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Sharon, yes indeed it would be nice if it would just stays like this, but that would be wishful thinking. I did hear that it could go into 60 tomorrow. But I guess we will just have to wait and see for that. I know it started raining here about an hour ago. But as you said, it is not snow.


You reminded me of that single lady who was turning all of the men away. What do you hear about her anymore? It is good that you have this group that you all have known each other for years. It is also good that you have someone new to join your group. Did she say she was going to continue with you all each week?


The jerk was originally going to give me less of a raise and once I found out how much he had thought to give me, he and I had some discussions about that. He ended doubling the raise and then I had to listen to him complaining on the 2% increase on the S. S. I also told him about my expectations on how he has been treating me and his language towards me as well and there are going to be changes from now on or else. So he apologized and we shall see.


Around here there are good areas and not so good areas and there are not a lot of options for us to consider for a Zumba class. So I guess we will just have to wait and see if the lady can get enough to sign up later on to have a class. Neither of us wants to travel very far to attend a class.


It has been very stressful around here this week. I know that I am going to have to do something so not to be so stress out. I have to make a resolution not to bring this stuff home with me and while there, not to let stuff get to me the way it has.


I am going out tonight after work to pick up the beef sandwiches that we have been eating on Thursday's. I started this after yoga and will continue this once the class starts next week as well. So we have 1/2 price burgers on Monday's and Beef sandwiches on Thursday's.


Our club opens tomorrow as each year they shut down for the first 2 weeks of the new year for cleaning and general things that need to be maintained. We could go there tomorrow for dinner, except they have all you can eat fish every Friday until the end of April, and that is not for me. But I supposed while Bill eats fish I could order something else off of the menu.




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The new gal that came on Wed also asked me about the other gal, she knew we had been friends for about 10 years. I told her that she had too many friends and I was expendable. She said some are friends for life and some only for a time. She said she will come back every 3rd Wed, as she is doing all the square dancing and clogging on the other Wed's. I'm glad I have gotten some new friends who right now are more acquaintances than close friends, but they are nice.


It was very foggy here today, we are not going dancing, I'm still peeved at Bill about last week and him always being so crabby. We'll just wait for a while to go back. Our friend who had the knee surgery and all the other problems was going into the hospital today for a laser prostate surgery. It should normally be outpatient, but he has had so much this past month they are going to keep him overnight.


Good for you talking with the jerk, glad you got a decent size raise and hopefully he will be better to you also. Sometimes what they say and what they do are two different things, but you can always remind him, ha ha


I like fish, so I like to go out for fish fry on Friday nights, but I don't think we will do that either. Haven't got anything planned for dinner yet, better think up something quick!


I called at& t about my problems connecting to the internet, they ran a bunch of tests and even though everything checked out, they think it is the modem. If it continues I will have to get a new one.

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Sharon, isn't that the truth about friends. There are those who just are there for a short time and then there are one's who are around through thick and thin and you will always be able to depend on. It was just very overcast here today. Temps in the 50's and all of the days we have with above freezing are just 1 more day closer to the nicer weather.


We needed the rain and it really came down last night. I did not like driving to pick up the beef sandwiches last night in that weather. There are so many people who are sick just now. I wash may hands frequently as that is one major thing to do to keep the spread of germs. Hospitals are just over whelmed with all of the people flocking in.


Probably good just to stay inside. Perhaps when Bill figures out that you are still mad he will turn things around. I do not know what we are doing for dinner tonight. Nor do I know what we will do over the weekend. Bill has to take may car in the morning and go to get a new battery for his car and bring it back and install it inside of the garage. We may go to Menards and look for new stuff for the bathroom. Like a new vanity/sink, perhaps a new mirror as well. We are looking to make the area more open.


I know last year we had to get a new modem, the old one was over 5 years old and it was heating up and that seemed to be the problem. It was always shutting down or not going on. It is amazing how connected we all are to the Internet. When they do not work the way they should how much different our lives are.


Enjoy the weekend,




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The modem is still acting up, feels very warm to the touch and I have to unplug it for 10 seconds and replug it in for it to work every morning. Guess I'll just go ahead and get the other modem while this one is still limping along.


