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Posts posted by honeyman

  1. Why are some of you so doubting? It's an Internet forum I suppose and people are prone to spout and write all sorts of rubbish, but we shouldn't be so quick to judge and hopefully the OP hasn't been put off by such negative comments and will come back and tell us more.


    Honestly if LHT or Pacheo had posted this, there would be no question of doubting them - sorry girls just using you as an example of good solid posters on here. :). Give the OP a chance. As Oregon50 said "naive" of some!


    No wonder some people come on here once or twice and are never heard of again after some of the comments made.



    I did consider not posting any further after I saw the responses.

    I did notify O about the issue and asked if they had had any issues with Bed bugs currently or previously and what they do to prevent them. They responded within 10 days without any information, but with an apology and an offer of a large cruise credit.

    Never had this problem in 30 years of cruising and I hope I never have again.

  2. Sorry to all the doubters, but I don't normally post anything as I don't usually have anything to discuss. The only reason I found this web site was whilst searching for information on bed bugs.


    I didn't discuss this issue with housekeeping as I didn't know anything about bed bugs so was unaware it was a stateroom issue.


    Having carried out some research once I returned home it would appear that bed bugs are the most likely cause.


    A mediterranean cruise in November should not result in insect bites.


    I have travelled extensively over the past 30 years on 30+ cruises and I have had many visits to Asia and Africa so I am quite used to taking precautions against insects.

  3. I have just returned from a cruise on Oceania ship Riviera and wondered if anyone has had problems with 'bed bugs'.

    From day 2 until disembarking the ship on day 7 I suffered bites to my arms, legs, feet, hands, back, chest and head. These only stopped once I left the ship and they are gradually getting better. Most of the bites seemed to run in lines of 5 or 6 bites.

    My wife was bitten a few times but didn't seem to have any reaction other than a little itching.

    My doctor gave me antihistamines and hydrocortisone on my return but was unable to tell my what had bitten me!!

    Is this an isolated incident????

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