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Posts posted by Lenliner

  1. We hope everyone enjoyed Fortaleza, and came back without getting their Phones, camera's, etc. ripped off. We'll keep our fingers crossed for rain in the upper Amazon!

    P1200852H.thumb.jpg.ccfbda92e66c813b753fe1ddb7c7cb3c.jpgP1200914.thumb.jpg.76befe9353aebef56626b2d1e6947351.jpgWhen we went to Iguazu Falls in Argentina/Brazil, the falls were running very high volumes! 

    Storms swell Iguazu falls to near decade-high flow (phys.org) 

    "Storms in the southern Brazilian state of Parana sent the flow of water through the massive falls gushing to 24.2 million liters per second Monday, the second-highest volume on record, officials said. The flow was more than 16 times the falls' normal level of 1.5 million liters per second". 


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  2. We travel the world to gain perspectives on different regions which enables us to to appreciate what we have back home. We wish to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth, blatant as it may be. Negative or positive comments and anything else others wish to contribute to this forum. To do otherwise, would diminish the value of this forum. 🌏

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  3. 13 hours ago, mbviking2023 said:


    Similar experience we think.  We are docked in Honolulu at the moment and I ran a speedtest, 7:00AM local time.  Takes a good minute for the F and CC boards to load, and uploading pictures for the blog is interminable.  But hey, that's just a minor thing, considering everything else we're doing.  World Cruise!!

    Screenshot 2023-01-16 065831.png

    We agree wholeheartedly. I guess Starlink has to learn to walk before it can run faster. I will leave you all with this thought. What did we do before the internet? 😎🌺👩🏻

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  4. 7 hours ago, mstadleraz said:

    I am posting this on both the Roll Call and here. Just attempting to confirm the M&G will be today in the Explorers Lounge at 1700. Please respond if that is the case.

    WoW! We checked both the roll call and the live blog earlier this morning. I guess I just missed your post. I guess we'll have another 117 days too meet and greet our fellow cruisers. Sorry we missed it. 

  5. "I cannot understand why people do this, when there are plenty of other places just to sit around the ship. Once people have finished eating they should vacate the tables for others to eat."


    We agree!!! It's even more inconsiderate on cold climate cruises due to almost everyone being indoors. Given no other option, we'll just sit where there's room. Three people sharing a table for 6 is a bit more efficient than ONE, don't you agree? 😎👩🏻

  6. I agree with everything you said! It might be time for HAL to invest in additional interpersonal training for the front office staff. We had a similar experience on the Maasdam last fall, until Barbara from front office finally worked hard and found a solution to our concerns! We're on the Zaandam June 4th, and one more this fall in the Med. on the K-dam. After that, we'll decide if HAL is for us.😎👩🏻

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