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Posts posted by QuipMC

  1. And why has the thread gone from a cocktail to class distinction?


    Perhaps too many drinks?


    (And trust me, all discussion boards, almost regardless of subject, have a distinct tendency for discussion threads to veer off course. One of the joys of "forum life.")


    But to sum up: There are people with class at all "price points" just as there are people without class at all income levels. :)

  2. While I have no personal knowledge of whether a Stinger would appear on a formal drinks menu - I just order champagne and don't dabble in mixed drinks - it is a well-known drink that any reasonably experienced bartender should be able to make.


    Order one and see...how much trouble can you get into? ;) Of course if it's not exactly correct you may need to confer with the bartender and order a second...

  3. Wonderful to hear a positive resolution!


    Adorable wedding photo, by the way. Very much of its time...and I say that with nostalgia. ;)


    Best of luck hunting down the elusive replacement. (And here I will "name drop" because otherwise it's impossible to communicate this advice.) Check with NM on made-to-measure for the replacement, as that should give you the opportunity to review and check the hand of at all fabrics available for MTM, not just the ones they chose to make up this season. It used to be an "event" once a year...now it's pretty much ongoing.


    And lastly: congratulations on the eBay score! Anybody who has trouble with that is simply too...too...well, snobbish. :p

  4. Not really. It's a mass-made off-the-rack suit. There is nothing difficult whatsoever in the replacing.


    Well actually, that's not quite the case. Pret-a-porter clothing changes from season to season and from year to year.


    Fortunately for men this variation is far less radical than the changes you'll find in women's wear, but even within the category of dinner suit (tuxedo) you may indeed purchase something that is called that - and even by the same maker - but it will be a somewhat different fabric and often a significantly different cut.


    For a tall man like my husband, some years jackets are all cut short and there is simply nothing in a particular line - a line that he's successfully worn before and likes - that will work for him. From long experience, I will guarantee that "nothing difficult whatsoever" is not accurate for all people, particularly those with certain builds.

  5. Have we, perhaps, reached a sufficient number of posts registering disapprobation on the matter of using trade names and such to allow the thread to run its course and die a peaceful death?


    I'm sure the OP "heard the message" the first time. One or two "I agrees" are fine, but instead things start to get personal and overly snarky.


    Yes, I myself did use the "A" name in my first post on this thread, though in my defense it was on an "I feel your pain" basis because, in both cases, the loss was more an issue if it being a DH favorite. In future I'll send my condolences in a private note, which would also have been an excellent way of correcting an adult rather than resorting to public shaming.


    But then, this is the internet...the last vestige of setting up stocks in the public square. ;)

  6. Having anyone, anywhere, launder a suit or sportscoat - let alone a tux - is not only inexcusable but jaw-droppingly stupid.


    My husband loves his Armani tux (I managed to find it for him on sale, 44L, a number of years ago). Replacing it would be difficult and costly. We are doing a TA on the QM2 soon, and after previously reading positive posts about sending clothes for pressing, that had been my plan. Now I'll pack my steamer after all.


    Thanks for posting your experience, and my condolences on the loss of the tux. Sadly once a wool suit is laundered, nothing can be done to restore it.

  7. Then they return home to the $2400 cell phone bill.:eek:


    I wondered how and why all those folks on another thread were demagnetizing their room keys by carrying them next to their cell phones. "Why in the world would you walk around with your cell phone in the middle of nowhere" I thought. ;) I think I'm "past the pull date" on needing to post every single thing I do and what I had for breakfast on FB...


    Even if internet was great and cell service dirt cheap, I'm sticking by my guns! "Sorry, I'll be out of contact." The last time I successfully dropped out was on a motorscooter adventure ride in Egypt in Fall of 2013. Nothing like being out in the Western Desert of Egypt with an armed escort to dissuade coworkers from trying to reach you while you're on vacation!

    • Like 1
  8. Good luck to you and Bon Voyage.....you are on a crossing...is that a TA?? When ? and what are you hoping to do? :)


    Thank you! We're booked on the May 3rd TA. Our first crossing, and indeed our first time on anything larger than a ferry. (I've done portions of the Caribbean crewing a 40' sailboat, so can't imagine taking a cruise ship through those waters.) :D


    We have a love of what we call "outmoded forms of transportation." This has included flights on vintage aircraft and trips in vintage train cars. While the QM2 is not vintage, a crossing of the North Atlantic on a proper liner with at least a few remaining vestiges of old-school pomp and elegance qualifies as sufficiently recherché to count for our purposes.


    What are we hoping to do? Have a wonderful experience, and drop out of the world for 7 days. I've told my office that internet is really expensive and sketchy, so don't try to reach me while I'm at sea. :)

    • Like 1
  9. Thank you Melb1988 for the detailed review, and for others who also posted. We are doing a TA on the QM2 in May, and so recent info is useful. (As is knowing I'd best bring those kitten heels to navigate the hallways on formal nights.)


    You can enjoy an overall experience without turning a blind eye to reality. I find the post quite fair and even-handed...with constructive and "actionable" observations. Hopefully Cunard cares enough to monitor resources like CC...though I'll not hold my breath in that regard! ;)

  10. We've booked a guarantee for an upcoming QM2 crossing, and as our cabin has not yet been assigned I check the Cunard website often to see how bookings are progressing.


    What I've found is that cabin availability seems to change significantly day to day...but not in the way I would expect, which would be a fairly steady decline in availability as the date gets closer.


    For example, about a week ago all of QG (except for Q1), PG, and CB showed as Sold Out. Then suddenly there were QG5 and PG rooms available again. Similarly, $999 Inside cabin availability seems to come and go like the tides.


    I can understand if they move folks up from the least expensive rooms to make way for more budget-minded customers, but why such swings for QG and PG? Do people frequently cancel less than two months before departure, or is this some sort of elaborate plan to encourage people to get off the fence by suddenly opening up rooms in categories previously "sold out"?


    Anybody able to shed light on this mystery?

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