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Christiania in Copenhagen Denmark

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I am traveling with my family on a HAL Baltic Cruise next week and we will be spending a few days in Copenhagen before we depart. One of the attractions we have read about is Christiania which from my understanding is a "freetown" or an "alternative society". We are aware of the potential risks including the drug trade that actively takes place but we have read that it is a common tourise stop. If anyone has been to Christiania I would love to hear your thoughts on it and whether or not it is worth our while. Our family consists of two parents in their 50's and 19 and 17 year old daughters. Thanks!

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We visited Christiana in May during the day. It's a park-like area about a city block or two with houses (some real - some kind of shack like), old buildings and some shops. Most buildings are decorated with colorful graffitti. There are also some street vendors. The "streets" were mostly dirt paths. And we saw several vendors selling marijuana. That's the big draw. From what we heard - you can smoke in Christiana - but don't take it out of the area. We did not partake, but someone on our cruise did and didn't have any problems.

It was colorful - both the buildings and the people - but I don't think I'd visit again. It is a bit off the beaten path -We took the subway to that part of town and then walked. It was several blocks of walking, but you could probably take a bus closer.

As far as going at night -I'm not sure I would have gone back at night :eek:. Not that I felt afraid during the day, but it seems like it would be dark and potentially dicey at night. Although there were also some outdoor type bar-stage areas where they evidently have bands play at night. Which might be fun.

If you have a couple of days - it can't hurt and you can then say - you've been to Christiana! The park area is actually quite a lovely walk - and almost farmlike in some places.

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I am traveling with my family on a HAL Baltic Cruise next week and we will be spending a few days in Copenhagen before we depart. One of the attractions we have read about is Christiania which from my understanding is a "freetown" or an "alternative society". We are aware of the potential risks including the drug trade that actively takes place but we have read that it is a common tourise stop. If anyone has been to Christiania I would love to hear your thoughts on it and whether or not it is worth our while. Our family consists of two parents in their 50's and 19 and 17 year old daughters. Thanks!


If you're interested in this area, and you have the time to allow, then go for it. But IMO it's a low priority and should be considered if you've successfully accomplished all the other wonderful sights and attractions in Copenhagen.

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