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Posts posted by bamboozled

  1. Small (tall) cappucino was $2.60 and medium (grande) $3.30 from memory - those were the cheapest coffees at Starbuck on the Cafe Promenade. I always asked for a bottle of water when I got a coffee so I would have plenty in the room. They seemed to be happy to accept that it was normal to have a water with coffee! Nowhere else was happy with two drinks at once with Royal Replenish. I've got a photocopy of the drinks packages somewhere - I'll post them if I find them.

  2. Hi - I'm glad you had such a good cruise - we were on the same one and if we'd met up with you guys we may have had a better time! We could have been on a different boat from your positive experience as ours wasn't. Just shows, everyone has a very personal take on it and it can be very different for each of us. I guess it depends on previous experiences, expectations and a few "incidents" on board to build up and taint things.

    Who was your room attendant, as a matter of interest?

  3. I always highlight the option on the SetSail in dark orange and then I get a print off of my statement halfway through the cruise. If it is showing in US$ then I am pretty sure that it is OK.


    Yes, I highlighted it too on the original form, spotted it was in £ two nights before the end of cruise, went straight to Guest Services to ask for it to be changed. They "cancelled off that instruction" and I had to re-present my credit card with a new instruction sheet. On this I ticked the correct box AGAIN and also hand wrote a note specifying in no circumstances were they authorised to convert for me and that my credit card co was to do that. They STILL went against my instructions. Really not happy with this apparent sharp practice - which after hearing from a lot of you on this thread, it's beginning to look like.

  4. This has happened to us twice, and u til the credit card bill came we didn't know our request not to convert was not honored.


    So when I got the bill I phoned, and both times they sent me a cheque for the amount of their error.


    This was a couple of years ago and policy may have changed, but give it a go.



    I did phone yesterday when I got my bill. They didn't offer that recompense and suggested I should put it in writing - which of course I have done!

  5. Well, I have written a review which is up for moderation before it goes live...only just written it. It certainly wasn't our best cruise to date (we are Platinum members so not new to RCCL). We've also cruised on P&O about 10 years ago.

    Unfortunately, I don't think we will be using RCCL again - too many issues on this cruise, which is a big shame since we were total supporters before this.

  6. We are from the Uk and we specified both this time and for our last cruise in 2011 that we wanted to pay in US dollars and for our credit card issuer to convert it to £ (because our credit card issuer Post Office doesn't charge for this and gives us a good rate) Both times our request was ignored and the cabin charge printout read that we had stated that we wanted RCL to convert. We managed to get them to change this last time and saved ourselves about £50. This time, although we spotted in time that they weren't going to follow our instructions and spending a long time trying to get them to change it the night before our cruise ended, they STILL billed us in £ after converting it themselves using a much disadvantageous ( to us) rate. You sign how you want to pay on your set sail pass that you hand in on embarkation and also what you input on line when you fill the details in. We have proof by way of photocopy that what we gave to RCL both online and at the port when we checked in that this was not what we wanted. RCL makes a profit (cost us about £30 more this year by way of the poor conversion rate) by doing things this way and we believe that this is very wrong that this is happening so regularly. They are making a lot of money from doing things this way. Watch out for this.

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