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"The Suite Life of the Dawn Queen on The Dawn Fool's Cruise 3-28-09"


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Between yours and one on another cruise line 107 day cruise I will be on this site a lot ... (who is considering NCL for a hop to the Bahamas in November.....)


107 day cruise?? Wow, can I go??? I guess I would need a lot of money and no job to worry about!

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There was another reason also…..


Please tell me I don't have to wait until 8pm to read it!!!


I want to read the whole review today!!! Don't make us wait every day for the next installements!


I so enjoy your review and I totally agree with everything! It was without a doubt the best cruise we have ever done and you 2 are a big reason why!!



PS: I loved the bread too! I am surprised I did not put on any weight! I think I ate a baguette all by myself every day!


PS2: I put our cruise pictures in my signature

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Before I get to that, well, Jerome and I decided to go play Bingo.


Believe it or not, there was not a whole lot of solicitation about Bingo on our cruise as opposed to the previous Dawn sailings we read about on the CC Boards. Just a few verbal non intrusive announcements, and of course the listing in the Daily’s.


We get to Spinnaker Lounge where Bingo was getting set up at and it was our first time getting to see Ray Ray, the Assistant Cruise Director and Shona, the Cruise Director in full action. They both were a lot of fun and interacted well, playing off each other quite humorously.


Bingo on the other hand was a little unusual. We bought the deluxe package that came with the Bingo Machine (No need for paper ballots anymore) which kind of reminded me of the “Floriduh” hanging chad controversy. I say that because the same guy won on his machine two times in a row…..good for him, sounds like someone else we knew back in the year 2000?!


Anyway, the package comes with "The Machine", (Which I dubbed The "Bingoramadamadingdong"), 4 real Bingo sheets (6 cards per page/4 pages total 1 page for each game), raffle tickets for the free cruise drawing, a little bingo ball key chain, and those pull tickets, like lotto but you win money. Such a deal at $89.00.


Oh well, gimme a Martini and off we go….did not win a thing, but also did not have to do a thing except drink. The machine all but yells out Bingo if you are a winner! You still get to do that……


but, met the most wonderful Cocktail Server Rachel, who works in the Spinnaker Lounge.


We told Rachel that we wanted to bring a group of people to the “Howl at the Moon” show that evening and would it be possible to reserve seats?


No reserve seating allowed, was her reply, but she would be happy to take care of us later on……well, I suddenly remembered my handy dandy Suite cell Phone, and in it was conveniently programmed to the Legendary Anchumann’s number…..


Hellooooo? Anchumann?” Like a Genie, our wish was his command…..”is it possible to have a reserved section in Spinnaker’s tonight for Howl at the Moon…..we also would like Rachel to be our server?” Guess what the answer was…….

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By far the most fun and engaging group activity that I have ever had on a ship.


If I may indulge the organizer for a moment. SILC, these are your words from your review (which the entire review, by the way, is flawless in it’s delivery, everyone should read it) and I must repeat your instructions here as no one can describe the “Slot Pull” better than you.




Before I begin, I also would like to extend to you, SILC, a very public apology for what I wrote on your review (later removed), and I am truly sorry for misunderstanding what you originally documented. I was wrong and for that I am sincerely and profoundly sorry.


For your public apology.


Thank you, JW. The thought that I hurt you in any way left me feeling very badly...



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Upon returning to our suite to change for the upcoming Formal Night, we discovered that Anoop, our Butler, had already been there.


Refreshing our silver ice bucket with ice, refreshing the beverages in the refrigerator.


And.... on the Dining Room Table, we found a wonderful plate of Canapés and Chocolate Covered Strawberries……..


Hor d’ourves to shower by (Oh that Shower!!!! I would honestly consider leaving Jerome and going up to Vermont and Marrying that Shower….we Can get married now….it‘s legal you know, at least in Vermont!), with Martini’s of course.


We had pre-arranged with our group to meet at 8pm….yes, we were 10 minutes late, but hey, haven’t you figured that out yet? We are ALWAYS Fashionably late! It’s our Culture…..

