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Posts posted by amzdesigner

  1. This was the second cruise we had taken on the Liberty out of Port Canaveral. The first cruise I broke even at the slots on the Liberty which was all I was happy and grateful to do, but something changed on the second cruise and I am now $4,500 in debt because of the Casino Practices aboard this ship. There was a large group of Premium Players Club Members on this particular cruise and I swear they did something to the machines to make up for all the free stuff these Premium Players Club received such as a free cabin, steak dinners, chocolate covered strawberries, champagne, wine, you name it. But that is not my major complaint. It is the fact that you cannot tell on the slot machines how much you have spent, plus, when you try to get the information from the Casino desk about how much you have already spent on the machines, they cannot tell you and send you down to Guest Services desk, where in turn, tell you you have to get that information from the Casino desk! Now I am in so much debt from this cruise I can't pay, and don't know what to do. It is so easy to sit and pop the machines for $10, $20, $100 at a time not knowing how much you have spent and I believe Carnival is literally fleecing the public and I want to write the Gaming Commission to launch an investigation into this hoodwinking of the Public at these Slot Machines. The machines can give you a running total of how many points you have racked up to climb their Players Club ladder, they can even keep track of your play amount to throw you a little free $10 bonus from your amount of play, but people are left blind to how much casino debt they have accumulated and now I, for one, am in very serious trouble. And, I am not the only one who lost great deals of money at this casino, nor the only one who has the exact same complaint. Several people I talked to had lost thousands, and had no idea how much they had lost. I did manage to get to the level of free drinks, which kept coming, and coming and I was even given the advice from one of the Casino workers that the best way to win is to stay at one machine and not go from machine to machine, but that only made me more in debt, waiting for the machine to at least pay back even a portion of all I had put into it. When you can't get the information you need, when you need it, and your charge account keeps getting charged, it is like sending a kid into a candy store and telling him, after he has eaten all the candy and is sick in bed dieing from all the sugar he ate that he is told after the fact, "Oh, but didn't you know you were only supposed to eat just one piece." There must be checks and balances, and if you cannot access the information you need to keep yourself in check, Carnival is the only one who will benefit and it is not fair. If anyone reading this has the same complaint please let me know. I am fat with debt and had no idea whatsoever I was eating that much Candy. My credit will be ruined for 7 years because of this one week bad experience.

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