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Posts posted by nata17

  1. Oh yes you will easily fit both in! We saw the 12.45 Orca show (arriving around 12.15 to queue), then went straight onto the sealion show and from there straight to the doplhin show. Do try and catch all 3, the sealion show was so funny! The only show we didn't see is the Loro (parrot) show. The shows are around 20 minutes, the Orca show may have been a little longer.

    I don't know if you saw my tip about arriving through the jellyfish area to skip the main queue at the Orca show- this will save you some queueing time and still make sure you get a good seat


    We had time to see most of the park, although we did have to rush a little by the end and we didn't spend long at lunch (you'll have to have an early lunch to catch the shows with the way the times are). You'll have an amazing time!


    Thanks, very excited looking forward to this. Also I am now much more inspired by Malaga, wasn't sure if we would bother getting off the ship, but seems like we would be missing out.

    Thanks for the great review, have enjoyed reading it.

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