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Posts posted by Nell2122

  1. I just called NCL PR department and he stated that they are still waiting to hear back from the Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection to see if they can continue the cruise. He didn't give me any specific details just that they are still in a holding pattern. He said they hope to hear something soon hopefully this week but if not early next week.
  2. Hey guys. I still have hope for the NCL cruises to nowhere. I read on one of the Royal Caribbean boards that their 3 day cruise to nowhere is still going to continue. They have obtained all the necessary approvals to keep the sailing going. They will probably make a stop in Halifax, Canada in the middle of the night. Not sure if NCL will have time stop in a foreign port since its just a 2 day cruise? I'm hopeful that they are still trying to come up with a solution and that's the reason why they haven't canceled the cruises yet.
  3. Hey guys. Thanks for the update. I've been keeping up with this new update on the other boards as well. I've checked with my group specialist and according to her she hasn't heard anything about this new regulation, as far as she knows the cruise is not canceled. But that doesn't mean that it wont be canceled. At this point this is getting ridiculous. I just want to know what's going on. If it is canceled, its sucks but I'll just have to reschedule my wedding for a different cruise/date. Its just the back and forth I cant handle. Norwegian communication has been horrible, they still haven't made a statement about whats going on, when they clearly have known about this situation for months now.
  4. Im so sorry to hear about your wedding. Charters are something that can happen on any cruise line. I recently almost experience something similar on the Norwegian cruise line. I thought that my cruise was going to be canceled but it was a false alarm.


    About a month ago I noticed that my cruise was taken down off the NCL website ( not just my cruise but all the cruises to nowhere in 2016). At first I didn't think too much of it, I just thought it was maybe a computer glitch but the cruises still weren't listed a few days later. So at that point I decided to just call customer service just to see what's up. Customer Service had no idea why there were no more rooms available and they end up saying that the cruises must be sold out. I just found that really odd that 3 different cruises would all get sold out the same day. So I double checked with the group specialist I'm working with that was holding my rooms for my wedding guests. She said that she received word that the cruise were on a "stop sell" but she had no idea why and that there was a good possibly that the cruise may be CANCELED!!! And that was all the information she had at the time and I would have to wait to see what happens. At first I was freaking out! I came up with so many theories of what could be going on with the cruise. I thought that the cruises could have been chartered!


    So to make a long story short. After 4 painful weeks of waiting , I finally got a call from the group specialist and she stated that the cruise was NOT going to be canceled. So my situation worked out but I can definitely understand your frustration and panic. I spend four weeks of wondering what's going to happen with my wedding. And the messed up part is that the cruise lines could really care less about our weddings, they make so much money from these charters that nothing else matters.


    Did they give you the option to pick another date/cruise?

  5. Update! So all the CTN in 2016 are still on a hold but good news they are not going to be canceled! The group specialist that I'm working still has no idea why they stop selling the cruise or if they will ever come back but at least we know that the rooms that are already booked won't be canceled. Even though the cruise is on a stop sell I was able to book a few additional rooms for my wedding guest since I had these rooms on hold since last year for my wedding. The catch was that the rooms will have to be booked by Tomorrow. I'm just thankful that the cruise was not canceled and that I don't have to reschedule my wedding date!
  6. No major updates. The following is the most recent info about the cruises to nowhere that was told to me by the group specialist that I'm working with.
    [I]"No new information has been given to us. From what I have been advised the cruise is not sold out, we are just no longer offering the sailing. I would anticipate the sailing being canceled however they have not advised us as of yet. I wish I had more information for you but I only know what the limited information the Revenue Department is telling me."[/I]
  7. Hi everyone,

    I got a little bit more feedback from the NCL Group Specialist that I’m working with. She responded to my email in which I was inquiring about the status of the weekend cruises by saying "All the cruises to nowhere in 2016 are currently on a ‘stop sell’. Once I know more information I will let you know.” So she didn’t really give me any new information, we all kinda already figured that. But what I’m getting from this is that the cruises are not sold out, they have just stop selling the cruises for whatever reason and they haven’t even informed their staff yet of what’s going on. Hopefully she will have more information for me soon.

  8. No cruise means no ceremony on the ship. I would have to rearrange everything. Maybe the cruise line would re-schedule the wedding to be on another cruise at a different date and time. If not I would have to plan a wedding elsewhere on land.

    But I'm not going to think about that yet until I figure out what's really going on. My cruise reservation is still showing online so that's a good sign.

  9. Hey, how it works is that I only pay for a reception. The wedding occurs on the ship before it embarks. My guest have the option to stay for the weekend cruise or leave the ship before the cruise set sails. The people who choose to stay pays for their own rooms on the cruise.


    When I say no wedding, I just mean in the worse case scenario if the cruise is chartered and the cruise is somehow canceled for whatever reason. No cruise means no wedding. Again this is the worse case scenario, I have no idea what really going on. Hopefully them taking the weekend cruise off the website is just a glitch and everything will be fine.

  10. Hi all,

    I noticed the same thing last week and I hoped that it was just a computer glitch and the cruises would show back up. I'm already booked on the 2 day Norwegian Breakaway for next February. I'm actually getting MARRIED on that cruise. So I'm very concerned and nervous for what could be going on. I called the Norwegian customer service several times and each person really had no idea in the beginning. After looking at it for a while they all said it must be sold out. I don't think they really know what is going on, they just say it was sold out because it's the easy answer. What's the probability this could happen? I know for the weekend Jan and Feb cruises that happened earlier this year in 2015. The cruises were still available up until like a month or two before they were to set sail. It's just really odd to me that the 1 cruise in Feb and the 2 cruises in Jan would all get sold out around the same time.


