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Cruiser IMA

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Posts posted by Cruiser IMA

  1. To get a PVP I just called the regular number and when a rep came on I let them know I was requesting a PVP. I stayed on hold while they did whatever it is they were doing and when they came back on the PVP was there as well and took over the call. He then sent me an email with all his contact info.

  2. Since you booked through Carnival, you could have just filled out the price drop form yourself. No need to call or wait on your PVP.


    Why did you not just fill the form out yourself. Your pvp will have no ability to honor your request as it is done automatically at another dept. He might be able to get a supervisor to get it , but it would be a favor to you and if it is not honored it is not their problem


    So as I was calling just now, I checked again and my category was back on their. My PVP had just gotten in the office and I explained everything, he also stated that next time if its late just submit the form, and sent me the link, as it will have a timestamp and give him a call the next day. He said that if the category hadn't shown back up he would have still honored it as I had sent the screen shot


    This is my first cruise, I didn't know there was a form and have always just called. Lesson learned, I am glad I was able to get the OBC. :D

  3. I sure hope you get it. In that instance, since it was late at night, I'd have called Carnival direct & spoken with an actual person. I always take a screen shot too. If you get a reject letter, call & ask to speak to a supervisor. I've had 3 price drops to which I was entitled and each one was rejected so I had to call each time. By the third time, I was ready to jump through the phone.

    Good luck.


    Which is one of the reasons I didn't call, I've had so many people telling me different things when I had an issue before, then I requested a PVP and have just been going thru him to have some consistency. I will be calling him in a bit.

  4. So last night at about 11pm I saw that there was another $100 drop for by booking, I propmtly emailed my PVP as I knew he would be long gone by then and I wouldn't get him if I called. I also attached a screen shot of the price I saw on Fare viewer that shows time and date.


    So now this morning I check and see that my category is now sold out on the Fare Viewer and haven't heard back from the PVP as I don't think he is in for the day yet.


    So as stated, will he or Carnival honor that drop, seeing that there is clear proof of when I sent the request? Or should I have just called the 800 number last night and now I'm SOL?

  5. it means it's sold out. you may be able to upgrade to a better category if it's the same price as what you paid, but not always.


    You can also keep checking, your category may become available again - that happened to our 8B category several times last year before we sailed.



    I figured it meant it was sold out. I will call when I get home and see if they will still do a price drop or if not then an upgrade.



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  6. Sailing on the Pride on 7/6/14, when I go to the Fare Viewer I no longer see my category (8C). What does this mean per say?I realize it means all the 8C's are sold, but am I still eligible for price drops?


    I see higher Balcony categories (8D, 8E, 8F,etc.) that are now showing less than my current rate. Haven't had a chance to call which is why I'm posting, any info is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  7. OP,

    Welcome to Cruise Critic. Don't be dismayed by the high pony riders. I've read the same complaint repeatedly on these boards. You're not the first and won't be the last. I don't understand why they can't fix this problem although if you continue following these boards, you'll find that technology is not exactly Carnival or any other line's forte. Too bad you had to learn the ropes the hard way and take some heat as well. Usually we're more helpful. Happy cruising. :)


    Thank you, it's like others have stated, everyone you call tells you something different. I think what I will do the next time I call in is ask for a PVP, that way I'm talking to one person consistantly.

  8. In this age of instant-access to many things and many means with which to educate yourself, there's no reason to not understand what's going on. Really. There isn't.


    Self-diagnosing a medical symptom is hardly the same as understanding what you're doing when you book your cruise. :rolleyes:


    There's a reason people use a PVP. They DO know what they're doing. Some are better than others. Most are very good at what they do.


    Use that expertise rather than call the generic 800 number. And educate yourself on the product you're buying. Caveat emptor, you know.


    As I pointed out, not all Carnival employees are the same (which I already knew but experienced first hand the other day). Yes, it would be nice if they ALL understood exactly what they were doing. But I'm not sure it was the Carnival employee who was in error. As others have pointed out, the deposit rules change under some circumstances.


    If you're going to sign up here, then you should actually do some reading. I don't book ES often and have never booked a reduced deposit. But I know there are been MANY threads about both explaining what happens when you want to make changes. I've read lots of these threads and they don't even apply to me!


