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Posts posted by persephoneo

  1. Hi Seadog,


    I'm late to the comment party, but I followed your travels! My soon to be husband and I are going on the Breakaway to Bermuda for our honeymoon on Sept. 13/2015. Your reviews helped us feel excited about our trip. We are driving from Quebec, Canada to NYC the day before the cruise (we were on a "group" trip through a purveyor a few years back on the Epic and we almost missed the boat the day of through Ft. Lauderdale to Miami. Immigration is a mess there.)


    All that to say, thanks Seadog and other commenters. Looking forward to our Breakaway cruise on Sept. 13/2015!

  2. I don't really care who goes to these parties, if they are crashing or not. They are welcome to warm punch and a few canapés. I'll be in the buffet eating decent food and a freshly made cocktail of my choice!


    LOL SwissLe, too true - I'll be sitting there right beside you, save me a seat! ;)

  3. My husband and I can't have cruises longer than a week due to the amount of vacation he gets through work, so we're going on our third weeklong NCL cruise and will finally be silver by the end of the trip! I'm excited, I know it's not that big a deal, but I'm easily excited! ;)

  4. Nana, I totally understand your situation. I'm in a similar one. My DH and I had booked our cruise for this year over a year in advance. We were doing a 14 day Canada/NE cruise in September. All booked....Fast forward to June, DH is diagnosed with cancer. We plan all of his chemo treatment and decide that we should push back our cruise to October after chemo is over so he can relax after all the treatments are complete.


    We change our cruise and made sure to purchase travel insurance that will cover pre-exiting conditions, AND we got a letter from his oncologist stating that when we booked in June he was fit and able to travel.


    Unfortunately DH's cancer was VERY aggressive and he passed away 2 weeks ago. He made me promise to go on the cruise if anything happened, so I will be going solo in our cabin. Our friends have to cancel the trip so I contacted the travel insurance company for them since the policy is in my name. During the claims process they informed me that I was entitled to a refund and they are refunding me the cost of DH's cruise fare. NCL has reimbursed the port/taxes and DSC, and the airline is also refunding his air fare. They are refunding our friends all of their cruise fares. (Our policy was for all 4 of us on the same policy.)


    I was very surprised that the insurance company would refund DH's fare because I know that I have to pay the single supplement since I'm the only one in the cabin. They issued my refund at the same time they are doing our friends refund.


    I now have a confirmation from NCL that shows just me traveling and the cost of the cabin is the same price as it was for both of us to travel.




    Dear Linda - condolences for your loss. All the best to you!

  5. Why do other people care who misses the ship? And why do people on here seem to take such great joy in something that sucks for another human being? I just don't get it. There could be a million reasons why people are late. And even if the reason is just plain old stupidity, why delight in it?


    I would say that people delight in the human drama. The highs and the lows, the victories and the defeats.

  6. Thanks for all the responses but I think we are just going to spend the money to park at the pier for the convenience factor. We are traveling with two 8 year olds and while all the info you gave sounds easy to most it can be rather difficult with kids and luggage. Thank you all for the replies though. It helped me make up my mind:)


    Hi OP - I'm coming to the thread late, but I wanted to let you know what we're doing. We're coming into NYC from Quebec, Canada the day before our cruise. We are staying at the Pod 51 Hotel http://www.thepodhotel.com/ in one of their bunk bed rooms - very fun and funky (and in our price range). Our plan is to check in and drop off our luggage at the hotel, then drive to the Park Right lot (close to the Pier) to drop off the car (the hotel doesn't have their own parking, so this way the car is parked and done with), then we're going to play tourist for a night and slowly make our way back to the hotel for the night. On cruise day, we'll take a short cab ride to the pier. http://parkright.com/670-w-43-st-new-york.shtml


    Good luck and have fun!

  7. Hello!


    Trying to replace a ring that was purchased from the gift shop in the main lobby of an ncl ship. Was either the jewel or pearl.

    It was a silver and gold titanium ring.

    Not expensive but sentimental since it was presented as a engagement ring

    If I can find the name of the company/manufacturer I can probably locate a resale location

    Any help would be appreciated




    I'm sorry you lost your ring! :(

  8. I think it'll work out well Nanaj1. I know your dear husband will be happy you're on a beautiful cruise with family, and I know you're leaving him in capable hands. I hope he makes a full recovery and you're both cruising together again very soon!


    All the best to you both!

  9. International air travel requires a passport, but for US citizens there's a special rule permitting use of a birth certificate and photo ID on a Western Hemisphere closed loop cruise departing a US port as long as the countries on the itinerary agree, and virtually every Caribbean Island as well as Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Bahamas participate in the program and permit this.


