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cheshire cat

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Posts posted by cheshire cat

  1. Lets see if I can make any sense out of this.


    First off the night before the cruise ended did you put tags on your bags and place them outside your cabin door ?

    {This is not the walk-off-with-luggage program.}

    The bags outside your cabin door are collected by NCL crew and taken to a hold below to be off loaded when

    the ship arrives and then are placed in designated areas for customer pick-up.

    If you purchased the Transfer package your bags would be in that designated area and you would have to

    claim them and take them through Customs.

    After that you would be directed to the staging area for the buses providing the Transfers.

    Your bags would be loaded on the bus that is taking you to the airport or other transportation means.

    At the airport the bags are off loaded at the airline curb and you take them with you to the check-in counter.


    Did you claim your bags to go with you through Customs ?

    If not the bags may have been left in a NCL controlled area.


    When you got to the staging area of Transfer buses did you have your bags ?

    Did you see if any bags were being loaded on the bus ?

    It is common for the bus driver to load bags such that the last bag on will be the first bag off at destination.

    In this case the driver will ask questions about what airline or stop you are going to - to do this.

    The bus driver should have questioned you about where is your baggage ?


    If there were many buses your bags could have been loaded on the wrong bus without direction.


    If you did not see any bags being loaded they could have been preloaded in advance - again perhaps

    put on the wrong bus. This is an odd arrangement in that the baggage is not with you for Customs clearance.


    In any event here NCL and the Transfer bus service are at fault.


    The Port Authority of NYC comes into play when a bag is not claimed and its disposition is unknown and

    taking it to a Lost & Found office.


    Obviously you did not have your baggage to check-in with the airline.

    Questions should have been directed to the Transfer Bus Driver about where the baggage is if that was the case.


    HOPEFULLY YOU HAD ID TAGS ON THE BAGS and something identifiable inside to reunited it with you !


    You posted that your baggage is INTRANSIT to you - I take it that the baggage has been located and is now

    being sent to you ?

    If not then see if your travel insurance if you took out a policy covers the loss.


    Quite a mess lacking in communication and direction - send NCL the email/letter - addresses and information

    previously posted - my post number 9 !

    The bag was found in the terminal after we had caught our flight. They called us to inform us they would be sending our bag by DHL at NCL's expense. Now it is stuck in Canada at customs and we are waiting for it to be released after submitting paperwork to them. Very frustrating and now we are being asked to pay a brokerage fee to have it released. We usually walk our bags off but thought it would be easier to purchase the Airport transfer on the ship. Lesson learned.

  2. i just want to let them know my disappointment over them losing my bag at the terminal during disembarkation. we still don't have our bag, it is in transit. we thought we were doing the smart thing by purchasing the airport transfer package. we normally walk our bags off but being New York City we thought this was the best way to go. I realize this type of thing can happen but it has been very stressful for us as we had to board our flight not knowing if we would ever see our bag again.

  3. Hmmm maybe I should just ask for Boston Hotel suggestions then and forget price lol. Any help would be appreciated as have never been to Boston before. Hotels near cruiseport would be preferable.

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