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Posts posted by COCruiser13

  1. I'm in the middle of resolving an issue with the cruise line on our last cruise and I'm curious what you think would be an acceptable resolution to this matter...


    You book a cruise 2 years in advance, after 1 year of being booked, they change the kids club age cut off, making your child ineligible by a matter of days.


    I was never notified of the change by the cruise line or our cruise line rep (who works for the cruise line) but I learned about here on cruise critic. Once I heard about it, I immediately contacted our rep and asked if this was going to be a problem (I had heard that exceptions would be made). I specifically said in my email that if my son would not be allowed to attend, then we would most likely cancel our cruise. We had done a cruise prior when he was too young and it was just not worth it to us.


    We were assured in writing by the cruise line rep that it would not be a problem as long as he met certain criteria, which he did.


    I'm sure you can guess what happened- got on the ship and was told no, no exceptions.


    So, then my older son refuses to go because his brother is so sad.. The trip that they were so looking forward to, that my littlest had been working so hard on being potty trained so he could go to kids club. To top it off, we missed a stop due to a rough weather and ended up with a sea day and no option to use kids club. After scouring the daily for something to do with the kids, there just wasn't anything for that age group, so we made the best and did what we could.


    We were celebrating our anniversary, no dinner by ourselves. No time alone to swim or go to the spa or go to the shows.


    We did enjoy the two ports we went to, so the entire trip wasn't completely ruined. However we spent $2600 on the cruise along with $1200 in airfare.


    So, the bottom line is what do you think would be a proper resolution to being told that kids club would be available and then it was not once you got on the ship? We added up the time that they would have gone to kids club but weren't able to... approx 15-18 hours

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