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Posts posted by Tanumveien

  1. I appreciate all of the feedback people have been giving re: the testing Viking is doing, packing, shore excursions, etc. I’m scheduled on the 8/31 Jupiter voyage and Am rethinking this cruise. Not sure it’s worth it to fly all the way to Iceland, only to be quarantined because someone else tests positive and then have to leave the voyage early…..




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  2. Thank you for reading my reviews! I had some problems with Photobucket as my stickers and caption wouldn't save. That's why I couldn't post until the problems were fixed. It seems OK now. Apparently some pictures in my earlier posts had the same problem.


    Hi Marina! I've enjoyed reading your review of "our" trip to Shetland Islands and Iceland. Also, Brian's photos were great fun to see!

    It refreshes the trip for me completely, plus I see I will need to go again to do some of the things you did and I missed!


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