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Posts posted by Tramroads

  1. Our MSC cruise aboard the Musica sailing 10th May was booked through cruise.co.uk and cancelled by MSC on 14th April. We were told we could request a refund after 31st July. This we did and were told we would get our refund in September. As of today no refund received and every communication/ telephone conversation with cruise.co.uk gives the same response they will give us our refund when they receive it from MSC. 207 days and counting is a ridiculous amount of time to wait. Has anyone  received their refund for this cruise?

  2. This itinerary includes some places we have never visited: Mallorca, Cagliari, Palermo, Valleta, Catania and Naples. Any recommendations from experienced cruisers re: private tours vrs ship excursions or just wandering through the ports would be very much appreciated. Thanks for the help.

    Hi Texasskier

    We too are on this cruise and have also never visited some of the ports of call and thank you for asking the question.

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