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Posts posted by iWife

  1. We are getting ready to pull up to Frenchys already. It's such a short trip. The sailboats where sitting around in the water.




    Here comes Frenchys






    And now LFK is just a memory in the past. One of the best memories of Roatan.


    We head down the deck with the rest of the people that were on the boat with us. The hubby and Sakari stopped to look at a squirrel in a cage and I needed to put my towels and stuff in the bag.




    The other group was still walking and started piling in a mini van that was out in the driveway area. Someone at the restaurant came out and ask us if we were going with them and I ask if we were suppose to because they had ask us what time we wanted to return with Justin and I didn't see Justin anywhere. Before we could turn around, the van pulled off. Well, I guess that settled that. We were officially waiting on Justin whether we wanted to or not.


    So I took some more pictures...of course.





    Thank you Mitsugirly for the thorough review of LFK - we were thinking about it and now that I've seen all of your photos I am very excited about going there. I know somewhere you mentioned your cameras. I have a Nikon SLR but nothing for underwater what do you recommend? What do you do with your equipment while you are snorkeling or swimming? Thank you very much.

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