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Posts posted by Ablitz

  1. Do a bit of research about the subject and the subject matter and maybe just maybe you won't embarrass yourself when posting....:rolleyes::rolleyes:


    Thanks for suggesting I do research. Why didn't I think of that. :rolleyes:As someone who has respitory issues and have had them my entire life I can tell you that this is down right negligence.


    Now we hear that Royal is now offering to change ships for people? Are you kidding me? I want to also know how many were confirmed and why they didn't notify us before the trip on the 9th when clearly this was being investigated. Hot tubs were close before boarding AND I saw a man testing them during our trip.


    And I think u are the one who is embarrassing urself with your lack of compassion for individuals medical conditions. Plenty of seniors on this ship as well Captain. Email clearly states this has been as issue for months. All I'm saying is that I would hope a huge company like Royal would have contacted me and let me know there was a possible medical threat onboard so I could have determined the action I needed to take for me and my family. Obviously I'm not alone here.

  2. But it was found in the water samples on that ship. You don't find this at least something to take into consideration.:confused:


    Yes, we had many cases here in NYC and no-not any reason to not come here but I would stay away from the buildings that tested positive for it!!:eek:


    Exactly!! It was found in the water from the showers clearly after the ship returned yesterday or no email would have been sent out. They knew before they sailed that there was a potential issue. And to answer the above question if If I knew that there potential issues in a place that I was about to visit I would have considered my options. Very different between visiting New York and being isolated on a ship where all the water was potentially at risk.

  3. There's always a chance of getting sick, or injured.


    You must all be very experienced cruise goers. I can't believe RCI would put me and my family on a boat when they were already testing for this and knew there were cases and not inform us. Guess it's just me. Im shocked that you all don't see this as a major issue. Sailed 9-13th and they knew in October.

  4. Newsflash, RCI is a for Profit Company. Of Course it´s all about the $. What else should it be about?


    It´s highly unlikely and doubtful the cruise will be cancelled.




    What about the people they knowingly sent on a contaminated ship? I wouldn't trust a company that did that. health is where I draw the line. This is very messed up. Negligent and almost criminal if u ask me. They have a responsibly to let me and my family know pre boarding. I'll never take another cruise again.

  5. I'd really would to know from Royal Caribbean how they can let people on board a ship with even a possibility of being contaminated. Now having read back on this forum, after the last cruise that arrived back on the 6th they were already handing out information regarding legionaries. This was not done before or during the entire cruise from the 9th - 13th and the hot tubs were closed when we boarded. It really seems like they knew the entire time we could be susceptible to a bacteria that could be very harmful. And that isn't a risk I wanted to take. I really hope everyone's okay.

  6. I just returned today and left the Majesty around 9 AM only to receive this email around 4:20 pm. Since boarding the ship on the 9th we noticed that both hottubs were indeed closed. However, didn't think much of this since this is my first cruise and I figured they were just broken.


    After 4 days at sea (and multiple showers), I'm am a bit concerned to say the least. Mostly I'm pretty outraged that there were no signs, no announcements and no email until today, after I'm off the ship, when clearly this was confirmed and known since October, and I booked in July.


    Any one else feel like they rolled the dice with our health??? .What do you guys think? I would have canceled the cruise having known this and now am questioning that motion sickness i felt on the boat.

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