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Posts posted by spoobs

  1. We may try to go from the changing of the guard to Skansen next, followed by the Vasa museum. What are the transportation options from the palace area after changing of the guard to Skansen? How far a walk is it from Skansen to Vasa? If not so close, are there any public transportation choices from Skansen to Vasa? Thank you.

  2. We have a similar question about going to the Vasa Museum and Skansen Open Air Museum after changing of the guard. We are trying to include the Skansen after a trip to the Vasa Museum, but the timing will get us there at around 4:30pm when most things will be closing. What is the quickest way to get to the Vasa Museum from changing of the guard? We are limited by the timing of the English tour and film at Vasa. Any suggestions?

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