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Posts posted by Ready2Pac

  1. I feel sorry for this traveler and her roommate. I'd be curious to find out who was in the room earlier and whether or not they had issues...I bet they did. Considering the doctor mentioned bed bugs, makes me think that Royal Caribbean must know that they may have a problem and I think it is very bad form that they are not doing more to 1.) find out if bed bugs are the issue and 2.) take precautions to protect the next passengers. Who knows who the next passengers will be? Would you want to be the next passenger in that room? If anything is "fishy", it is the fact that Royal Caribbean doctors didn't ask more questions and try to find out the issue. Could it be sand fleas? Well, by the comments I think the doctor already knew it wasn't since it was mentioned that the symptoms started after a full day at sea, with no beaches available. What else could it be? A bacterial infection? Maybe. But, in this industry, shouldn't the cruise lines be MORE than vigilant to be on the look out for bed bugs if they are even a POSSIBILITY??? I would certainly hope so. How much time would it take to send a maintenance person to their room to check for bugs??? It seems to me just the opposite has happened by the run around that these passengers seem to have gotten. I feel sorry for both you and your roommate and I hope that you are both able to eradicate any infestation your clothes and luggage may have. I also hope that Royal Caribbean takes whatever measures necessary to find out if they have a bed bug problem and protect their current and future passengers.

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