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Posts posted by mystrymaster

  1. I'm just reading this, but how sad. It's amazing how people don't want to follow simple, LIFE SAVING directions. And it's shocking to see how many people on this site questioned protocol when a CHILD was missing. Who cares WHY you were asked to go back to your cabin, just GO! I swear, if my children had ever asked me fifty questions while I'm giving them instructions, I'd pop them one. Sometimes an order doesn't have to make sense - all though it makes perfect sense to me that if they're doing a head count, the best way to do that is for everyone to go to their ROOM!) but following it may just save a life - perhaps even yours. I'm sorry, this story just broke my heart. And the people who were on here snipping about why this and why that is just too much. Some people can be self-important, self-absorbed a-holes.


    It wasn't a child it was a 43 year old man the child was a guess early.


    Also I feel a lot of that was people reading tone into posts where tone did not exist.


    A good rule of thumb I have is when reading online I always imagine sitting I am having a beer with that person and they said that, how would I respond.

  2. Another cruiser who was on the boat.


    We came out from the main dining area and started to return to our cabin to get changed and going up the stairs I felt a rock of the boat, as we continued up the stairs I didn't feel the normal rock the other way to either straight or the other direction. When we got onto the 8th floor (our floor) we started to walk starboard and noticed we were walking what felt like up hill. So I stopped so I could see if we would rock back and again nothing. The ship was definitely listing. We ran into another woman in the hall who felt it as well. I suggest maybe we were turning around the keys.


    Then the bing bing bing of the announcement bell with a very "non happy" but not in an angry way captain came on with the words you never want to hear. "THIS IS NOT A DRILL" Oscar Oscar Oscar (we had no idea what this meant at the time) Attention crew Oscar Oscar Oscar. Then silence for what felt like an eternity but the mic was still open.

    The captain finally continued. "Ladies and Gentlemen we have reports of a Man overboard and I have already completed the turn around of the ship and we are going back to the GPS location and will start the search" It was also at that moment we felt the ship right itself.


    We had arranged to meet some friends down on deck 4 and quickly went there to see if they were okay. As we turned around we quickly pinned ourselves against the wall as two crew members in full MDR gear came sprinting down the hall way towards the aft of the boat. We met up with our friends and proceeded up to deck 12 all along the way hearing panicked conversations of family members wondering where X person or Y person was.


    We get up to deck 12 in maybe 2 minutes and see 1 search boat already in the water, within maybe 10 minutes max there were 3 search boats out looking. It was at that point we were asked to go back to our cabins. Everyone calmly (shockingly so) returned to their cabins and waited.


    We were there for about 15 minutes when security knocked on our day and simply stated "No Balcony" and told us "stay in your cabin", we had an Inside stateroom but it was on the outside of the boat. about 5 minutes later our cabin steward knocked on our door and asked to see both of us, checked us off his list and went on his way.


    The entire time we were in our cabins there were many announcements made by the captain updating what was going on and advising us that now other ships had arrived to assist with the search. Within 90 or so minutes we were released from our cabins and the rest of the ship quickly returned to normal cruise activities.


    This was my first experience on a cruise ship in an "emergency" situation by the crew and I have to say they handled it fantastic. I was very impressed with how quickly every member of the crew stepped into emergency mode without being panicked in the least. After going through this I feel much better about the emergency preparedness of the crew. Being told to go to our cabins was IMO, the 100% perfect thing to do for speed and efficiency of figuring out who it was.


    I feel for the family of the victim.




    *** none of the quotes are exact, but are their more to show dialog over thoughts

  3. I pretty much agree with everything you've said. I didn't mean to imply that I thought RCCL should offer 1.00 beers, was just making the point that they are over-priced to some degree. They don't need to charge 1.00 for for bud or coors, but don't need to charge 5.00 or more +18% either.


    I agree but much like at concerts or events it is a captive (literally in this case) audience so those beers would be what 4.00? at a local bar so when you look at it as the markup for them is a dollar for the beer at an event, not so bad.

  4. We'll take a couple free cocktails as Diamond and call it good, don't need to get crocked and drunk and pay RCCL a fortune to do so whether it's up front on a package or by the drink.......


    Of course the cheer leaders will say that the onboard prices are similar to those on land. I was just at a local bar and had 1.00 bottles. Will NEVER see that on RCCL.....ever........ they want 5-6.00 for a BEER! Oh and don't forget the 18% "service charge"......


    They are making a fortune on booze. And people will still say the rules about bringing liquor onboard are just about liability, not profit. Too funny.


    The places that have dollar beers have that price to get you in the door to buy something else that they might make a profit on. If I go anywhere to eat I expect between 4-5 a beer. If I go to an event I expect between 5 and 8 for a beer. so the 5.XX price is average for a beer at an event type of place.


    Royal will never have that dollar beer night for multiple reasons.

    1. they already have you there, there is no need to try and entice you "in".

    2. without the fear of having to drive home people would be more likely to over indulge themselves and that would not be good.


    5.XX for a bud or coors is expensive, but a 5.XX price for a Sierra Nevada is realistically a steal right now.

  5. I have seen different opinions on this subject so I am just wondering what is the official policy on getting off the boat in Mexico and then what is the recommended procedure from some more experienced cruisers?


    We have taken two cruises but one was to Alaska and the other Canada pre passport needed to get there.


    Thanks in advance

  6. There is a ~15 minute refill limit on Royal Caribbean, but that only applies to self-served refills at the Coca-Cola Freestyle machines.


    nope. that's just Carnival although of course any bartender has the right( and responsibility) to cut someone off if necessary.


    Perfect thanks - like I said My wife wants to use it to find her drink and she will give anything she doesn't like right back. She is particular but hates "wasting" 10-15 bucks on cocktails when we are out to find her drink.

  7. This is a curious question. Unless you are in a drinking contest, and beer chugging, a time limit really wouldn't be needed? So why ask? Now you can drink as much as you can, but the time limit thing should not be a concern.


    I always find most people ask because they are thinking of sharing the package. Would that be the basis for the question?


    I thought about this but it was mainly because my wife wanted to try some cocktails that she may not usually order and if she didn't like it didn't want to wait 15 minutes to try something else.


    I could see the same with beer.

  8. Awesome post now the bar menu on there that I saw is that similar to the selection of the hoof and claw?



    I just re-read your post and I think you already implied that the english pub is the same as hoof and claw - thanks for that. This was exactly what I was looking to find but couldn't

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