We need to finish a bathroom downstairs, it has all the plumbing in. We need the sink, toilet and a couple of cabinets. We have already painted the walls, got the tile in the shower and linoleum on the floor. We always seem to have something else to do other than finish it up. We have 2 1/2 bathrooms on the main floor so we don't really need it unless we are working down in the basement.


They are saying we could get up to 3 inches of snow later today, hope not, with all the warmer weather we have had the last couple of days most all of our snow is gone.


Yes I keep washing my hands everytime I come in from somewhere also, sure don't want the flu!

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Sharon, don't say that. I thought I heard the snow was not going to amount to anything much. I guess it all changed. Only in Chicago where we go form 50's into the 20's. Next week it is going to be like that all week.


Yes, when you have a house there is always something to find to do. After we get the bathroom finished, then we are all set for this house with what needs to be taken care of. Our modem was doing the exact same thing and I had to wait for a few days to get the new one in the mail. Things only last so long. Or should I say they want things only to last so long so you will buy a new one.


They said yesterday that the flu is now an epidemic as there are so many people who have died and are overcrowding the emergency rooms with the virus. Let's hope that no of get this as many people have been very sick once they catch what is going around. For that matter I'll take the real cold stuff as that will kill any germs or bacteria that is out there. With this warm weather and warm and cold the virus is really contagious.


Well enjoy the rest of the weekend. Stay healthy and warm.




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Last night we got rain first then snow. Only got about 2inches but there is ice underneath it. I shoveled some of the driveway, really wasn't enough to plow but thought if I got the snow off the ice would melt. . . Wrong! It is more slippery where the snow is off. With this really cold weather I don't think its going to melt any time soon.

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Sharon, we go rain but no snow. I saw yesterday afternoon where the ice had caused many accidents all over the place. My daughter came over and we went out and she drove. Her and her daughter we all went to Cracker Barrel for lunch and then shopping. She has a 4 wheel drive vehicle and I did not see any kind of problems while we were out.


Yes, it is bitter cold now and it looks like it is going to be sticking around for awhile. You have to be very careful in this weather not to hurt yourself. It is always good with hind sight. Leaving the snow may have put more traction on your driveway. Maybe you can put some salt down to help melt it some as with these temps I don't think it will clear any time soon without it.


Tonight depending on how my day goes. But regardless, we will go out for our 1/2 price burgers. As far as my day goes will determine weather it will be a 1 or a 2 drink night for me.


Have a good day today and stay warm,




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ha ha, hope its only a one drink night, that your day goes good! I am going to the 5:15 zumba class tonight, going to be very cold going, but I will be really hot coming home so it won't matter.


The sun today may melt some of the ice on the driveway, the roads are all pretty clear. We went to the pool last night, only one other gal in the pool with me. She said she had seen us there often and did I ever consider coming to the water aerobic class on Tuesday. I told her I just had been thinking about it since they didn't notify me last Tuesday when the zumba class I usually go to was cancelled. She said the instructor is really good and she thought I would like it. So I guess Tuesday I'll go there and give it a try. It is free for members anyway. We went to Chilis afterwards for dinner and I had the mango chili tilapia again, its very good but very spicy. I had the pico de gallo on the side and it was still spicy so I guess thats not what is making it that way.


How nice you went out with your daughter and GD, did you go shopping too or just to dinner? I love to go to Cracker Barrel also, usually get the chicken and dumplings.


Stay warm!

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Sharon, the way it has usually been going I can say that tonight it will be a 2 drink night for dinner. Well it sounds like you have a water class to add to your exercises. I think you will like that class. Tonight you are right, it will be very cold going there. I hope the roads will be all clear for you. It is a long drive for you to get there, correct?


What a change in temps. Only a few days ago it was in the 50's and now look what we have. Although, I do think that the real cold weather may help to kill all of the bacteria and germs that are making everyone sick.


It is good that you have the resort to go to over the weekends. Going into the pool and hot tub would really relax me. I heard last night that one of the major things for weight gain is stress. But we already knew that. I do have enough stress in my job to take care of my weight gain. Now if I could only figure out how to get rid of the jerk and still have the structures survive without him, myself and all of us would be more relieved.


