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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've spent several days reading this thread. Hilarious!! People are an endless source of entertainment.


I have a story---not nearly as funny as some of these---but one that my DH will never live down.


We had been on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera and had a wonderful time. In one of the ports, we bought this pretty beaded bowl made by locals. It was a little pricey, but we both just loved it.


When the trip ended and we had returned to U.S., of course we had to go through customs. When it came our turn to go through, we stepped up to the little counter and the customs official started asking us the usual question. What was the purpose of your visit? "Pleasure." How long were you in Mexico? "5 days", etc. Then, Do you have anything to declare?


Now, I have to qualify this story by saying, my husband and I are Mr. and Mrs. Conservative. Nothing nefarious about the two of us! ;) Dh is very honest and would declare a postcard if we purchased one. So, when he was asked, "Do you have anything to declare?" He answered without hesitation, "Yes, we bought a little pot."


I nearly fell to the floor. Here's my husband, telling the customs officer that we had "bought a little pot" in Mexico. ROFLOL!! The official took one look at my expression of horror, looked at my husband, and just laughed and waved us through. Thankfully, he realized that my husband meant POTTERY.


This happened ~10 years ago and we still have a good laugh telling this story to family and friends. Well, I do, anyway!!

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I've spent several days reading this thread. Hilarious!! People are an endless source of entertainment.


I have a story---not nearly as funny as some of these---but one that my DH will never live down.


We had been on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera and had a wonderful time. In one of the ports, we bought this pretty beaded bowl made by locals. It was a little pricey, but we both just loved it.


When the trip ended and we had returned to U.S., of course we had to go through customs. When it came our turn to go through, we stepped up to the little counter and the customs official started asking us the usual question. What was the purpose of your visit? "Pleasure." How long were you in Mexico? "5 days", etc. Then, Do you have anything to declare?


Now, I have to qualify this story by saying, my husband and I are Mr. and Mrs. Conservative. Nothing nefarious about the two of us! ;) Dh is very honest and would declare a postcard if we purchased one. So, when he was asked, "Do you have anything to declare?" He answered without hesitation, "Yes, we bought a little pot."


I nearly fell to the floor. Here's my husband, telling the customs officer that we had "bought a little pot" in Mexico. ROFLOL!! The official took one look at my expression of horror, looked at my husband, and just laughed and waved us through. Thankfully, he realized that my husband meant POTTERY.


This happened ~10 years ago and we still have a good laugh telling this story to family and friends. Well, I do, anyway!!


That's hilarious. I disagree with you though, that's one of the funniest stories in this thread.

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I've spent several days reading this thread. Hilarious!! People are an endless source of entertainment.


I have a story---not nearly as funny as some of these---but one that my DH will never live down.


We had been on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera and had a wonderful time. In one of the ports, we bought this pretty beaded bowl made by locals. It was a little pricey, but we both just loved it.


When the trip ended and we had returned to U.S., of course we had to go through customs. When it came our turn to go through, we stepped up to the little counter and the customs official started asking us the usual question. What was the purpose of your visit? "Pleasure." How long were you in Mexico? "5 days", etc. Then, Do you have anything to declare?


Now, I have to qualify this story by saying, my husband and I are Mr. and Mrs. Conservative. Nothing nefarious about the two of us! ;) Dh is very honest and would declare a postcard if we purchased one. So, when he was asked, "Do you have anything to declare?" He answered without hesitation, "Yes, we bought a little pot."


I nearly fell to the floor. Here's my husband, telling the customs officer that we had "bought a little pot" in Mexico. ROFLOL!! The official took one look at my expression of horror, looked at my husband, and just laughed and waved us through. Thankfully, he realized that my husband meant POTTERY.


This happened ~10 years ago and we still have a good laugh telling this story to family and friends. Well, I do, anyway!!



LOL. good story. May have had a different ending if you were returning from visiting Jamaica :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

On my 12/02 cruise to Hawaii on NCL my husband and I were on an elevator coming back from one of the islands and there was a woman in a wheelchair (why do women in wheelchairs seem to be such a source of comedy on here? LOL)... anyway, all of a sudden a HUGE, I'm talking small dog sized grey spider crawled up and on to her head. I was so scared I was shaking. My husband and I got off on the next floor. I had wondered if he saw it too. He had and was as scared as I was! We felt so badly that we did not say anything to the lady but did not want to freak out the entire elevator. We called the front desk and made a report about what we had seen. I am not sure that they took us seriously though.


I think it was the same cruise or it may have been a Mexican Rivierra cruise around the same time... there were pirates trying to attack our ship. The captain actually got on the PA and announced that we must go inside because of pirates. We watched as law enforcement (on boats) dealt w/ these people.

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I think it was the same cruise or it may have been a Mexican Rivierra cruise around the same time... there were pirates trying to attack our ship. The captain actually got on the PA and announced that we must go inside because of pirates. We watched as law enforcement (on boats) dealt w/ these people.


Don't give another thought about pirates, they could never get by the photographers.;)



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  • 1 month later...

