider doing if I were Queen of a Cruise Line is to create an onboard facility that is more conducive to feces contamination that would otherwise be present, if I did not.

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