We did go shopping. We went to Kohl's and J. C. Penny's, and a few more local places around the area. Never enough time when I get together with my family for shopping.


Have fun tonight at Zumba. I start my yoga on Thursday. Stay warm,




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Last night I picked up Mary, one of the other gals that goes to the daytime zumba for the Monday night class with Andi. She had said she wanted to go since she had also been there when Andi was the substitute for our ill zumba instructor. We had a great time, really had a workout. Then today I went to the water aerobics class, believe or not I was actually sweating in the pool! We used water weights and noodles and I think worked every muscle in the human body. The whole pool is filled with women, quite a mixture of age. Some really old and a couple mid age and many in between, I didn't see any young ones, probably all working. I called Mary the gal I took last night and told her about it and she said there were only 3 people at the regular zumba class today. She wants to go to the water class next week also. We are going to take turns driving on Monday nights so it won't be so bad to go that far. She is a beautician, just moved up here from St Charles last summer and looking for some part time work, or customers to come to her house. I think she is younger than me, but weighs a little more so that evens us out ha ha.


I think I mentioned before, you are so lucky to have daughters to do things with and enjoy time together. I'm sure they enjoy spending time with you also.


I stopped at Kohl's today to pay my charge bill and of course found a couple of things on sale that I couldn't resist. Acutally I don't even need anything else new, still have some things I haven't even worn yet!


Hope your day is going good, it sure must help that you got a raise for all the work you do. Now if you could just get some respect from the jerk, I'm sure your stress level would go down.

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Sharon, today has just been very crazy with everyone coming to me to get things done. No one around here can do anything or even think for themselves. This kind of stuff really stress me out to the max. To top it off I do not have my car as it did not start this morning. So Bill was calling the motor club to get it towed to a garage and have it checked out.


This morning we left real early for us to go to the foot doctor. I had my feet cast last month for orthodoxies and I picked them up this morning and I have been wearing them all day. This is the first time for me as Bill suggested them for me to get as I have been having problems with my legs and aches and pains in my body.


I would think form the sound of it all that you will like the water aerobics much better than the one Zumba class. I have not heard of anyone sweating in the pool before. So since you were I guess did get a very good workout and now you have a partner to go with you not only to this class but the one on Monday's as well. So much better when you have a partner to go with.


We start our yoga on Thursday once again. I hope we might find a water class as well. But if not I hope the Zumba will be an option after this class is finished.


Yes, it is good having all of my children close by. As I had told you in the past about my son and how he has been free from drinking for over 2 years now and has been living in a half way house or a sober drinking house as they call it for a few years as well. I pray everyday that he has the guideline and strength to continue and survive. He also has MS.


Now for my other 2 daughter's. One is very responsibly but she is married to a real jerk. But that is her's to deal with and not me. My other daughter who lives very close to us has many issues as many younger people have these days. Just living one day to the next without having any kind of real plan. Just day to day. She is always broke and always coming to me for help. Bit I can only help so much then I am an en abler. I cannot do that and now I have to say no as much as that hurts.


It is all about parties and I and Bill can only take and hear so much about that. So now it is no and they will have to get things and figured out themselves. Things will never get better for them unless they wake up and get things turned around. Perhaps it means hitting rock bottom but be that as it may. After a while it becomes taking advantage and being used. We all had to start out and learn the lessons our lives over the years, and so to they must do the same.


Now get this, the jerk called me yesterday form STL and now he is thinking about moving that business to TENN. He found out that state has no taxes and since he is always trying to save a buck that is in his plan I just do not know when he plans to make this all happen.


Have a good day and stay warm,




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Yes I do remember about your son, but I had forgotten. I pray also that he will stay sober and turn his life around. My son that died in 2008 drank alot also, couldn't seem to control it and always needing us to bail him out of a financial bind. I got to the point also of saying no, but now wondering if I should have helped more, always second guessing what could have been. It's very hard to know the right thing to do. At least you have one daughter that you can go places with and enjoy her company, hopefully your other daughter will get her life together so you can enjoy her too. Its very hard for young people these days it seems like to not only find a good job but to handle the money they make.


We will go to the other place tonight to visit with the girls and I will dance a bit. Its supposed to snow but none so far.


