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Posts posted by prmango

  1. Hello Virginia! ¡Bienvenido a bordo!

    I think it is a wonderful idea for all of us who have been communicating to finally meet. Perhaps we could meet somewhere after we unpack (after the drill) or before dinner or after dinner. I didn't mention during dinner because I don't know everyone's preference time for dinner. So, we are open to any suggestions. From my experience, there is a lounge that offers a meeting place for "Friends of Dorothy" at a specific time. We would have to check the notice board at Customer Relations...I think. What does anyone else think?

  2. Hello shipmates!

    ¡Hola compañeros de barco!

    I just joined so I hope I am doing this correctly. We're the couple from the Boston area who is sailing to the Caribbean February 22 on Celebrity. Yes, we are in Aqua Class and look to meeting other couples. It's snowing and UGH! Hate the snow! Hate the cold! Although my partner has lived in MA most of his life, I spent my early years in Puerto Rico and I still have not learned to love the cold & snow. It is beautiful...at first but for those who love it, may you have a Blanca Navidad.

    See you soon, movedeast!

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