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Posts posted by boiledcabbage

  1. The spa on the dream was gorgeous. I haven't seen the other so have no basis for comparison. I do remember that there were two steam rooms with different scents, two sauna rooms, the thalassotherapy pool, sitting area and really nice locker rooms.


    I was very impressed, it was usually very serene even if "crowded". It was always the least populated part of the ship. there is a nice tour on you tube somewhere.


    My only gripe is that the rooms look like they have some mileage. If you plan on a spa room do so for the proximity or cost savings over buying just passes. The only other benefit was that halls were quieter. Otherwise, the rooms were identical to the rest of the ship except for the hideous tropical colored décor that is marketed as soothing.

  2. On my last cruise this past April the cost was $15 a bag and they started handing them out on day 2 or 3, I don't quite recall but there was laundry available the remainder of the week.


    The bag looks small but when you open it, it is surprisingly roomy. I would roll the articles super tight to cram it in there. After being washed and folded properly we always got two bags returned ; ) I always tip my steward at the start of the cruise, not sure if that helped.


    I was able to fit two full days of clothes and jammies for myself, husband and two kiddos. It's a heck of a value considering the time you save and being able to pack lighter.

  3. The sticker and cheers package are associated with the person's sign and sail ID. It's not just a room key. Not to mention that there is a picture on it for identification purposes.


    I had a similar issue. 4 adults and two kiddos between rooms. I wanted the package and no one else did. So, I booked with kids and my hubby booked in second room. We arranged sleeping how we wanted. it was the only way we could get just one cheers package. No, there was no sharing. Just didn't want to pay for 2 people when one wasn't drinking.


    However, using the package for non alcoholic beverages isn't a bad deal if you can afford it. Aside from virgin frozen slushy drinks that are super good on warm days by the pool you get a ton of other stuff. There is soda, no biggie. But you can also get milkshakes, fancy coffees, bottles of water, flavored teas, PowerAde etc.


    Although it isn't as good a value if you don't drink booze you still have access to plenty more. A couple nice coffees for breakfast, milkshake mid day, some PowerAde's or soda at other times and it does add up to some savings. Of course, your mileage may vary.

  4. Take the hall on the 11th floor, Panorama as far forward as you can get. The hall will sort of turn toward center. At the end of either side you choose to take there is a door that opens into the back side of the elevator area for the spa and serenity area. Directly across from that between rooms 11201 and 11202 there is a very short hall toward a door with a window.


    Behind this door is an almost private deck. It's small, about the size of two cabins with no access to alcohol ; ) and only a couple wood benches. You will very rarely bump into anyone out there. It's just one of those spots no one realizes is there. on our 7 days cruise we only saw one other person there.


    It is down the cloud 9 cabin hall but there isn't anything barring access, no need for a keycard just to wander. These directions sound confusing but I am being super specific for anyone who is a bit apprehensive about opening the doors and moving forward or being in the cloud 9 area. As long as the door doesn't say "crew only" there are no worries.


    You can get a visual by looking at the deck plan. The deck isn't marked but I assure you it is there.

  5. Newbie questions, embarking in 25 days, yay!


    First question: I will be weaning myself completely from all electronics so will have no clue what time it is. A lot of the places I want to try are lunch only. Is there some lunch call or clocks somewhere so I don't miss the window of opportunity? With staying up late, having mixed drinks etc. I'm going to be way off schedule.


    Second question: I'm seeing posts about table space at the buffets being tricky. Do they happen to have trays or carry out style containers so that I can eat on deck or go back to my room? Is eating on deck away from the restaurants generally accepted of frowned upon? From what I have seen the room service menu isn't nearly as appealing as the options on deck so I would like to avoid that.



  6. Thanks you guys for putting this into perspective for me. I may just buy some Malibu rum for the room and bring on mixers for when I head out then do beers on deck.


    I wanted to have options open to me but even if I tried my hardest to party there is always the next morning. Generally, the more fun I have the more I pay for it later. I didn't want to limit my fun and was bummed that I couldn't use the pass but that may have been a pandoras box of the ultimate week long hangover anyway.


    I get the impression that there are a lot of hard core drinkers on board. I like my booze as much as the next gal but still...I sure hope people are chill and don't get too sloppy. :rolleyes:

  7. Heading out on my first cruise in 33 days! I plan on having some drinks, a mix between beers and fruity umbrella drinks. Just to keep things simple please assume that I am aware of rum runners and the drink pass. Due to non drinking roommate the pass is a no go and that is a wee bit more than I would drink anyway. Rum running and risking confiscation sounds like a bad start to a trip. (such a hot button topic in here too)


    My question is based on pricing (not convenience or atmosphere) of buying packages for my stateroom vs. buying directly from the bar. I am on a tight budget but still want to have fun.


    I've come across a recent drink menu with prices and compared it to the website where you can order bottles to your room. I'm having a hard time deciding if the savings would be worthwhile enough to make my own drinks. I will only order what I plan to consume so quantity, for the most part, is a non issue.


    Anyway, long story short, some draft beers appear to be cheaper at the bar than getting bottles to the room but a vodka drink for instance would be half the bar price if I make it myself. I also saw somewhere that a bucket of 4 beers comes with a 5th for free?!?! Also, do the $1 off drink of the days make a difference?


    Most importantly, assuming I tip fairly, are the drinks an honest pour or are they weak?


    I would appreciate feedback from recent and or frequent cruisers. I'd like some sort of strategy beforehand so I don't have to mentally calculate my degree of post cruise poverty every time I have a sip.



  8. It IS now official! Not sure when it will be officially announced, so no identifying info.


    I immediately wrote a thank you to the person handling the contest. Here is a cut and paste portion I thought you cruisers would enjoy.


    ...My Mother is disabled and battles some debilitating illnesses. She is also on a very fixed income. This “cruise for life”, though she may only have the time remaining to use a few, was a miracle for her. You couldn’t have selected a more deserving person. She in turn will now pass on the family love of cruising to me as her companion. After looking at your website I am already planning a trip for my daughters who will be 4th generation cruisers, 5th if you consider my great Grandparents emigrating by boat to the United States. (If Ellis Island counts, lol)

    Such an epic story…

    Your prize has gone well above and beyond just a marketing campaign and opened up a world of adventure to someone who otherwise would have been stuck in their home port.


    Also, for anyone wondering why I selected such a goofy screen name. Apparently there are a ton of cruisers because after several tries to register, even allscreennamesaretaken wasn't available. :rolleyes:

  9. I would rather err on the side of caution and say that I am mostly sure I know the person who won. There are some formalities and it will take time for 100% verification. Plus, who wants to pick a sail date and then find out they were confused.


    That being said, it is a VERY deserving person on many levels.


    Disabled, several medical issues, FIXED income. This is a huge luxury that would otherwise have been out of the realm of possibility.


    Exactly one day before getting generic notice of win (please see above) this person lost a sibling to a massive stroke. This sibling was an avid cruiser.


    The winner took their first cruise, the siblings last cruise, together less than 6 months ago.


    The winners first cruise was to Alaska where their parents had cruised for their honeymoon. This first cruise was a lifetime dream.


    Sorry for being vague, trying to keep things quiet until it's all official. While I am sorry many people will be sad they didn't win I hope they will find consolation knowing that some complete jerk didn't win. :D

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