    But then, I prefer to understand as much as possible. Others can't be bothered, but they can certainly find plenty of time to complain.


    Research is indeed a good thing. For example, if you did even a minimal amount of research you would have seen that the OP is new to Cruise Critic making many of your points moot. Aside from that, isn't that what these boards are for? It seems to me the perfect place to ask a question such as this. Your post seems unnecessarily harsh and is exactly the type of response that causes so many threads to dissolve into discord instead of constructive assistance.


    NCTribeFan, you can keep your petulant holier than remarks to yourself, I didn't join a message board to be talked down to, it must make you feel really good to be so condescending on a message board.


    My original post wasn't to complain, it was to express frustration, share my experience,and get advise which is what I believe this board is for. Now I know you're going to say what you gave is advise, but I'm sure you are very much aware of how your replies come across, and if berating people you will never meet on a message board makes you feel good about yourself then you have bigger issues than replying to my thread.


    I am very much new to this board and cruising in general as this will be my first, and if you read through you will even see that I asked how does one get a PVP. I try to get as much info as possible which is how I even knew to call to get a price drop, but I do have the expectancy that when I call the business I am dealing with that their employees will be more knowledgable about their product and share that information with me the comsumer. But what upset me the most was that somehow my crusie was cancelled without ever getting any type of notification or warning that this was going to happen, if I had been told I needed to make an additional deposit it would have been made.


    As far as reading through threads, I have read a lot, even plenty that have no bearing on anything I want to do/know just to see others experieces, but as you can see I have not replied in almost a week as I have a life outside of this board and I am not constantly on it.


    To everyone else that offered your experiences and suggestions, thank you very much, and I'm glad to say that after e-mailing Vicky in guest services, who was also very much appalled by my whole situation/experience, she was able to rectify the issue for me.

  9. Just off the Pride yesterday. Had a good trip. Weather was great, smoothest sailing I have ever experienced on the Pride and all in all very happy.


    Food was good. Did not enjoy the pizza at all. Glory has the same pizza but it was much better. Casino seemed to pay out the most I've ever seen. Shows were as always good,,,,much better then our last cruise on the Glory. Comedy was good.


    Not a fan of the cruise director or the assistant. Of course that is personal preference as we are all different.


    We booked 5150 and did not like it. Our fault. I knew it was obstructed but forgot that the first 3 life boats were much larger. We were directly between two which we chose the the size of the boats was awful. We did not unpack and after we sailed we went to Guess Services and they were kind enough to relocate us to a non-obstructed balcony in 5225 and we loved the room.


    We normally board 12ish everytime we have gone on the trip. We didn't board til 1:30pm. However our return was as it has always been when we have sailed the Pride. Hit the bay bridge at 6am, key bridge 7am and not to much longer docked. We checked our luggage due to my husbands knee. Bringing all our luggage down that ramp exiting the ship is a bit too much for him. We were in our car by 10 (we are platinum). Home shortly after as we only live in Middle River.


    All is all good trip. Husband won Texas Holdem tournament $500 and came in 2nd on the slot tournament. We both did well in the casino and came home a little ahead.


    I have room 5225 booked for July 6th, glad to hear you liked it. It's gonna be my first cruise.

  10. It sounds like you did not read the terms for the new price. did the new lower price offer obc and the low price or just the low price? you can go and pretend to book it and if no obc is offered its not included. If it didnt offer both then they dont have to give you any obc cause that was offered with the last price not this one.


    I didn't do a mock. I saw the difference on Fare Viewer and called. If there was is a difference they should properly convey that to their customers.

  11. I have sailed several times on Carnival and I'm sailing on the Breeze in July and booked Early Saver.....everytime there has been a price drop I have been given the run around to avoid giving it to me. I have had several mistakes happen and each time I'm told they will make a note to give that employee some more training....now I fully understand why people say you can call 5 agents and get several different answers. Not too impressed


    Exactly what I was told, that we will speak to the employees about their errors but not really taking any ownership.

  12. If you price match, you have to match to the new terms. If it changes deposits or due dates you have to follow the rules of the new fare. If you had obc before, you don't get to keep it AND the price drop unless the price drop also has that amount of obc included. Sorry :(



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    I am fine with something if it changes, but the fact is it was never communicated. And I was given assurances now by three different employees one of which is a supervisor that are not being kept.

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