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Posts posted by debbie1008

  1. This exactly what I have been doing. I'm 5'9 and my current weight is 144. My goal is 140. I try to maintain around 1400 - 1500 calories per day. I eat 3 balanced meals plus 3 or 4 small snacks (nuts, fruit raw veggies etc). I try to eat every 3 hours or so to maintain blood/glucose levels. I also work out 4 times a week doing cardio, strength training and riding my bicycle. I'm losing inches, firming up, building lean muscle mass and the pounds are coming off too!


    This type of lifestyle works for me. :)





    Ive always went on the 10 x your body weight rule. Im baffled why people want to eat less. Id rather eat more and work out a little harder.


    The less you eat, the less your metabolism works. Eat more = higher metabolism, cardio more = higher metabolism..put them together with maybe a thermo thrown in and your a fat burning machine.

  2. You are a wealth of information on diet, exercise etc. Do you have a degree in nutrition? Inquiring minds want to know...:confused: :) I really enjoy all the information you provide to us on these boards.




    Any men considering this may want to think twice. HCG will shut down your natural testosterone production. HCG is beneficial at the end of long steroid cycles because it helps produce leydig cells and will reverse testicle atrophy, but if you aren't on a cycle, this drug is pretty pointless for you to use.


    And while there is some truth to using your own internal fat stores to feed yourself while on low calorie diets....500 calories is way too low and I would not advise doing this. Is the rapid weightloss really worth the health risks involved, and believe it or not there are health risks from malnutrition and low vitamin levels.

  3. Here ia a link to the thread I started about the 30 Day Shred work out, it explains everything.










    What is this diet? I have never heard of it but would be interested in losing weight slow and steady. Of course, we all want the "magic pill" and lose all the weight we want as quickly as we can, but that doesn't really work or last. I have been on WW since 9/2006 and lost 58 lbs. I can see the weight slowly returning. I need all the help I can get!! Thanks
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