Upon debarking, standing in line with our suitcases, we heard a buzzzing sound. Looked at each like with a "is that what I think it is look?" Indeed it was a "marital aid" that accidentally turned on. We received a few smiles and even a couple high-fives from others in line. Oh well.....lolol

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some of these stories are hilarious, so I'll share my wardrobe malfunction story. I was on the NCL Epic for a Western Mediterranean cruise in June 2011. A woman in her early 20's was sun tanning on the top deck. She was standing in front of me when she stood up to scratch her leg. Her hand must have caught the side of her bikini bottom as it dropped to the deck. She quickly bent down, pulled it back up and then ran off. I then noticed a young man about 14 years old sitting in the row of chairs behind her sitting up from his lounger with a look on his face of did that just happen?:eek: I watched the young man for a moment longer and saw him grab his towel and place it in front of himself.:p

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I've spent several days reading this thread. Hilarious!! People are an endless source of entertainment.


I have a story---not nearly as funny as some of these---but one that my DH will never live down.


We had been on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera and had a wonderful time. In one of the ports, we bought this pretty beaded bowl made by locals. It was a little pricey, but we both just loved it.


When the trip ended and we had returned to U.S., of course we had to go through customs. When it came our turn to go through, we stepped up to the little counter and the customs official started asking us the usual question. What was the purpose of your visit? "Pleasure." How long were you in Mexico? "5 days", etc. Then, Do you have anything to declare?


Now, I have to qualify this story by saying, my husband and I are Mr. and Mrs. Conservative. Nothing nefarious about the two of us! ;) Dh is very honest and would declare a postcard if we purchased one. So, when he was asked, "Do you have anything to declare?" He answered without hesitation, "Yes, we bought a little pot."


I nearly fell to the floor. Here's my husband, telling the customs officer that we had "bought a little pot" in Mexico. ROFLOL!! The official took one look at my expression of horror, looked at my husband, and just laughed and waved us through. Thankfully, he realized that my husband meant POTTERY.


This happened ~10 years ago and we still have a good laugh telling this story to family and friends. Well, I do, anyway!!

I was too lazy to read the whole thread, read a couple of the 1st pgs, then skipped to the last one. I got a good snicker out of your story-thanks for sharing- BTW do you still have a little "pot"?

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I've spent several days reading this thread. Hilarious!! People are an endless source of entertainment.


I have a story---not nearly as funny as some of these---but one that my DH will never live down.


We had been on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera and had a wonderful time. In one of the ports, we bought this pretty beaded bowl made by locals. It was a little pricey, but we both just loved it.


When the trip ended and we had returned to U.S., of course we had to go through customs. When it came our turn to go through, we stepped up to the little counter and the customs official started asking us the usual question. What was the purpose of your visit? "Pleasure." How long were you in Mexico? "5 days", etc. Then, Do you have anything to declare?


Now, I have to qualify this story by saying, my husband and I are Mr. and Mrs. Conservative. Nothing nefarious about the two of us! ;) Dh is very honest and would declare a postcard if we purchased one. So, when he was asked, "Do you have anything to declare?" He answered without hesitation, "Yes, we bought a little pot."


I nearly fell to the floor. Here's my husband, telling the customs officer that we had "bought a little pot" in Mexico. ROFLOL!! The official took one look at my expression of horror, looked at my husband, and just laughed and waved us through. Thankfully, he realized that my husband meant POTTERY.


This happened ~10 years ago and we still have a good laugh telling this story to family and friends. Well, I do, anyway!!


OMG!!!!! That story was hilarious. Thanks for sharing :)

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I've spent several days reading this thread. Hilarious!! People are an endless source of entertainment.


I have a story---not nearly as funny as some of these---but one that my DH will never live down.


We had been on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera and had a wonderful time. In one of the ports, we bought this pretty beaded bowl made by locals. It was a little pricey, but we both just loved it.


When the trip ended and we had returned to U.S., of course we had to go through customs. When it came our turn to go through, we stepped up to the little counter and the customs official started asking us the usual question. What was the purpose of your visit? "Pleasure." How long were you in Mexico? "5 days", etc. Then, Do you have anything to declare?


Now, I have to qualify this story by saying, my husband and I are Mr. and Mrs. Conservative. Nothing nefarious about the two of us! ;) Dh is very honest and would declare a postcard if we purchased one. So, when he was asked, "Do you have anything to declare?" He answered without hesitation, "Yes, we bought a little pot."


I nearly fell to the floor. Here's my husband, telling the customs officer that we had "bought a little pot" in Mexico. ROFLOL!! The official took one look at my expression of horror, looked at my husband, and just laughed and waved us through. Thankfully, he realized that my husband meant POTTERY.


This happened ~10 years ago and we still have a good laugh telling this story to family and friends. Well, I do, anyway!!


What a great story ...... Thanks for sharing it, and as others have said, this is a threat which should continue forever! :)

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I was on the Pirate's Lady once (Blackbeard Cruises.. 65' 22pax 6crew scuba liveaboard) and it was my wifes first trip. We went down below to our shared cabin and she could feel the rocking of the board and claustrophobia kicking in. She was really regretting the decision to come and considering getting a room in Miami for the week while I went by myself.


