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Posts posted by JoseCanYouSea

  1. The bottom line is that the answer to the OP is that these devices are allowed in the same places cigarettes are. It is basically because a lot of them do look pretty much exactly like a real cigarette and it would be a real PITA to be figuring out who was smoking the ecigs and who was breaking the rules (and we ALL know some people would take advantage of the rules if they were different). Also no one is going to change anyone's mind about smoking in this or any other discussion. People who are foolish enough to choose to commit suicide on the time plan should be free to do so as long as they don't take others along with them. Anyway, I'll let y'all discus this from now on. Whether you choose to puff away and stink of smoke or breathe clean air and live longer does not make a difference to me, I hope whichever choice you make it makes you happy! See y'all in another discussion...

  2. Hmmm...the non-smoking rules are still enforceable. The last time I checked smoking requires a product to be lit on fire. Vaping on the other hand is not smoking and it never has been.


    Then why do people use them as a crutch? Why are they made to resemble cigarettes? Why are they designed to work to directly imitate smoking? If you want to use them go use them in the places they are allowed. Pretty damn simple. It is even laughable that you use the term vaping. It is still smoking and it still puts off fumes. The sad part about the smoking issue is that there is a small population of smokers who just plain do not give a rats butt about anyone other then themselves and their lack of common courtesy brings makes it worse on all smokers.

  3. The anti-smoking not-zis are so adamant that nobody on the planet should smoke.


    Yet when smokers try to quit smoking, rather than encouraging them and trying to help, they want to banish the ex-smokers to an area filled with smokers, to use their electronic cigarette that should be bothering no one.


    Would you have someone trying to lose weight and make them spend their day sitting in the middle of the buffett, because that is where eaters go?


    Would you have a recovering alcoholic sit at a bar all day?


    Would you have a person with a gambling problem spend their day in the casino?


    So why send someone with an addiction to cigarettes to a place filled with the object of their addiction?!?!?!?


    Personally, the unrealistic anti-smoking folks, would just find something else to complain about if every person on the planet quit smoking simultaneously. (they are just addicted to pushing their personal values on everybody else, because their lives are so devoid of meaning otherwise.)


    They would gang up on people with BO, people with too much cologne, etc...:rolleyes:


    If you are going to make the parallel to an alcoholic then use the same recovery and just STOP smoking. All an ecig does is give your the comfort of something in your hands to stick in your mouth. There are lots of things other tan ecigs you can use to do that. Wow someone needs to deal with their anger issues.

  4. As a former smoker, I thought the e-cigaretts would be a great compromise for those smokers, so that they could smoke in places other than the smoking area. That is, until I was in Las Vegas two weeks ago. A woman sat down between me and another slot player and was smoking an e-cigarette. It had this sickeningly sweet smell, that caused both of us to leave the area; I would have rather had her smoke a regular cigarette. If they ever allow e-cigarettes in places other than the smoking areas, hopefully they will have a rule that they have to be unscented.



    Almost as bad as those horrid hippy-emo clove cigarettes.

  5. Wow....that's some return....fantastic. I have never seen the same number come up 4 in a row.


    I bet you caused a bit of a stir at the table. Congratulations.


    That would pay for my folio at the end of the cruise. I have managed this just once....won enough onboard the Ocean Village some years ago to be able to walk away totally free from costs.





    Someone went home very happy that night. We left after the very next spin. Did not want to give any of it back other than a nice tip to the dealer.

  6. I like your style. I do exactly the same. I have 6 numbers that i stick to rigorously. If i happen to get a win then i leave that winning chip on the winning number and add a second to it (therefore doubling my winnings if the same number comes up on very next spin).


    There have been a few times when i have hit the same number twice and on a rare occasion, the same number has come up 3 in a row.......treble my stake, treble the win.


    Good luck.





    We do this too. I have actually had my number come out 4x in a row. Big payday on that 4th spin especially seeing as we played $5 and then added another $5 each time!

  7. Have to agree with LrgPizza you sure have the best user name hands down.


    Welcome to Cruise Critic JoseCanYouSea:)


    Jose very pleased he can be so entertaining. My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My children all thank you too.


    Now I just need find where I left my best friend. Has anyone seen a 3-legged donkey, blind in one eye, missing left ear, tail broken, recently neutered in a mining accident, answers to the name Lucky!

  8. eHow website says NCL pays these workers between $8-10 per hour. Not big wages. They earn their tips.

    Link below:





    Yeah, I know a couple of years old, but I doubt NCL has done to many across the board pay raises.:D


    Not saying that this $8 - $10 is rich or even close to it but remember that they also have all expenses paid (more or less) while on the ship as well. All that aside, I do tip.

  9. They had one on a Carnival cruise I went on. The creepy part about it is not the sunbathers but the men who go up to stare at them and are so obvious about it. They don't even pull up a chair they just stand there. It's really disgusting.


    If you don't want someone looking at it don't show it off!

  10. The objective is for the contestant to obtain the highest amount of money they believe they can, whilst the Banker is trying to minimise the amount they have to pay out. As the game progresses and more possible final values are eliminated, both the Banker and the contestant have more information to offer deals or accept deals. The contestant faces the risk of not accepting a deal may lead to smaller deals later or the final amount being lower than previous deals offered. The Banker faces the converse, the offers made may ultimately end up being greater than the contestant would have won should the whole game be played out.



    You buy a card, proceed into the venue and find a seat. Immediately flip the card over sixteen times. Next hand your card to the person to your left taking the another card from the person to your right. Continue this process until everyone has their original card back. Flip your card over sixteen times again but in the opposite direction so there is equalized pressure on both sides of the card. Stand up quickly, tear your card in half, throw it on the floor, stomp your feet loudly, and at the top of your lungs yell 'DAMN I LOST AGAIN'. Run directly to the closest bar and quickly consume not one, not two, but three of the drink of the day as rapidly as possible, all while repeating 'sally sells seashells by the seashore' over and over until you have finished off all three drinks. If you mess up, you have to start the three drink count over. Winner is the person who finished off drink #3 first without falling on the floor face first. End of game. Deal? or No Deal?

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