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Feb weather/ seas?


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The weather if different each year. You don't have to be concerned about hurricanes or tropical storms. But, a strong winter storm over the Atlantic or U.S. can pick up the winds down south. I once was on a ship that had trouble docking in Cozmel because of a line of severe thunderstorms in Alabama at the time. I've also heard of Grand Caymen having trouble with tenders at the same time a big storm was hitting in the U.S. So it just depends on the weather at the time.


You can get a 120 hour wave height forecast here...



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We're sailing on the Conquest on 2-13-05 and have only cruised in October (twice) in the past. What sort of weather and seas are to be expected at this time?



When we sailed on her in Feb, 2003 it was cold and damp the day before and the day of the cruise. It was in the forties. By the next morning, people were in the pools already. It was beautiful weather all through the cruise until we hit the Mississippi on the last night. It started storming and got real foggy. When the ship made one turn around a bend in the river the ship listed real bad and dishes were sliding off all over the place. I slept through it but oldest son said it was quite a ride.

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Our first cruise was in February of 2002. We had gorgeous weather the whole time. It was sunny and in the low 80s all week. We sailed in February again this year and hit mediocre weather. It was warm, but not always sunny. Lots of wind and one rainy day in Honduras. I think it is just hit or miss.



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