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The Formal Dinner:


You may have heard it already told on several reviews, but during part of our CC Roll Call discussions I talked about me planning on wearing a Black Velvet Tuxedo with the “Puffy Shirt”. It is not just any “Puffy Shirt”, but one of the actual 12 made for the Seinfeld episode. (Thank Gosh for eBay! Where we picked it up at a charity auction). It truly is a phenomenal shirt.


As I was talking about wanting to make a “grand entrance” into the restaurant….one of our CC pals, SILC, went one further and said it should be like right out of Hello Dolly where Streisand comes down the stairs and all of the waiters sing…….


Well, the moment came, we were dressed and walking out on deck on our way to the Venetian restaurant and we were stopped by one of the CC “Lurkers” (one who reads but does not comment) and she immediately said….”Your JW from Cruiseguys on Cruise Critic”. I had no idea of the impact we had with our Cruise Critic Roll Call Board until that moment.


Well, they were sitting outside the Venetian restaurant, having eaten already and wanted to be there just to see the “Grand Entrance”……

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Oops, I forgot. Just before the Formal Dinner, we were invited to a Private Cocktail Reception with our Captain. An invitation arrived at our Suite's Mail Box....don't you love that?


Anchumann met us at the entrance, and we were personally escorted to the Captain to be formally introduced......ahhhh the "Suite Life". Makes you wonder....did they know what I was about to do in the Venetian????


We had a dynamic conversation with him. He is sooooo very charming. I was incredibly impressed, he did not even flinch with me being there in my Black Velvet Tuxedo with the Puffy Shirt.


Another of our CC "Best" Buddies (AS A MATTER OF FACT, THE FOUNDER OF OUR ROLL CALL) arrived and joined in the conversation. It was truly fabulous....I especially liked the mail slot at our room, every night there would be new surprises and invites in there....


Hey what can I say, the Captains party had free Champagne, but Rachel, knowing me from Bingo earlier, brought me a Special Martini....the only one in the group! Thanks Rachel, that was pure class and pure great service!

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The Grand Entrance:


What happened next was all too amazing and totally blew everyone away in the Venetian. Truly everyone who did not know us, thought that this was what happens every week and we worked for NCL!. I sometimes wish I did as I am sooo spontaneous! It just comes Naturally…really!


As I was just about to enter the main door of the Restaurant, I heard “Welllll, Heeellllooooooo Dolly!” being sung behind me by one of our CC members(Y‘all know who it is I am talking about, it is a well documented event!), she is also the one who was totally responsible for the Grand Entrance in the first place. Hint….SILC!



I entered the Venetian, looked around and saw the restaurant completely full, and then, Jerome, knowing what I was about to do, escaped quickly down the stairs not wanting to be a part of it (as usual, hey, after 16 years, he knows what I am all about), just in case I got thrown into the brink!


All of the sudden, just like a Broadway production, forgive me I have to mention her CC handle (she already wrote about this on her review posting) SILC begins to Professionally Belt Out (and project her voice) “Hello Dolly”.


Well, gay as I am, it was so flawless. Big smile, big shirt, typical, slow Miss America/Las Vegas Showgirl/Busby Berkley side to side kind of a walk down the stairs, arms out wide, “Big Arms Big Shoulders!“, “You Go Girl!” type of thing, Silc singing, pictures flashing, forks dropping, JAW’s definitely dropping, drop dead silence…..all you heard was SILC singing!!!!


As I got to the bottom, the stairs were really not that grand in length, Silc was still in the middle of the song.


Oh heck, she was just getting to the Bridge of the song….what could I do? I turned to her, smiled, ran up the stairs again, and did it all over again so she could finish the song.


By that time…..flashes of cameras were going off everywhere. People really did believe that this was an NCL regular gig…..It was Hysterical….for at least 10 minutes after, people did not know what to think, really. It was just all about having a grand time.


I made it to the bottom of the stairs again, thunderous applause (just like in the movie) and standing ovations throughout the Venetian. Hysterically funny. People had gotten up from their tables just to get a better view!


The best part was, that there was this table of 12 Asians (of course with their cameras) right up front, that were SO shocked, eyes wide open, they forgot to take a picture as they did not know what to think! I mean, how many people get to do this very crazy impromptu thing?


I have no shame, only wanna have fun and bring everyone else with me!

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When I got to the table, one of the CC group remarked


“JW, I have to tell you that was the Gayest thing I have ever seen! I will never forget it!”


