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Posts posted by Rattler_Cruiser

  1. Kim,


    I think my high school senior trip was aboard this ship also! I'm going to look at some of the pictures from my senior trip when I go to my parent's house this weekend. We went in 1982. We also enjoyed being able to drink and gamble in international waters!


    Funny thing, as seniors we vowed to take a cruise 5 years later - by then everyone would be out of college with one year experience (and savings) under their belt. We thought it'd be fun to go back with no chaperones and no rules. Well, that didn't happen! I've been on three cruises since then, and none have been with my senior class!


    I actually went on a cruise in 1974 at the age of twelve. It boarded in Miami also. I want to find the name of that cruise ship so when I put my cruise history in my signature, it will be complete!! :D



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