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Posts posted by rLYLIANA

  1. Seeing everyone else waiting so long for their refunds calms my nerves some. I cancelled my July cruise 2 weeks ago and haven't received a refund yet or even a confirmation email so I was getting concerned. I'm fine with waiting some time for the refund as I'm not desperate for the money at this moment, but a confirmation of the cancellation would be nice.

  2. Thanks for all the responses. I will definitely be ordering from vitalchek once I get home from work today. I have no problem paying expedited shipping, hopefully it gets here before I leave. & if not, I'll still have the original & hopefully we will both be on board!!

  3. Let me start by saying, if you're going to respond with how I should have a passport, than you can keep your opinion to yourself! Thanks!


    My boyfriend and I are cruising in 11 days and he will be cruising with his ID & birth certificate. He's 30 years old & his B.C. looks it. It has tape around it to keep it from falling apart (but it is not torn) & some of the writing is faded. However you can read his name & it matches the name on his I.D. & at the top it does say NY Department of Health & Bureau of Vital Records. It also has the raised seal, it's just not as pronounced because it is an older B.C.


    Will he be able to board the ship with the B.C. even though it looks its age & some of it is faded?

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