Personally, I loved it too, and yes it was the "Gayest" thing I had ever seen or done too…..and you know what?



It set the tone for everyone, whether in our CC Group or not, for the rest of the cruise.


I am glad that happened……People got a chance to let their guard down and really, really have a good time.


That singular event did it. That is what made our cruise the Trip of a Lifetime.


But we still had to eat.......

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I took my seat at the head of our table, and SILC and her clan took the table behind us and all we did was laugh throughout dinner.


Jerome and I ordered the Steak and Lobster. The steak, now I am a rare (in more ways than one) kind of guy, it was cooked to perfection, the Lobster was also tender and not rubbery as I had read about.


Between the surroundings, the décor, the excellant service, the ambiance, it was truly an "Event". Could ALL of this happen on any other Cruise Line except NCL? I wonder….


Again, our respective Butlers Anoop and Ravi were on hand to check on us. Anoop was on hand to witness the Grand Entrance (as he was forewarned) and loved it.


Other than the Grand Entrance, the only thing I really remember about the whole dinner was constantly raising my glass of wine to my good friend at the other end of the table.


It was totally fabulous……..


I raise my glass to now, again to her (debulicious), SILC, NCL and Cruise Critic! Cheers and a thousand thanks!


Just add water and you have an Instant Celebrity!


Anchumann stopped by the table to tell me just what you would expect………


Again, he was our Genie! We can’t say enough about him….he is a truly remarkable and kind man…..a man who wants to be there to please “The Guest”. Wow, what a concept?!…….

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Yes I am here reading.....teary eyed I might add as I read your impecable recap of our fabulous, wonderful, spectacular, marvelous experience (a million adjectives are not enough). It all happens so fast as you are experiencing it ...... the memories last a lifetime. Thanks so much for your colorful descriptions..... It is such a good read, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MOVIE!!!!! Right now I am casting for the lead roles.... I have a few celebs in mind. Such a large group to cast and I want to get it just right :p Should be a fun process. Is there anyone in particular you might like to play you and J-rome?

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Sheila, Jerome and I have 4 daughters....(Wha? What did he say? Daughters) Relax everyone.....We have 4 cats, and I love the pic of your kitty, just had to tell you that. Thanks for chiming in.


Thanks!! She is one of our four fur kids who allow us to live in the house with them and they are all girls too. I also have some outdoor rescues who now live in an enclosure in our backyard.

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Hey Cruiseguys,


I'm loving your review. We were on the March 14th sailing of the Dawn and I'm reliving it by reading your review. Keep it coming. I'm very jealous of your luck in the casino. The "Hello Dolly" thing is just wonderful. I did mention to hubby that the staircase seemed just fitting for a "grand" entrance.


Can't wait for your next instalment.


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JW...what a great trip report. So good in fact that even someone like myself, who is 99.9% lurker, wanted to say thanks.


My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed our chat with you at the pool and I couldn't resist saying "Hello".


Keep it coming.


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JW...what a great trip report. So good in fact that even someone like myself' date=' who is 99.9% lurker, wanted to say thanks. [/font']


My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed our chat with you at the pool and I couldn't resist saying "Hello".


Keep it coming.



I remember you and thank you for coming to the infamous cocktail party...wait...you are in the round up....

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Is anyone reading this thread? I just want to know that it is NOT falling on deaf eyes?


Hellooooo, anyone out there?


I'm reading!! And loving it! Keep typing, please :)


I wasn't on your cruise, but I'm so enjoying the review. I wish I was there to see the Hello Dolly entrance. That's simply priceless. :D

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Yes I am here reading.....teary eyed I might add as I read your impecable recap of our fabulous, wonderful, spectacular, marvelous experience (a million adjectives are not enough). It all happens so fast as you are experiencing it ...... the memories last a lifetime. Thanks so much for your colorful descriptions..... It is such a good read, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MOVIE!!!!! Right now I am casting for the lead roles.... I have a few celebs in mind. Such a large group to cast and I want to get it just right :p Should be a fun process. Is there anyone in particular you might like to play you and J-rome?


And since you are casting the Movie Version....there really is only one person who could ever Play ME IN MY Role.......


and that is RUPAUL!!!! "You better Work, work it girl!"

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