Make a different dinner last night, read about it and tried it and it turned out pretty good. You take a roll of biscuits I used Grands and stretch them out to make a bigger circle or oblong. Then you cook sloppy joes and when done put some into each circle and fold over to seal. You bake them according to the directions for the biscuits. They are called not so sloppy, sloppy joes. You could also put a half a meat ball and some cheese instead or any number of things. We have some left so I am heating them up for dinner tonight also.


My sister called today from the hospital, she is back in again. She has an infection in her incision. They are giving her intravenous antibiotics. She said she has lost weight and now weighs only 135!

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Sharon, so sorry to hear about your sister being back into the hospital. I will pray that she gets better and can return home. You can never second guess yourself. You do what you have to do and hope that you are doing the best you can. There comes a point where it is called tough love and it is very difficult. But you just have to do what you have to do or things will never have any hope of turning around. I guess that is why it takes 2 to get a better perspective. Always best to have different views from your own.


I heard that Sunday night we could get some measurable snow. Then next week it is supposed to get colder than what we have now. They said only flurries for today. So hopefully it will not amount to anything.


Enjoy and have a good time out socializing and dancing tonight. It has been crazy here again. My computer had a virus and I had to call a tech to correct the problem.


Stay warm,



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Sharon, another busy day here today. One of my employees opened up something that had a virus in it and now my computer had one today as well. So I had to call our guy to come and clean out the computers. It cost us $280.


Very cold today but I guess tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40's and then the bottom drop out after that.


How was going out last night and dancing? Tonight going back to yoga again and then afterwards I go and get the beef sandwiches. I am going to check when the Zumba will be offered and also check if they are going to offer water aerobics as well?


Stay warm,




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We had a good time last night and there were only a few flurries in the air, didn't amount to anything. Today had the zumba class it was pretty good. Afterward I went and paid for Bill's dentist appmnt next week to get the discount.


There was a message on the phone when I got home from the latin dance guy. We haven't been back since sometime in Oct. He was having lessons again and wondered if we wanted to come back. I don't want to, seemed we never learned anything beyond the first lesson, just kept repeating the same thing every week.


Gott tickets for a travel show the 26 or 27 down in Rosement from Groupon. Should be

interesting, will be a big one.


Hope you will be able to find a zumba and/or water aroebic class

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Sharon, who are you going with to the travel show, just you and Bill? You have always got some good deals in the past on those. Well if you are not going to get anything out of the Latin Dance then why bother going. That is the reason he is calling you because he is not getting enough business.


On Saturday my family, the entire family, my sister and all of her family. My cousin, everyone has a Christmas party at someone's house each year. They could not agree on a place and date, so we are having it at my # 1 daughter's house this Saturday.


Yoga was fine last night as there are 20 women taking the class. We get there early so I can sit in the front row as I cannot hear what the instructor is saying otherwise. Then beef sandwiches afterwards.


Supposed to get to 40 today, then the bottom drops out for next week. Get out and enjoy.




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Very very windy today, only went out once today and that was this morning, so not sure if it warmed up or not, kinda looks like it since some of the snow is melting again.


I thought the travel show was at the old Horizon in Rosemont, but saw that it is at the big Steven Convention Center. That means I'll have to park in that circular parking garage and its a long long walk back to get into the place. We talked last night and Bill said if I could find someone else to go that would be good. I'll call a couple of people and see if I can find someone. If not guess he'll have to go with me and we'll just take our time and go slow.


Had one of our Friday night dance friends call a little bit ago wondering if everything was alright since they hadn't seen us last week or the one before. I just told her Bill is being so crabby when we go I'm not having any fun and until he changes his attitude we won't be coming. She kind of already knows since she as asked me before if Bill wasn't feeling good or in a bad mood the way he was acting. When other people also notice its just too much. I know he doesn't like that couple as much as he likes the one that had his knee replaced, but he could at least be civil to them. So I'll probably end up being mad at him all night tonight even though it is my idea not to go.


Anyway, have a nice Christmas, do you have to get presents for everyone? Is there dinner or snacks involved, if so who makes them?


