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Posts posted by 2happy@C

  1. I have sailed on Carnival and Disney since my diagnosis. With kids, Disney, hands down of the two. My four kids loved it and we did too! No issues at all and they were very well informed about Gluten Free Dining. We are not taking the kids on the Celebrity Cruise, going with 3 other couples and are very excited to have some adult time. I will post back here afterwards and let you know how my experience was with dining gfree. :)

  2. Thank you all so much. My wonderful Travel Agent already alerted them to my having Celiac Disease and the need for a gluten free menu. I am so excited for this Cruise and want to be healthy the whole cruise. I was wondering if there was gfree options outside of the Main Dining Room. So if I go for coffee or the buffet it would be nice to have gfree options. I have been on Carnival and Disney and always had a great gluten free experience. I have heard so many wonderful things about Celebrity Cruises Dining and I am looking forward to next months sailing. Again, thank you for all of your comments! :)

  3. Hello, I have Celiac Disease and am going on my first Celebrity Cruise in December on the Silhouette, and would love to hear others experience with Gluten Free on the ship. Tips, favorite foods or things to avoid. This will be my third cruise since my diagnosis and I have had great experiences with the other Cruise Lines. Thank you.

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