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Posts posted by chchgirl

  1. Hi alll,


    I havent been on for quite some time, I am back again on the forum, I was only new in case nobody knows who I am!


    I live in NSW, lived in Christchurch pre earthquake (was married to a chch boy) and have been back a few times post quake.


    I am excited about the new cruise terminal in Lyttleton, I am thinking just how quick it is to get to the city from Lyttleton as opposed to Akaroa. I like Akaroa but would prefer my cruise to go to Lyttleton. As Kiwi Kruzer has mentioned, there is so much to do if a ship stayed in overnight! I have done most on the list except Mt Cook and would love to do the Transalpine again.


    I am a little saddened today hearing that the Restart mall closed yesterday, I really liked it!


    Michelle :)

  2. Any time is never enough time in NZ in my opinion, from an Aussie who was married to a Kiwi!


    I've never been to the North island (I intend to in the next few years), but I have been around the South Island a couple of times and lived in Christchurch.


    Have to say even 10 days isn't enough for the SI alone.


    I think previous posters have had some good advice about the North Island, enought to make me jealous..


    Michelle :)

  3. HI Kiwichick,


    This is something I will be watching as well, I have teenagers and hope to do a world cruise in a few years (hopefully when they are independent, they don't seem to leave home these days!) and the single supplement is something I have only just thought about recently after talking to someone about it. I am only 47 but by then will probably be in my 50's, so had better start saving..!


    Michelle :)

  4. I doubt it, otherwise holiday apartments and resorts would not be able to offer kid-free environments, and the place I've been staying at in Port Douglas for the past 10 years is definitely kid-free.


    On Hamilton Island, the Beach Club is kid free as well, I know I've stayed across the road from it, my kids are 13 and 16 and no under 18's allowed..fair enough I say!

  5. The thing is if they build the infrastructure to handle for these vast amounts of people, the area loses the innocence and beauty that attracted them in the first place. There needs to be some real planning for what is needed and wanted over just development for progress' sake.


    I definitely agree with you...it would be such a shame to ruin places like Akaroa.

  6. I think this paragraph says a lot...





    What does a small village like Akaroa do when 2 or 3 ships are in for a day and 3 or 4 thousand people want to go to the toilet?

    How would you like thousands of people descending on your village or suburb just for 1 day?

    They overflow the sewerage system and beat the traders down to the lowest price , even though the traders have given up their day to set something up.

    I know of a taxi in a small town that when cruise ships visit , the owner locks it away in his garage. He is sick and tired of arguing the price with rude cruise ship passengers who don't recognise how much it costs him to run his business.




    I've wondered this myself recently when I was reading an article about the Lyttleton port being repaired...I've been to Akaroa by car (not cruise) and it's a beautiful little place, but I can't imagine this many cruise passsengers disembarking there, the place is so tiny! I guess it's catch 22 for the townspeople..

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