    I feel like in any case Im screwed. If the cruise is sold out then that sucks because now my wedding guests won't be able to book a room. I was working with the groups department and they supposedly had 15 rooms that were being held for my wedding party. But I got voicemail from my group specialist saying these rooms might be released. I was told in the beginning that as long I put a deposit on at least two rooms up front that the rest of my 15 rooms would be held until September. So I keep calling her back to figure out what's going on she's not answering!!!


    Another scenario that is even worse. Is that the cruises are chartered. In that case we might be bumped and the cruise could be canceled ( hasn't happened yet because I can still see my reservation under my account) . But this will mean NO wedding!!! My wedding will be canceled. I have already sent out invitations and done so many things for this wedding already. I would be devastated if this was the case. I'm really frustrated because no one seems to know what's going on. I'm not going to panic too much, I just have to wait and see before jumping to any conclusions. I just hope everything will work out and I'm making a big deal out of nothing.

  11. I sent my invitations last month, so that was at like 11 months out. I didn't do save the dates I felt that people would have even more questions. With the invitations they were able to get more information and have a lot of time to plan. I also have a wedding website but there still was definitely a lot of questions.


    A lot of my family and friends thought the cruise wedding was a really unique idea. Everyone seems to love the idea but I only have 3 rooms booked so far. So I'm not sure who really will be going on the cruise.

  12. Hi, I'm getting married on the Norwegian Breakaway next February. I think your thread will be really helpful for future brides since your telling your whole experience from beginning to end.


    I was told that we couldn't bring our own cake. So when I read your comment about getting a cake from Carlo's Bakery, I was so excited. I emailed my wedding coordinator right away to confirm, and she says yes and we would be responsible for ordering and ensuring the delivery of the cake to the ship. This is so exciting, now we get to do a cake tasting and really get a customized cake that I wanted!!!

    Attached are some nautical cake pictures that I really like.




  13. Hi, I'm getting married on the Norwegian Breakaway on Feb 12, 2016. The following is the timeline I received by the wedding coordinator. It does seem like a long time for our guests to be waiting especially if some people come as early as 10:00am. I'm assuming that it may take a little while to get through customs, so that may waste some time. But it will still be at least an hour before the ceremony will began. I guess that best you could do is tell people to eat a good breakfast so they can survive until after 1:00pm lol. My main concern is that everyone will get bored. So I'm thinking of providing little activities people could do to keep themselves busy.



    The timeline of the day is as follows:

    10:00am – guests begin to arrive at the terminal

    10:30am – check-in process begins for group

    11:30am – group priority check-in for wedding party & guests

    12:30pm – earliest time ceremony can begin

    1:00pm – earliest time reception can begin

    4:30pm – latest time guests have to be off the ship (non-sailing), or they will be escorted off the ship immediately after reception

  14. Hi I'm getting married Feb 12. I already put a deposit on my dress and actually sent out invitations about a week ago. I figure it wouldn't hurt to provide people with details so they will have time to save and know the deadlines. And I'll send reminders as we get closer. I haven't even started really looking for people to do hair and makeup, I guess I should get on that!

  15. Yea I agree, cake tasting would be a nice experience, just to say we did it. My main concern is how the cake will look, I wanted something unique to go with my theme. Hopefully the cake that I want, will get approved by the baker. Also, I know my fiance wanted a groom's cake, but that's probably out of the question. Lol


    Another concern of mine is the food itself. I really would have liked the experience of taste testing the food as well. Did anyone have the cocktail reception? If so, how was the food? Did you get the standard reception or the deluxe?

  16. I read your review and it was great! I feel a little better now that I have read some other boards. I found out some additional information.

    - That cakes can be customized with different design and colors(except metallic and black colors) but it has to be pre-approved by the baker. You are not allowed to bring your own cake. Each tier can have it's own flavor.

    - My reception time can be extended to 2 hours since my departure time is at 6:00pm.

    -The photography a la carte price is $299 per hour , and the DVD is $499.


    Did you purchase any of the albums they were offering? Im thinking that I can just purchase 3 hours of photography and get the DVD images. But I wonder will I regret not purchasing any of the albums and photos.

    Also my main concern is that I won't know the exact location of my ceremony and reception until right before the wedding. This is frustrating to me because it's hard for me to visualize since I don't know what the location will look like and it's hard to figure out how I should decorate.

    Do you remember how far in advance they confirmed your ceremony location?

  17. I'm getting married on the Norwegian breakaway February 12, 2016. Here are some additional things that I did find out.

    - That cakes can be customized with different designs and colors(except metallic and black colors) but it has to be pre-approved by the baker. You are not allowed to bring your own cake. Each tier can have it's own flavor.

    - My reception time can be extended to 2 hours since my departure time is at 6:00pm.

    - You can put in request for your reception and ceremony locations but it won't get approved until like 2 months before the wedding.

    - The photography a la carte price is $299 per hour , and the DVD is $499.

  18. Hi, I'm getting married on February 12, 2016 on the Norwegian Breakaway! It's a 2 day weekend cruise. I plan to have approx. 30-35 guests of which 20 are sailing. I'm so excited! But it is a little frustration because Royal Ocean Events doesn't give much detail. It's driving me crazy that won't know the exact location of the wedding ceremony and reception.

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