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Pirate Dude

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Posts posted by Pirate Dude

  1. I've purchased it for our next cruise (for us and my in-laws) for two reasons. First so we don't have to cart our carry ons around the ship. But more importantly, for the priority at guest services- I don't want to hear my father in law complaining about the long lines and he will get to know the fine folk at guest services. :)


    If it were only my wife and I we'd probably pass on it, even with the tender ride at HMC (I've rented a villa so even that won't be an issue from what I've read). But since this will be my first time with FTTF, I may find that it's something I'd always consider- the extra price isn't that much for me.


    But, as others have said, the ultimate value will always be a personal call.

  2. I'm hoping someone can help me out with when the Chef's table takes place on a 5 day cruise of the Bahamas on the Sunshine. I'm the lucky one organizing a family cruise of about 13 and some want to know which day it will be held. (Not all want to attend but most are interested)


    My wife and I enjoyed it a few years back, but I can't remember which day it is. My web search and forum search have come up empty. :confused:


    Any help would be wonderful.

  3. We've been on the Sensation twice and had a great time on each sailing. While I can't compare the 2.0 food options, I can say we didn't go hungry. The service was wonderful, but we definitely felt like the little kids when we docked next to the bigger, newer, ships.


    I wish Carnival would come out with a new class of ships in the same size range as the Fantasy class. I find comfort in the smaller ships and it would be nice to combine them with newer features. The smaller ships might also be able to take advantage of smaller ports, opening up new itineraries.

  4. My wife and I did this back in 2012- like you we were looking for something to do. Basically your cooking on hot plates, they had an issue with one or two the day we went and one couple had to share. The instructor was nice and entertaining. We cooked some basic food: peas and rice and I think we fried conch. You end up eating what you cook, so if it's bad it's your own doing. :D. But it's pretty easy.


    After eating the instructor lead us down the beach to a hut where a guy showed us how he removed conch for it's shell. After that we had maybe an hour to spend on the beach, which was beautiful, before the bus arrived to take us back. We did buy some drinks, but they were very watered down- sadly kind of normal at those beaches.


    Not sure if I'd spend the money to do it again, but we did enjoy it.


    Hope you have a great cruise.

  5. I did three 4 day Bahamas cruises a few years ago, obe on RC (I think it was the Magesty of the Seas) and the other two on the Carnival Sensation. While we enjoyed both ships, we preferred the Sensation - better food and over all experience (though I have to say I loved the big bar with the panoramic view up high at the back of the RC ship).


    As others have said the smaller ships don't have the Bells and Whistles of the bigger ships, but for our 4 days we were never bored, and though the ship's were booked we never found ourselves waiting in long lines or searching for deck chairs.


    In all I would consider the Sensation for another 4 day cruise in an instant.

  6. I am organizing a small friends and family group on the Sunshine at the end of January and am looking for opinions on good places to meet up during embarkation day- Red Frog Pub? Havana Bar? Ages will be ranging from 80 to almost 3 with people coming in at different times. I'm thinking the Ledo May be too chaotic and as we have already purchased FFTF we want to let people drop things off in our room if they want. Staying on deck 7 mid ship.

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