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Posts posted by sdlenter

  1. Love this Thread. Read it in October before the cruise bellow.

    Here is kind of an amuzing story from our last cruise.

    This happened on a Princess ship, 16 days in Asia. During our embarkation process in Beijing we noticed an older man (in his 60's), in a gray suite, Russian looking going back and forth in front of customs. All he had in his pocession was an old-fashion briefcase (a size that would fit a laptop) and a brown paper bag (size of a lunch paper bag). We starting thinking to ourselves - who comes on a 16-day cruise with no luggage? he was either a lonely man without any change of clothes or a Russian spy :) When we got to the ship we would see that man walk around (on the ship and on shore) in the SAME suite all the time. Sometimes he would take his jacket off, but same pants, etc. One time we met him at the pool in a tiny bikini buttoms (Speedo)and he started talking to us in Russian (we speak Russian). And indeed, he arrived from Russia by himself to go on this cruise. We didn't bother asking him if he was a spy :) I bet the briefcase contents were documents and the speedo!

    And then we had another "character" on this ship who had a Russian passport who came on this cruise with two young tall girls. The guy was in his late 40's, early 50's and the girls were in their late teens early 20's. Those 3 wore white clothes for the ENTIRE cruise!! The guy always wore white shirts, white pants, white sandals, big gold chain. and the girls wore white short mini skirts, white shoes, white tops that barelly covered anything. They would always walk around all together with the guy in the middle and the girls "hanging" on each side. He looked like a ****! People on the ship and on shore stopped to look their way. We called them "team White". on the last day of the cruise we were standing next to them as they were paying for thier cabin (all cash) and apperently the three of them stayed in a suite. Quite a party that must have been!

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