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Posts posted by SAHMKC

  1. This topic is on the Belize board too. Looks like Banister Island was just sold... That's why you are getting the cancellation.


    Thanks! That's is something that actually makes sense. I just don't understand why RCI didn't tell it's customer service people that information, so they could explain it to the cruisers' whose excursion was cancelled. Or they could have included that information in our email. I wonder since our cruise is still pretty far out if they will add something comparable or if the new owners of Bannister island will re-open it to cruisers.

  2. It would be pure speculation, and I could come up with several possible answers. Do you know the company that put it on? You may find it is still available privately. You won't get anything but a cann'ed answer from RC. The tour company may have not performed up to RC's expectations, or the profit margin was too low.


    Yes - that's exactly what I got - a canned answer from RCI. The problem with doing an excursion in Belize that it not through RCI is that it's a tender port. So we will be last priority to get off the ship - especially since we don't have any special status either. Also Belize does not have a great reputation right now and I don't really want to chance things on our own. Honestly, we are thinking of booking a different cruise now. I'm not going to pay for a port that is completely a wasted day for us. Our main reason for cruising was to go to nice beaches.

  3. You can stay longer if you like; for example trivia contests are often held in a bar (like the schooner bar), and children are welcome. Also in the evening there will be music in several bars... If your children enjoy listening, they can stay as long as you/they want. :-)






    Thanks John! This is has been an interesting thread. I guess I must be one of those "bad" parents because my DD12 has been singing and playing guitar in bars since she was 9 with a local rock school. My friends who have kids in sports are so jealous because I get to sit at a bar, eat and enjoy a glass of wine while my kid does her "thing". No cold outdoor sports watching for me!:) I was hoping I could take her to see some of the musicians playing in the lounges. I promise to not take her to the adults only venues!

  4. I have curly, medusa-like hair. (S-curls, not ringlet type) I use it only on my roots. I make a temporary part where I need fluff, tap a small amount of powder along the part, then hang my head upside down and use my fingertips to rub it into the scalp. I do that in two or three places, and it gives me a lot of volume. It really doesn't take much powder at all. Then I hairspray.


    But I love what it does for my 2- or 3- or 4-day hair!




    Yep! That is exactly how to use it. I have straight very fine hair. I have been asked if I had my updo done at a salon when I use it. Used right it will give you so much volume, just don't over do it - a little goes a long way. Also it is a must to massage it into your scalp - this activates the product. The only difference is I backcomb the area in which I put the powder.

  5. I use both hair powder and dry shampoo. I wash my hair every other day. If you don't have excessively oily scalp it really is better to wash less frequently. It helps your color from fading and is gentler for your hair. I use the dry shampoo - Oscar Blandi is my favorite. I've tried just about every kind of dry shampoo out there. When I use it, I put the powder into my hand and work it into my hair. I don't find the aerosol varieties to be very absorbing. I use hair powder - like the Big sexy brand mentioned - to give my hair volume. I use it only in the area I want volume. You need to sprinkle it in and then kind of massage the area to "activate" it. I use this mainly when I am backcombing for an up do. It also makes your ponytail look awesome too!

  6. That's interesting. According to my MIL (a retired teacher) there's a law in PA about teachers not working on Good Friday that's why all our public schools still have the break the week before Easter, or Thursday/Friday & the week after Easter, no matter where it falls in the semester.


    Wow! We always have school on Good Friday. Our private Parochial schools always have their Spring Break around Easter. It's interesting how different things can be depending on where you live. I'm actually pretty amazed (in a good way) that they still have a state law that protects a religious holiday.

  7. I think you'd be ok in March. Since Easter is in April elementary/HS kids won't be on Spring Break until April. If you look at the prices you can see how they spike with any cruises starting around April 12.


    There will be plenty of elementary/high school kids on Spring Break in March. Many public schools do not have their spring break coincide with Easter anymore. It's all about how the end of the quarter falls and needing teacher work days following the end of quarter. Ours is always about the third week in March.

  8. You might want to try the leggings at Ann Taylor Loft. They are cotton with stretch. The ones I saw on the Ann Taylor site seemed more like your typical leggings to me - Nylon, Rayon & Lycra. I wear the Loft ones and they are super comfortable. I hate tights and pantyhose, so I think you might like them. The bonus is that they are $24.50!

  9. I think probably the hardest part about going through such a serious health problem is that you just don't feel like the person you used to be. About 5 years ago I had surgery to repair a meniscus tear in my knee. During the surgery I was moved incorrectly and it resulted in a ruptured disk in my neck. Not only was I in serious pain, I could do nothing that I was used to doing. I couldn't even do laundry because, I was not allowed to lift anything. My DH was so wonderful and hired someone to come in and help me with laundry and other household chores. The first time she came to help me, I called my mom crying after she left. My mom was like "Wait - are you crying because you can't do laundry and your husband hired someone to help you?" I was like yeah she's doing my job! (I'm a stay at home mom - if you didn't guess by my screen name) It seems silly to me now, but in that moment I felt so bad about myself. So I know how you feel. It's so hard when a part of your life is changed so dramatically. But you are still the person you were before this happened and your size doesn't change who you are at all! Don't worry about your arms because even working out 3-5 hours a week, my arms still give an extra wave goodbye!;)

  10. Sharon -

    Sorry you are going through a rough patch. It sounds as if you were pretty active before your medical issues, so along with the effects of the steroids you may be going through some exercise withdrawal. Those endorphins from exercise make you feel pretty good. Would it be at all possible for you to do some easy/beginner yoga? I had a ruptured disk in my neck 4 years ago and that is what I switched to during my recovery. I love the yoga zone beginner videos - available on Amazon. They are old, but good. Yoga might help you feel better - it did for me.


    On the clothes front there has been a lot of good suggestions. I think clothing that is flowing is a good idea. I love a tunic style top - especially in cotton or linen for your trip. And remember size 12/14 is the average size for women :)

  11. Our school district in Missouri can turn you in for truancy if you miss a certain number of days. At the magic number of 10 missed days for any reason, you receive a letter with a bunch of warnings and admonishments about how important school is for your child. The school's social worker also calls for an explanation of why your child has missed school. They will help you make a plan to get your kid in school. This is strictly about $, schools get $ for every child in school on an hourly basis. So missed school means losing funding. Even tardies and doctor appointments can cause the school to loose funding. We are lucky that our district is funded so well that they are very lenient with the absences. I think you will find that other states and/or districts are more stringent based on how well they are funded and how the state distributes funds. So you can see how some schools would be very strict about absences.

  12. My kids will both be wearing a lanyard. They will lose their cards if they don't have one. They wear one to school everyday, so no big deal to wear one at sea. I usually have a bag of some sort with me, so I wouldn't really need a lanyard. My DH will not use one and we will probably have to replace his sea pass card:D


    If having a lanyard is convenient for you then I say go for it!

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