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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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Not on ship, but at an excursion destination, Disney World, in FL. We were at Hollywood Studios, myself, DH, our 2 daughters and 1 son. We had just watched the Adventures of Indiana Jones live performance. On our way out, the crowd was quite thick, so I reached down and grabbed my sons hand, until the end of the walkway, and the crowd thinned a bit. It was then that the woman standing next to me, and I just kind of glanced at eachother, both slightly embarrassed..we were holding hands with eachother. She thought she had grabbed her grandsons hand. Too cute / funny. :)



I'm on page 9 of this wonderful thread, but wanted to add my own.

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My grandparents went on a Caribbean cruise about 10 years ago and they were in the ship's casino when several mexican men approached her and asked her for money. She of course did not oblige them, and they yelled "el cheapo" at her numerous times. Well for the whole rest of the cruise everyone who was in that casino would call her "El Cheapo" everytime they saw her, and to this day we still call her el cheapo


That is seriously funny!

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  • 2 weeks later...
It was on the old Sony of Norway. We were cruising the North Sea

during an especially rough night. Most of the passengers didn't even

come to dinner, so the dining room was half empty.

My wife and I were seated at a large table, opposite another

large table. An elderly woman in a wheelchair was seated at the

head of the table. The stabilizers were working well to keep the

ship level, but there were sudden surges that you could feel.


All of a sudden, a large surge happenned and the ship tilted. The

poor woman in the wheelchair was rolling backward at high speed,

still clutching her knife and fork. The Maitre'd and waiters jumped

to chase her down. The whole room applauded when they stopped

her from rolling into the kitchen. It was hilarious. They rolled her

back to the table and the Maitre'd checked twice that the brakes

were now on.


-- Doug


The thought of the lady rolling away with the knife and fork still in her hands cracks me up. Thanks for the laugh!

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I remember this guy rubbing suntan lotion on this girl...until her "girl friend" came back, boy all hell broke lose!


For some reason, I found others funnier mentally, but this one made me burst out laughing. Probably because I am thinking of a girl in her young 20s with a man in his 70s rubbing suntan lotion on. But, I am probably wrong.


I won't be on my first cruise until July, but I will be having my camera on me at ALL times! Hope I catch something good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This didn't happen on the cruise, but in the airport on our way to Rome for a cruise. The line for security was long, and there were 2 20-something girls about 10 people in front of us. Everybody had to take off their shoes, and one of the girls was wearing tight jeans with high leather boots. When she bent down to unzip her boots to take them off, her jeans slipped down below her butt, and her thong was the only thing between her and the guy behind her. He almost lost it, and his wife was yelling at him to stop looking. The girl was oblivious. When she got thru security, she did the same thing to put the boots on again. You'd think she would have felt a draft.

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Along the lines of the Harley Group, the Cross Dressers Group and the Evangelical group..Mother and I were unknowingly booked on a BBW cruise. Big Beautiful Women. There was a pre-requisite to be in this group, of 275 lbs.. and proud. I made many new friends who quardrupled my weight, I admit. The pictures from deck are priceless. As we were just trying to capture our vacation and not intentionally exploit anyone we tried to be discreet about taking photos..but it was an unfruitful effort as every picture from deck, was horrid. See, I weighed about 95lbs (I am 5 feet tall) the year of that cruise and undoubtedly looked sick and malnurished anytime I was near the pool.


By the 5th day of the 7day cruise the ship was out of bread, and part of the top deck was the graveyard for broken deck, pool loungers and dining room chairs. The dining room was empty every night and the buffetts were understocked. After a few nights of ponedring the empty DR, a concensus was made, that there were too many arm chairs in this room, and that it must be uncomfortable. The comedian that week, definately catered to the 700 BBW's and their significant others and I was called out directly at the comedy show, both the 830pm show and the adult hour.


There was an abundance of hover rounds and walkers and oxygen tanks. I even saw a woman who's ankles covered her feet up to her toes and her 140lb boyfriend making out in a glass elevator...ok..that enough reminscing about THAT one...

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In talking to a Maitre d' on one cruise we did find out that 20-25% of the chairs in the dining room were armless for just the reason you stated. The waiters are very careful to offer those seats when needen.


But if you have 700 passengers that need them..... yes the buffet would be busy.



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Funny stuff in this forum...


I have two rather hilarious anecdotes to share from the Christmas 2004 Sun Princess cruise.


During the champagne waterfall event streamers and confetti was given out to all guests to throw over the railings of the atrium. It created a nice effect. Well, one unruly passenger got the idea to substitute streamers for a roll of toilet paper from a nearby public restroom. Seeing a roll of TP hurled down the three story atrium among shiny streamers and people dressed in formal wear was quite a sight.


