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Freedom Questions


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Does the Freedom have dvd players in the cabins? We're in a balcony cabin. Also, we are on the 4th of July 8-day western Caribbean cruise. Does anyone know when the formal nights are?


And another question if anyone knows. We don't normally do shore excursions, but will be traveling with friends who will want to see the Panama Canal. Any insights into the nearly $200 pp excursion that does it all?





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I'm on the same cruise with you! Are you getting as excited as I am?! Anyway, I know there is an elegant night on the 2nd night and I want to say the 5th night. (but I could be wrong with the 5th night, someone will confirm that for you.)


I was also shocked by the prices of the shore excursions through Carnival. I went on the port of calls section on here (which were extremely helpful) and I found that many people do private tours. I booked a private tour in Panama through myfriendmario.com. I am going to see the Panama Canal (of course), go to the Indian Village for a bit, and go to a banana plantation all for $80 pp. As you can tell, you get much more of a tour for a lot less money. There are other tours he does if you are not interested in this particular one. Check out his website and send him an email. He is even giving me a FREE (yes, free!) tour since I am the one who set up everything for my party of 10 with him. Score!!!


Hope this helps! Maybe I'll see you on the ship!! :D

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Thanks, you two.


Yes, dna515 (how'd you come up with that one?) I am very excited. We are three weeks out, and suddenly I have too much to do. I'll have to check some other excursions. The couple we are traveling with are great friends (rare friends we travel well with) but he is limited to activities because of his health. So I'll have to do some digging and find something not very strenuous. We normally go off on our own at ports, but I know they want to see the canal. We've cruised through the canal (without them) before so it's not new for us, but it is for them. And it is interesting.


Are you on the roll call? I just went over there and read the last page, but I am thinking I may not get involved since we are traveling with our friends and they don't like doing stuff like that.


See ya soon,



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