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Posts posted by Majmarian

  1. I have spent my day on the phone calling travelocity to gay my flights cancelled. They will only offer JetBlue credit for my oct 1 flight home. This whole thing is crazy and I totally understand the situation in Puerto Rico. Too bad the airlines are not working well with us cruisers!!!!

  2. OK, so we are booked on Fascination Sept 24. NO CALLS FROM CARNIVAL, NO NOTICES, all phone calls to Carnival say they will know and will send an update by 1 today, nope, no update, my flight has been cancelled so I cannot get there. There is no way that ship is leaving on Sunday. The fact that Carnival cannot let us know, is selfish and unprofessional!!! They would know by now if they were able to get the ship that is sailing in the ocean now, back to port. Other cruise lines are not entering PR. WHAT THE HELL?

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