On the last evening of the same cruise balloons were given out to all the kids. The same genius passenger had the idea to gather about 20 balloons and tie them into a bouquet. The next step involved tying about 15 feet of pretty white toilet paper to the bouquet. Finally the bountiful bouquet was let to float to the ceiling of the three story atrium for all to see. This event took place at midnight. The next morning at 9:00am as we were debarking the balloon/toilet paper eyesore was still hanging from the atrium ceiling. There was a group of ship's engineers at the bottom of the atrium pondering how to clear the balloons and TP before the next week's passengers got on board.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The last one was a real hoot! I wish I was there.

The coolest and most unusual thing I ever saw on a cruise trip was when I was on the Carnival Spirit in Alaska. We went to Juneaeu and took an excursion to the Upside Down Gardens. The man who owns the property got tired of looking at all the dead trees on his property so he had each one dug up and "replanted" upside down. From the roots he hung hundreds of planters containing beautiful flowers. Also, he takes you to the top of his property by golf cart and you get a beautiful, one-of-a-kind view of the city and glaciers.

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  • 1 month later...

About 20 years ago, my dh and I went on our first cruise. Every evening after dinner, we'd head to the bar for an after-dinner drink (or two). Each night, from long before we got to the bar until it closed, one of the ship's officers was sitting at the bar, chain-smoking Marlboro reds and downing glass after glass of Jack Daniels, neat. Halfway throught the cruise, I struck up a conversation with him and learned that he was the ship's doctor. I spent the rest of the cruise hoping that if I got injured and needed medical attention (not unlikely, given my innate clumsiness), it would happen in the afternoon, and not the evening (after he'd had all that Jack) or the morning (when he was suffering the inevitable hangover)...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The very unattractive butt of our next door neighbor on his balcony. He had obviously slept out there and as I sat down on my balcony with a cup of coffee, apparently the commotion woke him. I heard noise, looked over and saw him straggling into his cabin, bare butt shining in the sun. Poor wife :(.

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I was on the Carnivale when I was about 9 years old. I was walking through the ship one day early in the cruise when I heard a woman call "Dwayne!"- it looked like she was talking to me, but since my name isn't Dwayne, I kept walking. Then she said "Dwayne, I have something for you!" I suddenly became Dwayne- and went into the room. There were games and crafts and all kinds cool stuff. I didn't realize that it was Camp Carnival and I was allowed to go there, too. I went back every day and told them my name was Dwayne. I got away with it until the last day when my mother and the woman who called me Dwayne met each other. They went back and forth over what my name was, while I sat there thinking "Am I going to have to give back all of Dwayne's stuff?"

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The very unattractive butt of our next door neighbor on his balcony. He had obviously slept out there and as I sat down on my balcony with a cup of coffee, apparently the commotion woke him. I heard noise, looked over and saw him straggling into his cabin, bare butt shining in the sun. Poor wife :(.


You deserved to see the "very unattractive butt of ...".

What're you doing looking over there?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not on ship, but at an excursion destination, Disney World, in FL. We were at Hollywood Studios, myself, DH, our 2 daughters and 1 son. We had just watched the Adventures of Indiana Jones live performance. On our way out, the crowd was quite thick, so I reached down and grabbed my sons hand, until the end of the walkway, and the crowd thinned a bit. It was then that the woman standing next to me, and I just kind of glanced at eachother, both slightly embarrassed..we were holding hands with eachother. She thought she had grabbed her grandsons hand. Too cute / funny. :)



I'm on page 9 of this wonderful thread, but wanted to add my own.

Good one! I haven't been to this thread in awhile, so I am now laughing my way through the newest posts!

Keep em coming gang!

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I was on the Carnivale when I was about 9 years old. I was walking through the ship one day early in the cruise when I heard a woman call "Dwayne!"- it looked like she was talking to me, but since my name isn't Dwayne, I kept walking. Then she said "Dwayne, I have something for you!" I suddenly became Dwayne- and went into the room. There were games and crafts and all kinds cool stuff. I didn't realize that it was Camp Carnival and I was allowed to go there, too. I went back every day and told them my name was Dwayne. I got away with it until the last day when my mother and the woman who called me Dwayne met each other. They went back and forth over what my name was, while I sat there thinking "Am I going to have to give back all of Dwayne's stuff?"

Did you? :D

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I was a passenger on the Serenade of the Seas last year, at around this time. Our stop in Barbados berth started off normally. We had signed up for a Catamaran/snorkel with sea turtles. However, unknown to us was that “Rum Punch” was available after the snorkeling. A group of young adults, early to mid 20’s, got a little too involved with the Rum Punch. Needless to say it was hilarious to watch them make fools of themselves. One in particular was on the front of the catamaran, wearing a ladies sunhat and more red than a Maine lobster confessing that he was a pirate. I assumed it was because he had lost a lens from his sunglasses and looked like he had an eye patch. There were two very attractive young ladies with their family aboard the catamaran. Of course it caught the eye of this motley crew, as these ladies were in bikinis. “Captain Red Back Sparrow”, as I called him, went over after we docked to “introduce” himself. He slurred the words “You girls are hot” in front of their father. There was one of the group, who obviously had all his ducks in a row and didn’t partake in the rum. He was a gentleman, shook the hand of the father and apologized for his friends actions. A very respectable and well mannered young man in my eyes. Regardless, he helped usher the drunkards onto the bus waiting to take us back to the ship. Some other comments were made about the young ladies, who seemed to like the attention a little…not their father so much.