That was a pretty big class for yoga, I can't hardly hear the instructor for zumba either, she had the music so loud, so I just watch her carefully and follow what she is doing.

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Sharon, I got my dates mixed up. The family party is next Saturday not this Saturday. Everyone is bring a different dish, and bring their own drink as well. My daughter does not want to go out and buy everything what she does not know what every one drinks. So she said to BYOB. What was decided for anyone who want to get in it. It is called White Elephant gifts. So if you want in then you bring your own gift to put in.


Well I hope you will be able to find someone to go with you to the show. If not Bill will not be very happy and it will not be fun bringing someone who does not want to go. Wow, if other people notice his behavior then I guess it is not only you. There is not much of a point in going if you both are not going to enjoy yourselves. Hopefully he will get tired of not going out and agree to have an attitude adjustment.


Yes, it has been extremely windy here today. With these high winds you cannot notice the 40 degree temps. They said in the 40's tomorrow except it will not be as windy as today. Then the bottom drops out and it will be the first time in 2 years that we will go below zero.


I am bringing Bill with me tonight as a distant relative passed away and I want to go. I know he does not want to go, but it is what it is. We have a gift certificate that his friend gave us for a restaurant in Orland Park so that is where we are having dinner tonight. They might have a couple closer to you like in Wheeling or Lombard. The name is Buca di Beppo. Of course Orland Park is a bit of a drive for us to get to. One reason why Bill would not go if he had a choice. ha,ha


Stay warm and have a good weekend.




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We went to a Buca de Bippo in Milwaukee when we went on a bus trip last year. It was very good! We don't have any around here closer.


We stayed home last night he didn't even ask me if we were going dancing. Staying home tonight also, terrific wind blowing. It was up to 46 today so I took Tinker for a walk. Hate to see the really cold weather coming.

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Sharon, I forgot that we went to one of their chains in LAS last year. Everything is family style and I did not realize that right away. So we had plenty of food to take home for us for a couple of days. Since we were coming from a wake, we did not make reservations. When we got there they told us a 45 minute wait. We went to the bar and I had a wine and we only waited about 20 minutes.


It did not seem that bad with the wind yesterday. Last night it was blowing very hard. Like you I am not looking forward to the zero temps that we have for the next few days. We may just go out and look for stuff for the bathroom, like vanities and mirrors.


Too bad that things did not work out for you to go out and enjoy dancing and talking with friends. Hopefully you both can come to some compromise for the both of you to enjoy equally.


Stay warm and enjoy the day.




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Did you get the things you needed for the bathroom today? We went to the resort and were surprised at how many kids were there. They also had a pool party going on with girls around 10yrs old. Very loud, noisy and splashy in the pool. We probably should have just left instead of dealing with it. Guess they were there becsuse Martin Luther King day is tomorrow and there is no school.


So actually glad the weekend is over, not been one of the better ones.

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Sharon, I am sorry that your weekend was not as you would have expected it to be. We did go to Menards and we did pick out what I wanted. Only to come home and found out it will be too crowded. I get so upset when trying to pick out things and what I pick is not what we really need. So I just said cancel everything and go to pick out what you want.


In the past he has done very good in picking out things for the house. I should not complain as I try but just do not have the time or patience. It did not get as cold yesterday as I thought it would be. At night a different story. Saturday night the wind was really blowing, such so I thought and worried that there might be some damage form the intensity of the wind. It was good you were able to get to the resort. But bad that there was so much noise and kids.


Otherwise there was not much that went on. Just going out to eat at that restaurant on Friday. I do not like this real cold stuff. So after work I plan to come right home and stay inside where it is nice and warm. Then this Saturday is when everyone is gathering at my daughter's house for the family party.


I think I forgot to tell you that Bill ordered a Total Gym. We got it a few days ago and I tried doing some exercises over the weekend. My arms are a bit sore form the exercises. It weighs 95 pounds and it came all put together. Any attachments are all clip on with pins that you can take on or off for different exercises. So he has a full 60 day trial and we shall see if we like it or not. Folded up it is the size of an ironing board and it can even fit under a bed if need be for storing.


I have to take my son to the doctor this afternoon as it has been 1 year since he was last seen. They will not renew his prescription for the medication for his MS unless he is seen annually.


