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Posts posted by telbubone

  1. Hello all.


    Maybe I'm missing something, I have booked a Thomson canary island cruise for December this year, when I booked it was advertised as 'Full Board' basis, not being a big drinker I did not concern myself with drinks packages.


    Today I received my full confirmation by email and it states quite clearly

    Board basis 'All Inclusive' ??


    I'm reluctant to check this with Thomson for obvious reasons.


    Any thoughts anyone. thanks in advance for help from you professionals


    Terry (new member)

  2. Hello all.


    Maybe I'm missing something, I have booked a Thomson canary island cruise for December this year, when I booked it was advertised as 'Full Board' basis, not being a big drinker I did not concern myself with drinks packages.


    Today I received my full confirmation by email and it states quite clearly

    Board basis 'All Inclusive' ??


    I'm reluctant to check this with Thomson for obvious reasons.


    Any thoughts anyone. thanks in advance for help from you professionals :)


    Terry (new member)

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