After departing the bus and walking through the duty free area we noticed one of the crew running into a security guard, literally, on his way to the restroom…the restroom was in the opposite direction of the security guard. After this we made our way on to the ship. We made our way up the stairs and as we walked towards our staterooms we noticed that “Captain RedBack Sparrow” was passed out, sprawled on a common area couch. After that we didn’t see hide or hair of this group until dinner time. We decided that we would eat in the Windjammer that night. Two of the kids from this croup walked into the windjammer in bathrobes and slippers. They were thusly turned away but it was definitely a sight to see.

It is funny what alcohol can do to some people. I am sure there are funnier stories, this is one of those “You had to be there”. I do feel awful for the one of them that was well behaved, he was a good guy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

We were on the Carnival Triumph last week. I was up early the morning after formal night walking the decks, and everything was wet from rain through the night. There was one person asleep in a deck chair, though, and it was dry under his chair, so he was out in the rain. As I got closer, I thought he was a security guard because his pants had yellow stripes on them. When I got a little closer I saw that the stripes turned into swirl patterns on the front of the suit. I was wondering "WTH kind of ugly-a$$ suit is that?" when I realized it was mustard:eek:. Oh, and he also had a bottle of Bud tipped into his crotch. I didn't get a picture, but I suspect whoever did it to him put the whole thing on YouTube.:p

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This dates back to the early 80's on our first cruise with another couple. It was on Commodore's La Boheme which carried about 650 passengers and had very small cabins. There were no suites or balconies.


We struck up a friendship with an older couple but very nice. They always seemed to be up on the pool deck whenever we ventured up there.


Come to find they had booked this cruise following their daughter's wedding to unwind and relax. When the to be newly weds heard about it, they wanted to go, too, for their honeymoon. Only problem was their honeymoon fund was on the low side, very low side. So they ended up going and sharing a cabin with her parents! Back then 3rd and 4th person in a cabin were a pittance--once my boys cruised with us for only port taxes.


They said they picked different dinner times but still felt like they needed to give them "space."


Tucker in Texas

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A few years ago on my very first cruise....it was bunch of us guys whom were cruising together. My friend, who is a professional singer and does old-school Frank Sinatra type music.....told us that he had a surprise for us in the lounge (on the Carnival Imagination) and to be there at a certain time (I think around 9pm or so). We all gather at the lounge (half in the bag, of course) and we see our friend get on stage. We start cheering and chanting his name, as we all thought this was the surprise--that he was performing on the cruise for us. Well he did perform and sang "My Way" by Frank Sinatra. Well, as he was singing thru the song he began to take one piece of his tuxedo off, at a time. Our group of friends are all thinking to ourselves "what is he doing" and "oh my god, I hope he doesn't do what we think he's doing"....(as he is known to remove all of his clothing when he has been drinking). Well as the song is about to end he takes his dress shirt off and low and behold its a "Hooters" waitress shirt and immediately after he removes his dress pants and yes...its was the tight orange "Hooters" waitress shorts......and he then ended the song with the traditional last line "and I did it my way"! And the entire crowd erupted (including us) cheering, laughing, and chanting his name...they even pleeded for him to do an

encore song wearing the Hooters uniform...which he did. It is one of my fondest memories of cruising.

Edited by dshin00
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A few years ago on my very first cruise....it was bunch of us guys whom were cruising together. My friend, who is a professional singer and does old-school Frank Sinatra type music.....told us that he had a surprise for us in the lounge (on the Carnival Imagination) and to be there at a certain time (I think around 9pm or so). We all gather at the lounge (half in the bag, of course) and we see our friend get on stage. We start cheering and chanting his name, as we all thought this was the surprise--that he was performing on the cruise for us. Well he did perform and sang "My Way" by Frank Sinatra. Well, as he was singing thru the song he began to take one piece of his tuxedo off, at a time. Our group of friends are all thinking to ourselves "what is he doing" and "oh my god, I hope he doesn't do what we think he's doing"....(as he is known to remove all of his clothing when he has been drinking). Well as the song is about to end he takes his dress shirt off and low and behold its a "Hooters" waitress shirt and immediately after he removes his dress pants and yes...its was the tight orange "Hooters" waitress shorts......and he then ended the song with the traditional last line "and I did it my way"! And the entire crowd erupted (including us) cheering, laughing, and chanting his name...they even pleeded for him to do an

encore song wearing the Hooters uniform...which he did. It is one of my fondest memories of cruising.



What a great story! I now wish I had been there! Great memories for you guys, and this is def a friend worth buying drinks for!

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