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Posts posted by Auriemma

  1. Sorry for your loss.

    We made delicious lemonade from the Royal lemons and moved on to a different cruise on Royal.


    We chose option 3 from the offers. For not yelling and screaming at the rep like it was his fault, an upgrade and some extra OBC was also thrown in. Sweeet!


    We tried the pleasant route. They were not budging from "the offer". I guess your rep could actually do something. Ours couldn't. He got through to the Resolutions dept, they wouldn't move.

    Win some, lose some... moving on.

  2. He's cancelling other cruises. (cutting off his nose to spite his face, as my mother would have said)

    No, I'm not throwing more good money after bad (as my mother would say). Their price protection is only good for matching cabins on the cruises and dates they choose, no others. Since the cruises they offer are sold out of Grand Suites, the price protection offer is null and void. We would have to pay the going rate. A Junior suite (without the GS extras) was as much as what we paid for the Grand now. They refused to work with me at all. That's the offer... period. It's called the Royal Screwing.

    I can spend that money elsewhere. There are plenty of other cruise lines, and other vacations out there.

  3. Well... After an 1.5 hours on the phone, we had to cancel this cruise. They had no grand suites available so the price guarantee was worthless. AND we canceled our future anniversary cruise, which cost us our deposit. $200 penalty, and 300 for a future cruise, that they wouldn’t even apply as an OBC to my upcoming cruise. Better $500 now than $10k later. If I could cancel my Anthem cruise in 9 days, we would!


    Done with RCCL. Never again.

  4. After hearing this yesterday on FB, I called RCCL CS and the rep told me there was a note on my booking (Grandeur 3/7/19) that said it's being canceled due to dry dock, and that we would be contacted with re-booking options. But she also checked 4 references and could not find anything that stated Grandeur was going in for dry dock.


    My wife thinks RCCL will wait until after final payment is made to "officially" cancel it. Therefore holding our funds ransom. God I hope not and they let us no very soon.


    This pisses me off because this cruise would set us up for the Diamond level for our Oasis 9/2019 European cruise. If it's canceled and we cannot find another cruise that suits us, there is no reason to stay with RCCL for that cruise.

  5. Hi all,


    My wife and I are taking the LoS to Bermuda out of Bayonne, NJ next week (YAY!). Does anyone have a copy of the Compass (ships daily intinerary) that they might send me?


    Also, is there anything else about the cruise or Port we should know prior to leaving?


    I've already been told to take the NJ TurnPike to Bayonne because of construction on the bridge.



  6. Hi all. My wife and I are planning an RCCL cruise (our 7th cruise, 4th RCCL) to Bermuda/PR/St.Thomas/St.Maarten in Oct/Nov on Liberty of the Seas out of NJ. She wants to book a Superior Ocean View Stateroom (deck 8) this weekend, but I keep reading that this sale isn't really a sale.


    - Should we book?

    - Should we wait?

    - Should we skip it all together?


    We really like this cruise because we have never been to Bermuda, and its out of NJ (no plane flights needed).


    My other concern is 4 days at sea... 1 before Bermuda and 3 on the way home. We agree we need down time, but can the Liberty keep me occupied for 4 days?



    Thanks in advance!

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