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Posts posted by SoloPam

  1. Solo Pam?? Do you only dine alone?


    No, I've never had to dine alone. I have always been seated with other diners -- sometimes a table with a couple other singles, sometimes with a large table. One time I celebrated a 60th wedding anniversary with a couple, their children and another couple who were also strangers. But we all had a great time. I've never been seated with anyone I didn't enjoy.


    I'm fascinated by people who say they choose traditional dining because they're shy and don't want to be seated with different people every night. But what if you're seated permanently with a group you don't really want to get to know the whole week? :-)

  2. I'm getting ready for my second cruise in a couple months - both solo. I prefer a balcony cabin because I like having my morning coffee delivered by room service and spending the morning enjoying coffee while the sun rises. Plus, having a balcony gives me the option of "escaping" from the chaos on deck if things get too loud by the pool or in the lounged. I prefer "anytime" dining because I don't want to be tied to a schedule for anything while on vacation - meals included.


    My vacation is all about relaxing, solitude and finding pockets of quiet time (mixed in with a couple fun excursions).

  3. I test as an INFP -- so yes, I'm introverted. However, a lot of people forget that it's not about how shy or how outgoing you are that makes you introverted or extroverted... it's about how you recharge your energy stores. Introverts are recharged by spending quiet time alone, whereas extroverts are recharged by being around other people and feeding off their energy (which actually drains an introvert). I know we introverts know this... but I'm surprised at how many extroverts don't understand how we operate. :)


    I'm gearing up for my second cruise - both solo. For me a balcony is essential for those times when I just need to escape the "funness" of the Fun Ship and sit in peace and quiet with some room service and a good book. I do anytime dining and I'm always fascinated by the interesting people I get to meet and chat with over a delicious meal. If I eat a meal in the Lido buffet restaurant, then I usually end up sitting with (or within talking distance at least) of other cruisers.


    Above all... I think the key to enjoying a solo vacation (cruise or otherwise) is "Know Thyself" and act according to what you enjoy most and don't try to force the expectations of others on your own desires.

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