Have a good day today.




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When we got up this morning we were surprised to see everything covered with snow and still snowing. I shoveled the sidewalk but not the driveway, I think it should melt again this weekend when it gets a little warmer. We didn't hear anything about snow last night on the weather, so I guess once again the weatherman is wrong.


That must be some kind of rule about seeing the dr at least once a year to before you can keep getting meds, even the vet is like that. I had to take Tinker in about a month ago so she could keep get her incontinence pills. Seems like something so necessary for people or animals should just go without saying you could get renewals.


That sounds like a good investment, the total gym. Especially since it takes up so little room and you can get it out of the way. I'm kind of thinking that the bowflex is really so big it should be in a health club. I hope I get enough use out of it to make it worthwhile.


I have the zumba class tonight but the other gal whose name is Mary is going to drive once I get up to her house. I don't really feel so great today, fighting a headache. I couldn't sleep last night and watched a movie in bed until 3am. Thats probably why I have a headache.


Have you ever been to Memphis? We are thinking of going on a VanGalder bus trip down to see Graceland and Beale street and the Gibson guitar factory. But last Wed night the bartender said that Graceland is in a slum and the area around it is not very good. I got the packet of information and the statement for the money, but we haven't committed for sure yet. The pet sitter is available and its only 4 days so maybe we'll go, not sure. Must be alright if the bus company thinks so.


When you go to buy anything it seems you have to have all your measurements since everything is different sizes or shapes. I'm sure Bill will pick out some good things that you will like.

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Sharon, when I woke up this morning there was just a dusting of snow on the sidewalk. It snowed lightly during the first part of the morning but never amounted to anything. Just bitter cold outside and really dropping tonight. It will not be good to be outside in the extreme temps without protection. One could get frost bite rather quickly.


Bill bought a scratched and or dented model of the Total Gym as he got a $300 price reduction form the price advertised. Although we both went around and could not find any scratches or dents. The model is brand new, and that is one of the areas that they had it advertised for. There are so many different exercises and video's to help you along. There is nothing electric as the machine uses your own body weight to do the exercises. It is compact when folded up and it is very easy to do that. It does not weigh a real lot and all of the attachments are placed with pins. So they can be put on and off real easy.


I have not been to Memphis to see any of those sites. Bill has been just about everywhere, but he has never visited Grace land. Only drove by it. I thought the travel show was coming up this weekend or next for you? How were you able to book this trip, or was it through the bank that you usually buy from? If they have let the Grace land property get in a state of disrepair, that will not be good.


We went to Menards yesterday afternoon. Even though Bill had all of the measurements I went in a different direction. Once I got home I could see Bill's point and he had to go back this morning to cancel what we got yesterday and get something different. The way I had picked, the vanity would have been right against the toilet and bathroom door, and he had said that to me before we purchased what I had ordered. I don't know why I give him such a hard time on things. When he gets everything all finished it looks great, and I wonder why I gave him such a hard time to begin with.


Wow, not getting to sleep until after 3 am, I can see why you are not doing very well today. That is good that you have someone to drive with. You said that you both will be taking turns driving each time, correct? Although I know how you feel as there are some night when I am up and down all night with the restless leg syndrome. Hopefully with the new inserts for my shoes that will correct some of my problems.


I guess it had to do with insurance and their regulations for regulating the distribution of drugs where we all have to see a doctor at least once a year in order got prescriptions. This MS medication has to be refrigerated and it is very expensive. He has to inject himself with a shot for the medication.


Last week I was freezing at the yoga class, as it was not very warm inside. I think they leave the heat turned off until someone uses the facility. So I hope that someone has some good sense to turn the heat on well before we all get there. If not the lady is really going to hear it from me if not other's.


We went out for our usual 1/2 price burgers tonight.


Stay warm tonight and have a good workout.




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Had a very good workout tonight, don't know how the gal has so much energy, she comes to this class right after giving a class somewhere else. It was only 2 degrees on my way home. I don't like it getting this cold. I sure hope I sleep tonight!


Bill thinks he may be getting a cold, his nose has been running. I hope not because he has that long dentist appmnt on Thursday.

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