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Posts posted by Mark-da-Shark

  1. It is greasy COD. It was ok on the first day of a Freedom cruise but got worse as the cruise went.


    The best thing in to dine up stairs in a less crowded area. We would visit the buffet and eat at the fish and chips area.


    Lots of malt vinegar kills the bad taste!



    Don't waste your stomach room....

  2. "would like to see a poll which all platinums respected that the invitation to vote did not include them"


    I agree, and I noted this yesterday in a response to OP, but in defense of Mamie, she did title the poll, "Poll for Golds". Did the platinums respect that? NOOOOOO...most did not, because so many of them have no respect for anyone but themselves and their own opinion. Not all by far, but I believe a lot of the anger stirred up here on this board is by the platinums stirring the pot.


    I agree! There are people here who think that their money is different than mine or others. I do respect that some have been cruising longer than I have, but that is the only difference.


    I buy groceries every week from the same store. This does not mean that I own it or that new customers don't have a valued opinion. In business, EVERY opinion should be considered. Unfortunately CC is full of moss backs that think they own the world! Wake up and get real.

  3. I love how people expect handouts from Carnival. Then when they change or don't get it, all hell breaks loose. We have enough handouts in this country! I don't expect anything from them or in life in general. When things happen I am thankful, not upset because it wasn't what I was expecting. Get real! ;)

  4. We don't cruise for handouts or a free party.... We never attend anyway. Most of the people that attend these are the same ones on here complaining about everything, so why would I want to go listen to their BS? I get on the ship, get my First DOD and forget life and the complainers! Life is short, why complain your way through it? Enjoy it! :eek:




    The Truth,



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