    As a result there will be a substantial number of passengers on the Dawn who are not in possession of a passport, and if they have to fly back to the US, the US Departments of State and Homeland Security will have to issue emergency authorizations to fly to passengers not holding a passport. It's actually not that big a deal. They've done it before in similar circumstances (example: a disabled Carnival ship that could not sail back to the US from St. Maarten) and shouldn't delay the passengers' return home too much if for no other reason than it takes some time to secure enough aircraft to fly thousands of people.


    I totally agree, getting a passport can be a time/money/effort drain, but it is so important if deciding to leave the country. I'm just a quiet Canadian, but I've had a passport since I was 18 - just to have one. I wanted to have the freedom to go where I wanted.


    All that to say, in a terrible situation, US passengers will be able to get home on birth certs., licenses, etc... but it'll take more time. I feel that any traveller should seek out getting a passport (even if it's a pain in the butt). It is an international document that is recognized and grants you some protection.


    My inlaws both lack their birth certs and are having to work with notaries to get their documents in order to finally get a passport. It's become a big goal for them. All this to say, if you have the paperwork and time to get a passport now, it may save you time and frustration in the future.


    All the best to all travellers! :)

  10. As of 10 minutes ago, St. David, the small but fast Pilot boat was pulling away from the Dawn at 20 knots, she's now at 24 knots - returning to shore - headings for St. George's on the east end. The Dawn isn't moving & there's no further update about whether it was successful in freeing her from the coral reef - remember her bow was above the waterline earlier.


    Bermuda weather service chart - next low tide @ 5:09 AM local time and next high tide @ 10:50 AM Wed.


    When we're on the Explorer of the Seas (2012) - we definitely had the pilot boat alongside as escort both coming in and leaving Dockyard/Bermuda - the Dawn was next to us. Ships followed each other along the narrow channel. (Photos then for those of you collecting them)





    Hoping for the best for the Dawn's pax & crew in the morning - don't look like there's much they can do at night even with the divers on scene. Just trying to imagine 2 megaships floating off the islands, unable to dock and maybe too far to safely run tenders.


    As for traveling, we always travel with our U.S. passports and travel light, even when cruising - a 22" carry-on and 25" carry-on for cruises from home port and 22" expandable carryon when flying - reasons: plans do change & flexibility is when you don't have to worry about checked luggage - way too many near "horror" stories after flying a million air miles over the years.


    I agee, this thread has been a lesson for me on packing in a smart way, with things that won't be mourned if lost. I will be newly married on our next cruise (honeymoon), but I think these new rings will be left at home because it'll be a new "habit" and it'll be better left at home.


    I just want to reiterate how important passports are. I know they can be a pain in the butt to get, but can be such a comfort in times of unexpected strife. It's the best way to go, passports can pave the way much better than drivers' licenses, other documents, or whatever. There's nothing in the world like holding your own passport. It's a powerful thing.

  11. I mean I wear my wedding rings so no sense to leave them at home...


    I think I should have said, "additional jewellery/keepsakes" as your wedding rings should be on fingers (hopefully!)


    I guess I'm paranoid, but I have a feeling I'll be leaving all of my jewellery at home for my honeymoon. That's just me though.


    Thoughts to all on the Dawn!

  12. mking8288: it does make you think about what these mega huge ships do to the reefs around them. Sometimes I feel so removed from potential damage when on a cruise ship (going only on my 3rd cruise, but it makes you think about how these giant machines effect the waters and reefs around them).


    It also should make one think of having proper documentation when travelling. I'm from Canada, so I have to have my passport to travel to the US, but I'm thinking how having a passport will aid in getting me home in dire circumstances as having to leave a ship and fly home unexpectedly.


    My next cruise will be on the Breakaway to Bermuda for my honeymoon and birthday. I now feel that my fiancé and I will leave our wedding bands and other jewellery and other important items at home in order to travel smart and not have to fear leaving anything behind if need be (God forbid). Just grab our passports and go.


    All in all, something like this makes you think about what is important, and what is important/essential to pack, and what we should leave at home (wedding rings, etc...) All the very best of peace and comfort to the wonderful staff of the Dawn and the passengers.

  13. My fiancé and I are driving in from Quebec to NYC the day before our cruise (originally we were going to leave in the wee hours of the night to drive the 6.5 hours to the port but we decided to go the day before so we're not stressed). We're going to leave the hotel early and park at the pier.


    The hotel we're staying at is not super close to the pier, the hotels there are so pricey! We're staying at the Pod 51 in a bunk bed room! :D



  14. I partook of too much cheap bubbly at a Park West art auction and ended up buying three paintings. It was the thrill of being at my first auction, sadly they are still in their shipping tube years later. I don't even know what the paintings look like any more! I should go take a look and get them framed or something.


    It was a fun day though! ;)

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