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Posts posted by MarinerChica7

  1. These are so great! Ok, here are a couple of mine....


    1) My dad and one of his friends always play practical jokes on eachother every cruise we go on. Imagine the faces our waiters get when he askes for a plate of fish heads (decorated nicely of course) sent to table 306.


    2) On the EOS a couple months ago our waiter was really nice but sort of quiet (unlike some of them in the past who have done magic tricks, showed us how to fold napkins and sech with me and my two other sisters). One night after our entree and me ordering my chocolate cake, he brought a plate with a plain bagel to my place. I sat and looked at it for a couple minutes thinking........uhh I didn't order this. Then I scooted it over to my mom. She picked it up and....*SCREAM* a ROACH hopped out from under it! I didn't quite know what to think of this practical joke. The waiter had a plastic bagle with a roach latched onto it with a string (something you get out of the "waiters-that-work-on-ships" joke book?) It was funny though because my mom freaks out about those things. We were sitting right beside the capitans table in the center of the dining room and people around us were looking for sure....


    3) Last year on the Mariner of the Seas a family that cruises with us alot came along. One of the boys is my age (we are both teens). Let me explain on this cruise there were 122 (exactly) PANAMANIAN girls traveling together. It was like an army! But as you can imagine, all the OTHER girls onboard were jealous whenever they saw these skinny, tanned girls walking around. Not to be rude, but whenever you have 122 girls you get a fat one, right? Well, I walk into the teen room one day, and who else but the one chunky one is sitting smashed up against my friend Jason talking to him. He is sitting there with his horrified look on his face, but too nice to say anything. I came over and sat on the other side of him and said hi. After a couple minutes of just sitting and listening to music, she gave up and walked off. He turned to me, grasped my hand and said in the most sincere voice "I will love you until the day I die!" I laugh whenever I remember that face.


    4) EOS (same cruise) me and my friend Heather getting back onto the ship. Of course as two teenage girls, we crack up everytime we see drunk people. There is this lady infront of us yelling out crazy, i-am-so-drunk things. She would throw her hand up and yell out these things. We thought it was funny, so as we got closer in the line to board the ship we would throw our arms up and yell out: "I'M SOBER!" "I DON'T DRINK!" ect, I dont think she ever noticed.


    Then as we step on the ship there is a man that fell straight onto the floor (another drunk) and stayed there for a couple minutes assuring everyone around him that he was ok. We giggle about these people to this day.


    These aren't THAT funny, but its those little things onboard that make your day......

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