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FL Donna

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Posts posted by FL Donna

  1. I need advice about excursion companies to use on Allure trip for Aruba and curaçao. My disability is not being able to climb up on height steps( such as some buses) I will also have a folding walker with me. I was hopeful for tours for 4 that are more geared to site seeing. Not interested in beaches. If anyone has name of company they used would be appreciated.

  2. You certainly can board earlier than that...and I'd recommend it! After all, boarding day IS day 1 of the cruise you paid for...no real reason to wait until the day is almost over! Is there some reason for the late boarding???

    No one has given us the real reason. There is just speculation. It will be the first cruise after refurb from overseas. It is going to be in Miami Friday arriving in Tampa (Not sure when) The guess is that the ship has to pass inspections. It does not bother me to leave late but I would like answers like what happens with diamond lounge, when do we eat. Again not a big deal if no dinner just let us know so we can be prepared. My vacation begins Saturday weather or not I am on the ship.

  3. We are thinking of a cabin upgrade from a center inside on deck 9> This will be a change to ocean view deck 3. It will be for the same price. My concern was deck three seemed very busy with lots of activity and noisy venues like clubs and restaurants above and below. We really value the quiet more than the ocean view as we are rarely in our cabin. Your opinions and past experiences greatly appreciated.

  4. You have gone on 13 cruises and have never brought your children with you?



    We started cruising when my children were adults. Young but adults and mostly on their own. This will be my son's first cruise he is 34. My daughter 31 started cruising on her own because of all our experiences. With school it is hard to take the younger grands with us. As it is she will miss 2 days of school. She is an "a" student who is a jr. in high school doing dual enrollment for college also. A few years ago we did cruise with my then 81 year old Dad and his new wife for their honeymoon. My children have either been working or going to school. As it is all we can fit in is this quick weekend cruise. I am hoping this will inspire them to want to go on many more cruises in the near future. Plus we always had them take care of our cats and dogs so we could go together for much needed vacations. I am however feeling guilty now (kind of) LOL

  5. This will be our first cruise with my 16 y/o grand daughter. What is there to do for the teens? She is outgoing friendly, likes to dance and play sports.She can be a little shy at times in an unknown situation. I hope she loves to cruise as much as we do so we can take her with us in the future. Any helpful hints appreciated.

  6. Hello: I would appreciate hearing any must knows, must dos or important information for allure. I just booked for April 13 2014 cruise. I am not going to have time to research it the way I would normally do. If there are any past allure cruisers that would share any info I might need for allure please let me know. I could not pass up the great price but I am so not prepared. I am so happy though.

  7. The very first cruise we were on . It was mariner. I did not know I was prone to sea sickness. Threw up outside Chops and was trying very hard to pass out. I had to be taken to infirmary and given a shot in the butt. I slept it off that night. I was however sick the entire cruise. Hubby found out he loved to cruise and it did not bother him at all. I have to use the transderm patch.

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