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Posts posted by foster269

  1. Travelled with P&O and RCI.

    Cunard for the first time...all messages from world cruisers!!! Is there any cruisers out there that cruise for 2/3 weeks? Starting to feel out of my depth![/quote

    Hello,sorry am I missing something here.Surely Perezcruz was saying that they thought that only Crunard cruisers did world and not short ones.The thread appears to have morphed somewhat into discussing The Kings Court and where to eat.


  2. Hello,perezcruz.Sorry I am struggling a little to understand what you mean.Sorry if I am wrong but I get the impression you may think all Cunarders only go on world or long cruises.This is not the case.There are some of us who do short ones,even in Britannia class.


  3. Hello,I find all the suggestion very interesting and obviously a lot of people have put a lot of thought into them.The only problem I can see is,implement them I am sure would take an awful lot more time than Cunard have set aside for the refit.


  4. Hello Ray66,

    Thank you very much for the pictures, very good they are too.Even though I am a non Grills traveller I was still very impressed by what I saw.I hope though that when they do the refit they don't forget the rest of us.There are a lot of us Britannia people.


  5. Hello, please can someone assist.I appologise if some find this request soporific.I cannot work out how I know when I have read a reply.

    I understand the topic turns red but :- example line.

    Guaranteed lowest fares then a date then the last name to answer.

    How do I know if I have read the last persons reply.Again I appologise if I come over as dense.



  6. Hello,on our last trip on QE,earlier this month, we had Lord Digby Jones.

    I have mentioned this else where,he was very very good.

    I attended two lectures and a question and answer session,the theatre was full on all three occasions.

    On a lighter note,I have see actor John Lyons, who plays Sgt.George Toolan in the television programme, A Touch of Frost.He was very funny with a lot of insights and anecdotes into the programme.I realise this was probably a little lowbrow but i enjoyed it.


  7. Good morning pepper.

    Thank you for the appology.Not needed but these are the manners we have come to expect from fellow Curnard people.

    You are not the first nor will you be the last to doubt me.

    My wife thinks there may only be three juices.She allways was picky,


  8. Adding to Underwatr's remarks: there are waiters in the buffet on Princess ships who go table to table and offer coffee, water, juice etc; on Cunard ships beverages in the buffet are self-service.


    Touches like these make Princess buffet easier to maneuver and a more civilized experience than Cunard.


    Hello,it is very difficult to reply to the above without causing offence.

    I say this because it is just plain wrong.

    On Cunard in the Lido there are several people dispensing Tea and Coffee and several other people carrying at least four varieties of soft drinks.


  9. Hello Ray66.I think we must be following each other around.I think you were also on The Lusitania trip in May.

    Although the overnight in Monaco was not our main reason for booking the cruise,we also were dissapointed that the overnight was cancelled and I certainly will not rush back to Toulon.Having never mean to Monte Carlo I wanted to visit the Casino,not to gamble,just to look.Another alas dissapointment.I had read ther was a strict dress code,which turned out to be not the case.Because we were second sitting we decided to eat in the Lido and then walk to the casino.I donned my dark lounge suit and collar and tie.We went into the Lido and felt very overdressed and after watching a chap make a cheese sandwich decided it was a one off.

    My wife is not a good walker and I think she is still paying for the effort and I am still paying for the suggestion.

    The dress code in the Casino was anything but formal.Girls in shorts and men in jeans,yes jeans appeared to be the norm.

    The decor of course is as one would expect,but the place was lacking in atmosphere.Maybe this working class lad expected too much.

    Of course the parade of cars outside was awesome.Dream on boy.

    Then the walk back in the suit in about 25 degrees.

    Back on board apparantly we missed a very good firework display.Not sure how.


  10. Good evening pepperm.Yes if you get the chance do attend a Digby,sorry Lord Digby Jones lecture do so.

    Thank you for your interest in our dining problems.It would take too long and possible induce a " yawn" or two to explain,a precise would not do it justice.

    I do though think it would be unfare to publish on here as of course there are allways two sides.


  11. Hello, my wife and I have just finished the above cruise.For us another enjoyable one,our third on Queen Elizabeth.The weather was very very good,I know this sounds wrong but,sometimes a little too hot possibly for walking about.Two small beers became the norm.

    We had a problem on our table for eight, which alas forced us to ask,and get,a change.We did this after seven nights but should have done it sooner.We were determined not to let it spoil our cruise.It did not.

    I would like to pass a comment on one of the speakers,Lord Digby Jones.I attended his two lectures and his question and answer session,he was outstanding.

    The weather in the bay coming back, was to say the least, not good but hey ho.

    One comical point I would like to share with you.In Lisbon I walked along the dock to take some pictures of another vessel.It was very hot so I took off my shirt,not a brilliant sight but I have seen a lot worse.From behind me I could hear a voice shouting.I did not think it was relevant to me so did not turn around.The shouting got closer and more urgent.I turned to see a short but rather round and flustered lady,in a uniform, telling me in Portugese to put my shirt on ?.Maybe my body did offend.Ah well

  12. Hello,we are on Queen Elizabeth 30 August.My wife tried to get on the voyage personalizer this morning,but as usual it was having none of it.It is a good job Cunard cruises are better than their web sites and web cams otherwise we might try Thomson.


  13. Hello,like Richard I live in shorts.I am halfway through packing for Sunday on Queen Elizabeth.I am taking 1 Tuxedo,2 lightwieght suits and 2 jackets.I post this just to show that ordinary people can and I hope do know how to dress on Cunard.Britannia of course.

  14. Hello,on Queen Elizabeth, last year,on two seperate occasions a man was asked to leave the Commodore because they were not wearing jackets.Both accepted readily although one did just say he thought it was only relevant on formal nights.

    We were sharing our dining table with a rather loud man.On the first formal night a man entered the dining room without a suit.Our table companion,raised his arm clicked his fingers and shouted very very loudly, "Maitre, I thought there was a dress code".The rest of the table squirming with embarresment.

    The staff member said he would investigate.He returned to say that Cunard had lost the passengers Tuxedo.I think if I had been that man no matter who's fault it was I would have been too self concious to dine in the MDR that night.The volume continued on our table alas.


  15. I have seen Bell Boy in preparation mode.It is good advice to not get in his way.When he has finished his preening though it is a wonderfull sight.Cameras at the ready.


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