It was just then that our cabin mates came in. The wife whipped out a big dildo from her carry on and said "Hope you guys don't mind giving us some private time now and then." My wife suddenly started laughing and was ok with the boat from then on.

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I was on the Pirate's Lady once (Blackbeard Cruises.. 65' 22pax 6crew scuba liveaboard) and it was my wifes first trip. We went down below to our shared cabin and she could feel the rocking of the board and claustrophobia kicking in. She was really regretting the decision to come and considering getting a room in Miami for the week while I went by myself.


It was just then that our cabin mates came in. The wife whipped out a big dildo from her carry on and said "Hope you guys don't mind giving us some private time now and then." My wife suddenly started laughing and was ok with the boat from then on.


Now that's a new one.:D I hope.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! Just wanted to say thanks for the giggles!

I just found this board a few days ago as I researched for a (hopefully) soon to come T/A cruise for Hubby and I. Once I found THIS thread I spent the next 2 days reading, laughing and sometimes cringing a bit for the people in the stories ( it's all too easy to envision myself in many of the situations and I can only hope I will have the grace so many of you exhibited if I DO find myself so embroiled):)

Thank you for sharing, perhaps soon we will have a tale of our own to add to this fantastically funny thread:p

We haven't really been on a cruise yet, at least not on a large ship, but we did take a "ride" from Miami to a resort in the Bahamas a few years ago on a Discovery ship which we loved so we are greatly anticipating being at sea for more than a few hours!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We were on the Carnival Legend for my 40th birthday...it was several years ago, but I won't elaborate......anyway we were in Barbados and the ship was docked at the end of the pier area so there were shuttle buses provided........it was a long hot day and we had hired a small passenger van for the day with our friends and had a great tour of the island....including a few bars.....anyway we were tired and so ready to return to the ship and the driver of the shuttle was telling us he was awaiting a few passengers that had just returned from a "Jolly Roger" cruise.....and he said you'll know them when you hear them..........and we did.......it was unlimited rum punch....so these folks were feeling no pain.......anyway....this couple were "very happy indeed"....and the bus was full so they were standing in the aisle....but they couldn't stay standing up....so they kinda squeezed in with our group.....the guy is like are we going to the right ship.......I asked for his sail/sign card and assured him he was going to the right ship then he pulled out this bottle of liquor.....not a large size but I think about 5th...I think that's the right size....anyway I'm like they won't let you back on the ship with that without confiscating it........so as we got off the bus.....he proceeded to stick the bottle between his butt cheeks.........I was like really and proceeded to watch him stagger back on board and that bottle never fell.......and they let him pass no worries........and here's the best part.....he could actually walk up the first flight of stairs to their floor and still it stayed put...........my hubby and I were impressed...........and he high fived me at the top of the stairs.......and off they went.....it still cracks me up watching him......

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We were on the Carnival Legend for my 40th birthday...it was several years ago, but I won't elaborate......anyway we were in Barbados and the ship was docked at the end of the pier area so there were shuttle buses provided........it was a long hot day and we had hired a small passenger van for the day with our friends and had a great tour of the island....including a few bars.....anyway we were tired and so ready to return to the ship and the driver of the shuttle was telling us he was awaiting a few passengers that had just returned from a "Jolly Roger" cruise.....and he said you'll know them when you hear them..........and we did.......it was unlimited rum punch....so these folks were feeling no pain.......anyway....this couple were "very happy indeed"....and the bus was full so they were standing in the aisle....but they couldn't stay standing up....so they kinda squeezed in with our group.....the guy is like are we going to the right ship.......I asked for his sail/sign card and assured him he was going to the right ship then he pulled out this bottle of liquor.....not a large size but I think about 5th...I think that's the right size....anyway I'm like they won't let you back on the ship with that without confiscating it........so as we got off the bus.....he proceeded to stick the bottle between his butt cheeks.........I was like really and proceeded to watch him stagger back on board and that bottle never fell.......and they let him pass no worries........and here's the best part.....he could actually walk up the first flight of stairs to their floor and still it stayed put...........my hubby and I were impressed...........and he high fived me at the top of the stairs.......and off they went.....it still cracks me up watching him......


Wow, we need a jaw-drop smiley. That's awesome!

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I think this is the most awesome thread I've seen on the internet! I've been reading for hours and lmao!


OK, this isn't as funny as some of the others, but.... Our first cruise was on Carnival's Elation in 2003. Our 1st sea day, DH and I were exploring the ship and found our way to the bow right in front of the bridge. We were the only ones up there and we were enjoying the quiet, the view out over the ocean, the wind....kind of romantic. All of a sudden the ship's horn blew and we were standing right next to it...jumped a foot, heart failure, adrenaline rush, panic!!! We turned around and looked at the bridge and there were about 5 crew members looking out at us laughing their heads off at us. I think they blew the horn just to make us jump lol

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